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What is wrong with this level (AMADEUS.WAD)


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Found this by pressing the idgames /random button. Haven't been able to complete the map due to the map crashing. It usually happens right away, but not always. Tried it at least a dozen times


played in

Woof 12.0.2, -cl 3

DSDA 0.25.6, -cl 1

Chocolate Doom 3.0.1


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PrBoom+ tells me its blockmap is corrupted.

P_VerifyBlockMap: index >= numlines
P_LoadBlockMap: erroneous BLOCKMAP lump may cause crashes.
P_LoadBlockMap: use "-blockmap" command line switch for rebuilding
I_SignalHandler: Exiting on signal: signal 11


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20 hours ago, LoatharMDPhD said:

does she run in GZDOOM?


Yes, GZDoom does run without any issues, at least in my case using GZDoom versions 4.8.x to 4.12.devbuilds. GZDoom builds nodes on the fly when there are none.


It could be that other ports may have a problem with the 99 empty markers in the map, like DSDA_Doom crashing after a while. Removing these 99 empty markers I had no crash after playing the map for ca 5 minutes.

Edited by Kappes Buur

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