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The DWIronman League dies to: 25 Years Of Doom 2

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Category 1, died on map04. Entered the map at about 13:07.



Tried to go suicidally fast. Then I got stuck on map02 for a while because of some bars that look like you shouldn't be able to just open them directly. I don't even remember what killed me on map04.



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Category: 1

Dead on: Map 04

Kills: 45/61

Time of death: 27:55

Entered Map 04: 23:31




Revenants. If I were to catalog my deaths in Ironman League map, I think revenants would be at the top of the list.


As for the mapset, this was a good choice. The beginning, as promised, is relatively slow with a reasonable ramp-up. There's plentiful ammo and a good amount of health. I can definitely see the homages to the original maps, but these maps still feel fresh. The encounters were well set up. As I said, good choice.

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4 hours ago, Pegleg said:

Category: 1

Dead on: Map 04

Kills: 45/61

Time of death: 27:55

Entered Map 04: 23:31




Revenants. If I were to catalog my deaths in Ironman League map, I think revenants would be at the top of the list.


As for the mapset, this was a good choice. The beginning, as promised, is relatively slow with a reasonable ramp-up. There's plentiful ammo and a good amount of health. I can definitely see the homages to the original maps, but these maps still feel fresh. The encounters were well set up. As I said, good choice.

Ye mate. Im with you. REVENANT HATER!!!!

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blind, survived in 1:10:15


  map stat   kills items secr     time total sect
MAP01 EXIT   32/32 72/72  0/1  6:47+34  6:47   68
MAP02 EXIT   75/75 74/74  1/1  7:17+20 14:04   82
MAP03 EXIT   81/81 49/49  2/2  6:26+29 20:30   73
MAP04 EXIT   61/61 43/43  1/1  7:49+28 28:19  108
MAP05 EXIT 116/116 87/87  2/2 15:06+21 43:25  147
MAP06 EXIT 108/108 57/57  2/2 14:47+23 58:12  108
MAP07 EXIT   92/92 80/80  2/2 12:03+26 70:15   89

Happy to reach the end, even though, as ever, I am the tardiest.
All month I felt the pressure of an unusually high survival rate.

  • map01: I spent so long looking for the secret. When I first encountered the light grating by the chainsaw I was sure it was a trigger but did not think to return during the search. I am embarrassed about this, but one cannot simply pause to think for as long as necessary in the middle of a recording.
  • map03: I recall a funny moment, as the imps are released into the demon pit, I switched to the rocket launcher -- only to realise I had left it behind.
  • map07: I went from 200%/200% to 36%/36% in the melee at the bottom of the elevator. I think the only reason I did not die here is because before the descent I had found the archvile on the pillar can be killed from above.


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Category 1 (blind)... probably? Does having knowledge of DOOM2.WAD count?

Survived in 39:45.




Cool little maps, very faithful to the originals. I feel like its a bit spicier than the originals though, which is cool? But people forget how hitscan-heavy the first episode of Doom 2 is.


I lost quite a bit of time on MAP06 trying to find the blue key, mainly because I really don't remember much about The Courtyard other than, well... the courtyard in the middle.






Edited by ginc

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Here's my "prepared" run.


Category: 3

Dead on: Map 03

Kills: 21/81

Time of death: 9:23

Time entered Map 03: 8:22




I had a plan. I was executing that plan. Then my lack of situational awareness took over and I forgot about the demons and their spectral cousins until it was too late. It turns out I was more worried about not making the same mistake that I made on my blind run that I forgot about the essential part of actually making it to that map first. Oh well. At least it didn't take a lot of time for this 11th hour run. Regardless, this mapset was fun. I echo my sentiment from after my blind run: good choice.


Here's the quick lesson for anyone choosing Ironman League selections: not every month has to have a selection that is so ball-bustingly hard that no one (or almost no one) progresses much past the first few maps. This selection actually upholds the February tradition of the selection being on the "easier" side of the ledger. But there's nothing wrong with a lot of survivals or a lot of people progressing far into the mapset.

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Thus concludes the February 2024 event. My thanks to everyone who showed up to test themselves against hommage25_2022.wad - the final standings are recorded on the scoreboard in the OP. The next thread should be up within the next 24 hours.

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