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Why I fear the Cacodemons.


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So you know the Cacodemon, right? Of course you do! It has been with Doom since the beginning! But why are you afraid of it, you may ask? And how are you afraid of the Cacodemon in Eternal even though it has never been easier to defeat? Just shoot sticky bombs into its (very) large mouth and then you can glory kill it, you will! I fear the Cacodemon because of it’s bite. I fear the bite. Because those things deal massive close range damage, and it will especially be a catastrophe if it bites me now as I am currently venturing into Ultra-Violence mode right now, and it will only get worse when I start venturing into Nightmare and Ultra-Nightmare. But you will probably be like “But they shouldn’t be hard to spot, right?”, and you may have a point, but that still doesn’t cure my phobia of Cacodemons. They can still be very sneaky! And I mean, getting cornered by demons in Doom is already enough of a pain in the ass. Imagine if you get cornered by Cacodemons! Unless you have a good plan to get out of this situation, you are done! So, what are your thoughts on the Cacodemon? Are you scared of them? Do you have any tips to cure my phobia? Do you think I am a weak little bitch? Do you think I am saying to much for a Cacodemon? Let me know your thoughts and opinions on my take? And maybe even tell me which demon YOU fear the most (other than bosses and super heavies).

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Not exactly about Doom, but when I played Duke 3D in the 90s, I REALLY felt nervous when there was one or more Octabrains roaming around. To make things worse, the designers used to place those creatures in dark and secluded places, go figure. A couple times I had to close the game because I was too terrified to continue playing.


You post just reminded me of that... by the way the Duke's Octabrain is sorta an equivalent of our beloved Caco. Different shape, very similar behavior and attacks.


In time my phobia went away on its own, and I kept playing Duke a lot of time with no more issues. Now, if you are REALLY upset by this "cacophobia", maybe you could consider seeking adequate help.

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They are one of the most threatening monsters in the game on your first few playthroughs when you don't have them all memorized, because they fly into arenas halfway through when you're fighting for your life and they do absolutely obscene damage if you don't notice them and they float up and bite you


But I like them, their design is iconic and kind of cute, and they are the best meathook bait

Edited by Kute

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On 2/4/2024 at 1:51 PM, ARMCoder said:

Not exactly about Doom, but when I played Duke 3D in the 90s, I REALLY felt nervous when there was one or more Octabrains roaming around. To make things worse, the designers used to place those creatures in dark and secluded places, go figure. A couple times I had to close the game because I was too terrified to continue playing.


You post just reminded me of that... by the way the Duke's Octabrain is sorta an equivalent of our beloved Caco. Different shape, very similar behavior and attacks.


In time my phobia went away on its own, and I kept playing Duke a lot of time with no more issues. Now, if you are REALLY upset by this "cacophobia", maybe you could consider seeking adequate help.


The Octobrains are more bark then they are bite, unless they occasionally get you with a ball of energy, but they fire slow and are easy to dodge. It's those suicide drones that are the most annoying enemy in the game. They eat up ammo for breakfast, and by the time they die get close enough to be within range of hitting you anyway. Their best weakness is a door.

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Cacos <3 adorable murderpets they are.


The caco bite definitely caught me off-guard the first time one chomped my head off in Doom 2016. But I mean it makes sense with that gigantic mouth. I personally enjoy blowing them apart and get a happy feeling when I see more on the way, despite its menacing bite force. It's cathartic in a way. Like popping a gigantic demon zit :D


Also Octobrains were more annoying to me than scary. Their loud AF noises were (and are) still very off-putting and I try to murder them as fast as possible.


Funnily enough I was once scared the most of the Lost Soul and the creepy way they slowly come around a corner (often in a dark area) and then shriek as they charge you. That terrified me back in the day.


Also maybe my forum avatar can help cure your phobia if you see THE DOGE in their happy faces instead?

Edited by Wo0p

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  • 2 weeks later...

But caco is fren :c





Very common take but scariest demons for me are Archie & Cyberdemon. Arch-vile requires you to think FAST especially when you encounter one on a more open area. Cyberdemons still scare me a bit, probably 'cause they can easily oneshot you (Encountering a cybie towards the end of a long map still raises my heartbeat by a solid 20BPM haha).


EDIT: Just noticed this is the Eternal subforum, my bad. In Eternal I don't consider any enemies "scary" but really disliked having to fight Whiplashes (those snake enemies). They gave me the most trouble in larger fights.

Edited by DoomPlayer00
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5 hours ago, DoomPlayer00 said:

But caco is fren :c





Very common take but scariest demons for me are Archie & Cyberdemon. Arch-vile requires you to think FAST especially when you encounter one on a more open area. Cyberdemons still scare me a bit, probably 'cause they can easily oneshot you (Encountering a cybie towards the end of a long map still raises my heartbeat by a solid 20BPM haha).


EDIT: Just noticed this is the Eternal subforum, my bad. In Eternal I don't consider any enemies "scary" but really disliked having to fight Whiplashes (those snake enemies). They gave me the most trouble in larger fights.

There is nothing cute about Cacodemons. Except the toys. The toys are cute. I will show an image later.

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The idea of the Caco being creepy did remind me of this design by Deimos-Remus (who i've talked about a lot before lol).


It has enough "classic" features, even weird tentacle things, but it also doesn't have the "DnD plagiarism" bit that the classic design has and it looks creepy.

As in "what if the D3 caco, while a new design, still resembled the traditional a bit more?".


If D3 had its own "Eternal" type of sequel where it brings back old designs but tries to make them scarier (like how Eternal leaned a bit more towards cartoonyness and still carries some 2016 aesthetic bits), then this design could've been perfect.

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