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Disease (DOOM 2)

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For others: Map is vanilla Doom 2 format and should run on whatever your vanilla/limit-removing or higher port of choice is.


Cute slime tech map with rude traps, mean demeanor, and a fun midi. Not bad at all.


Little criticism to speak of, but here's a couple of bugs:


- Linedef 60, 63, and 245 (maybe others, I didn't do an exhaustive check) have lift actions but are all tagged zero, so in a lot of ports they will affect every sector with the zero tag. In this case it doesn't break the map, but it does cause a lot of funky behavior and produces a lot of temporary unintentional HOMs.

- The red key exit door is unusable in some ports because the linedef in front of it (the exit sign with the Scroll Texture Right action) is too close and eats the use input. This is fixable by moving the lines further apart or by removing the action from the linedef (it doesn't appear to be properly scrolling in DSDA-Doom anyway, I didn't check GZDoom or anything else).


disease.zip - A casual playthrough demo (plays back only on v0.27.5 of DSDA-Doom), up to the red key door issue. Hope to see you stick around and make more stuff in the future.

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Map design was pretty spot on, plenty of space to maneuverer while also having some nice tight fights.

HATED the blue key trap room, way too much meat and it's a crap shoot to whether or not you make it out the door.

Other than that, good fun.



Edited by watto3699

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* Played the map, lets start with funky visual bugs, these middle textures are all clip through the floor in doom vanilla rendering mode(thus in a lot of older ports they would clip as well) fix for it is very easy, you just need to make sector in front of/ behind of middle textures one unit lighter or darker. Its just middle textures were programmed in a way so they would be used only on edges of the sectors..



* Some technical stuff were already pin pointed by Maribo.

* Now about the gameplay, Blue key room trap can make the player get sandwiched between an archie and other nobles, which wont be fun for a lot of players, it can be fixed by just making the room wider.

*Red key room suffers from lack of room aswell, but the player can save themselves using the plasma rifle, so i would recommend adding some plasma clips on the pillars where pinkies are residing.

* And about the switch that lowers the red key, its very dark in this part of the room, and average player wont notice the switch, and they will get confused about the location of red key, so i would suggest making the blinking sector very bright, or to make another sector around the switch that would be bright. And to make it player understand that red key is in the room, it would be a good idea to lower the column the red key is sitting on, so the player would be able to see, but not able to reach it.

* But over all, i really liked the map, quite hard, with evil traps. A little bit samey due to ceiling and floor using same flat. But great work, keep it up!

Edited by SpaceCat_2001

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@GreenAnime A hard map to chew due to everything that has happened to me, however, to be a first map to show, it was really good, but I feel that it needs to balance the medikits and ammunition a little more because seriously with the appearance of so much Archvile , it was insane to be able to finish this thing without dying quite a few times trying. In any case, I will be aware of the other projects that you show here.




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