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scrm builds Doom Maps! (2024-06-17 - New Map!)

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Really nice maps for a newbie, i don't like to nitpick if they are your first efforts and are obviously still learning. The combat flow in these maps is pretty solid, some entertaining traps and setpieces in here too. My only really point of note is that i felt like i was often getting a key, then having to backtrack halfway across an empty map to use it, sometimes getting lost on the way.


Recorded blind demos when i played each map, attached below. Sometimes watching someone else play is more useful than a wall of text.


Keep making maps!


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Very good and entertaining maps !


I've been through the two "solo" ones, missing one kill and one secret on the second one.


I agree with what Scotty said at some level about backtracking but also enjoyed some effort of you on that point, especially on map 1 where after being sent back to the beginning (while on the last part of the map)  I thought there would be some teleporting stuff sending me back to the end but... not founding it, thought "man, i'll have to go through the whole map again ! not that good..." ... just to realize that the different areas were so nicely intricate that, playing them you spend some time running there but, in fact, all the teleporters between areas were close to each other.

it's a little detail, not very well expressed by me (sorry for my english), but appreciate it !


Once again, nice job !

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Mention Mark Klem and I'm guaranteed to wet...nah, no one wants to hear that.


But in all honesty, there is something very old-school about a map that doesn't smack someone over the head with difficulty and with this kind of layout/combat flow. I liked it a lot!


I may play the other two maps listed but I'm out of time now.



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Ayo, thanks for the responses, y'all! It's such a rush to see other people play these maps. The demos/videos are also very useful to me, thanks for taking the time to record them! It's interesting to see where people look, where people go first, how they react to combat scenarios and where the maps get janky. Really appreciate it!


I hope I'll have something new to show in the near future. Free time and energy are the main things keeping me back right now.

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Here a couple of video FDAs (spoiler for less space taken);





Map 01;


Map 17;



A very much charming and enjoyable set of levels! Smooth combat, great exploration, and some very cool visuals, makes for a great cocktail for sure.

You'll get no negative thoughts from me here, I had a blast!


I did play almost three times through "scrm-ko" but died at the end each time, I didn't feel like retrying a fourth time. This level specifically gave me vibes from Doom Eternal for some reason.


Looking forward to what's next!




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  • 1 month later...

Yo, I got a new map.


Waste Disposal Planet






Replaces MAP 18. Made for the same community collab as the other one. Small, somewhat mean map that should take around 10 - 15 minutes to beat. It's also honestly probably less fun than the other ones. Once again uses textures out of cc4-tex.wad and a Mark Klem MIDI.


UV monsters only currently. The map will likely undergo more visual and gameplay changes. Any feedback is highly welcome.


Doom 2 Format, tested mostly with dsda-doom 0.27.5 and -complevel 2.


More Screenshots:





Edited by scrm

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Harder than your last map, which makes sense with its placement but I still think there might be a balance issue or two if one doesn't find the rather unobvious secrets here.




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On 4/3/2024 at 12:28 AM, LadyMistDragon said:

Harder than your last map, which makes sense with its placement but I still think there might be a balance issue or two if one doesn't find the rather unobvious secrets here.


Thanks so much for playing the map! I'll be the first to admit that this map is probably the least fair to a blind playthrough. Encounters also somehow have a shocking ability to go haywire very fast from my experience. The next map I'll build will be simpler and easier.


Current Version: scrm-ko-snotbase-rc-2024-04-06.zip


I implemented difficulty levels and added some more decorative structures to the outskirts of the map. It's hard to find a balance of making it look interesting without going overboard. It also all gets squashed down to pixel vomit on Crispy Doom anyway. Oh well.


Based on your playthrough video, I also made some changes to the legibility of the map:

  • I removed the deadly pits in the starting building. They just seem like an unnecessary and mean-spirited gotcha for first-timers.
  • I made the path to the SSG more obvious. It's a serious "fun gate" for the level, so I cannot afford players missing it at all.
  • I removed that tiny red light from one of the walls. There's no real secrets in the level, in part because I realized that I went overboard with detailing, and trying to pick apart something significant from some random piece of wall greebling would not be feasible or fun. That red light looked too much like it should be significant.
  • I added switches to open the two barred health caches in the final building. Being able to interact with the bars directly doesn't gel with the rest of the map's design language at all, when you always use switches to open bars.

I'm getting about ready to wrap the map up. I'll still implement changes based on feedback I get. I might also add some more decoration to the outside of the map, but after that, I'm ready to move on.

Edited by scrm

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  • 2 months later...

While I was wrapping up the previous map, I was beginning to get tired of complex and difficult set-piece-y fights and wanted to make something simple to play and simple to build to wind down. I also still had cc4-tex lying around and wanted to experiment with building a map with a nature theme. Fast forward a bit, and I can now present...




Download: creek-2024-06-17.zip







Replaces MAP14. Should be a pretty short and simple map, with a focus being more on the environment. The forest area was inspired by an area in Witchell, a map which I played on Doomworld. Once again, Doom 2 format, requires a limit removing source port to play. I tested it mostly with dsda-doom 0.27.5 with complevel -2, and Crispy Doom 6.0.0. It should be fine to play with mouselook, but jumping can break the map quite significantly. My main concern with the map is navigation, since it's a small map, but the layout also ended up quite complex and twisty. Oh well.


I hope you all enjoy. Once again, any feedback is highly appreciated.

Edited by scrm

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So I'm like, this total sucker for these pseudo-natural environments and that one secret shotgun may have taunted me a little bit so I spent more time than I needed and got only 50 percent of secrets. Pretty good as an easier map though! Also sector trees :)




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