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DBP64: The Vast Silence

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noticed that a lot of the sprites (like the chaingunner, revenant, pain elemental, and super shotgun) weren't aspect ratio corrected (so when they're viewed in an aspect correct source port like dsdadoom, crispy doom and gzdoom they're stretched vertically) could a hotfix be released to address this issue?

Edited by Donowa

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1 hour ago, SilverMiner said:

I think they're alright. Especially ssg when compared to shotgun

as an example, here's the pain elemental in d64 without aspect correction


and here it is in this wad with aspect correction

also, looking through the wad i see that most of the other enemies have no aspect correction either

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Gonna ask, is the lone cyberdemon in the kurwa map supposed to be a meat door or an actual threat? Not only doesn't he move around, not only I can chainsaw him to death, but also I can teleport back to the hub merely by hugging him.

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In map 10 on the western side of the main arean, there are big window/doors made out of black squares to each side of the stairs leading outside. On the right hand side one of the textures actuall says "candle pillar" on it.


The credits map has the same odd spot that says "candle pillar" and the same random exit wall in thundercunts section. Unless that is the exit for the credits map, i didnt find a way to get access to the exit teleporter near the start.

Edited by Insaneprophet

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21 hours ago, Insaneprophet said:

The credits map has the same odd spot that says "candle pillar" and the same random exit wall in thundercunts section. Unless that is the exit for the credits map, i didnt find a way to get access to the exit teleporter near the start. 

Check the previous page of this thread: the exit appears to be a random-ass wall in the final intersection. Dunno why it's there, exactly, and why it's like this.

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I've updated the OP with RC2: www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g34pdoesw3m5jyo3w6cg3/DBP_64_RC2.zip?rlkey=jpaaktet19fi38ry169zqojlk&dl=1



- Added a custom status bar
- Added three attract mode demos (MAP04/MAP08/MAP13)
- Added a GLDEFs lump for dynamic lights
- Moved the Dehacked lump to the bottom of the WAD to hopefully prevent errors in CrispyDoom.
- Fixed errors in the txt file.
- Slight ZMAPINFO tweak.
- MAP03: Added a more recent version of the map
- MAP08: Removed S1 Exit Level linedef action that was on a random wall in the start area.
- MAP09: Fixed a missing texture (backside of a blue key door)
- MAP09: Added a line behind the bars to raise the pits in case a player squeezes through them by gliding.
- MAP09: Added a second W1 floor raise linedef by the cyberdemon to prevent people from softlocking by skipping the first linedef.
- MAP09: Gave the cyberdemon a bit more room to move around since there were complaints it wasn't attacking. Hopefully this solves it (should still be telefraggable).
- MAP11: Fixed a potential softlock on the cliffside.
- MAP14: Fixed the repeated exit error from MAP08


Regarding the credits map - no, you're not intended to exit by pressing on a random wall - that's a bug that got carried over when I copied that part of the map from MAP08 (now fixed in both maps in RC2). There's an exit teleport near the start of the map (in the suzerduzer section of the credits) that is blocked off by a wooden pillar. To raise the pillar, you have to find and collect three demon keys that were placed in the map. For those who want to know the locations of the three demon keys:



1 - On top of some crates in my (matador) section of the credits map.

2 - Behind slime falls in thelokk's section.

3 - On top of the circular area in Chris Moyer's area, which you can reach by taking the unmarked teleporter in the killerratte section.


Also, the candle pillar text in MAP10 is a secret hint.

Edited by matador
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Gave the 1st 2 maps a shot, a little taste of it first and come back to it later, you know? So far I love it :). It reminds me that I should get on to finishing the lost levels that came with the doom 64 rerelease. This probably a pipe dream on my part, but this current DBP theme gives me hope that there should also be a DOOM (2016) themed DBP maybe sometime in the future? We have D4V to help out w/ that, maybe as a little suggestion ;)

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There is some "Prince of Darkness" going on on map01 - very cool. :)


Edit: Ok, in general that is. Nice. I really like this one so far even though I Doom64 was never my cup of tea.

Edited by xAn

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just.... I feel like this could've been made in Doom 64, instead of just doing it in Doom II again... I'm sure it's probably great, as most Doomer Boards Projects are, but honestly it's kind of a missed opportunity to try something new with the DBP format. I take it was just done in Doom II in the name of familiarity and expedience?

Edited by OpenRift

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RC3 is here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jm79o396abx88u1xfl9ws/DBP_64_RC3.zip?rlkey=y9m4oolf4qhrxjagaea66wppc&dl=1





- Fixed some credits issues / text issues

- Updated version of MAP03

- Fixed a slight potential softlock in MAP09



This may be the last update before idgames.


On 2/13/2024 at 7:38 PM, VoanHead said:

Gave the 1st 2 maps a shot, a little taste of it first and come back to it later, you know? So far I love it :). It reminds me that I should get on to finishing the lost levels that came with the doom 64 rerelease. This probably a pipe dream on my part, but this current DBP theme gives me hope that there should also be a DOOM (2016) themed DBP maybe sometime in the future? We have D4V to help out w/ that, maybe as a little suggestion ;)


There's not any current plans to do anything Doom 2016 themed but yeah, it's always a possibility somewhere down the road.


On 2/17/2024 at 6:32 AM, xAn said:

There is some "Prince of Darkness" going on on map01 - very cool. :)


Edit: Ok, in general that is. Nice. I really like this one so far even though I Doom64 was never my cup of tea.

I love the movie and always wanted to use that dream sequence as an ambient sound in something and figured this was the right project for it. Glad to hear you're enjoying the set.


On 3/3/2024 at 10:23 PM, OpenRift said:

I just.... I feel like this could've been made in Doom 64, instead of just doing it in Doom II again... I'm sure it's probably great, as most Doomer Boards Projects are, but honestly it's kind of a missed opportunity to try something new with the DBP format. I take it was just done in Doom II in the name of familiarity and expedience?


To be honest, it never really crossed my mind to make it for Doom 64 rather than Doom II - I looked at it as more of a theme and a chance to play around with Doom 64's textures/monsters/ambience. With that said, I think both of the reasons you listed are good ones to stick with Doom 2. I've never made anything for Doom 64 and I'm not sure if anyone else on the project had any experience with it either so there might've been more barriers to entry if it was a proper Doom 64 project instead.


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On 3/5/2024 at 9:03 PM, matador said:

To be honest, it never really crossed my mind to make it for Doom 64 rather than Doom II - I looked at it as more of a theme and a chance to play around with Doom 64's textures/monsters/ambience. With that said, I think both of the reasons you listed are good ones to stick with Doom 2. I've never made anything for Doom 64 and I'm not sure if anyone else on the project had any experience with it either so there might've been more barriers to entry if it was a proper Doom 64 project instead.

That makes sense! Doom 64 mapping has its quirks for sure and it can be slow going if no one has experience with it. There's a group of us in the Doom 64 community that will help anyone along if any future projects are explicitly Doom 64 though. We've been working on this website to help document it more: https://www.doom64.com/

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Downloaded this. Playing it. LOVE IT.


Is there a particular reason the Barrels are um...moving and flying and exploding in Level 3 specifically? At first I thought maybe it was a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 'Anomaly' kind of thing because of the level name, but then I noticed all barrels were doing it and they were very clearly in control of themselves and they are not like that throughout the rest of the levels. You can even see the barrels moving about in Level 3 in UnknDoomer's Long Play he posted. It happens several times but at about 17:15 when he enters that room you see the barrel literally run in front of UnknownDoomer.


Edit: Just wanted to come back and update; I finished this a bit ago. What a wonderful project. Great job as always. The ambience here is second to none rivaled only by perhaps Doom 64 itself.

Edited by Big_Dorbo

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just finished this wad and had a blast with it. DBPs are usually my favorite kind of difficulty where you need to be paying attention but they won't bust your balls, and this edition fits that description perfectly. I did take some deaths I wasn't happy with, mostly from sped up caco fireballs and having trouble seeing the D64 Cyberdemon's firing animation.


This is an atmospheric/"moving through the space" set above all else though, and boy did it deliver. The reused Quake 2 and Doom 3 sound effects were great little nostalgia blasts at first and turned into something oddly comfortable as I progressed through the maps. The Quake 2 computer sounds especially. The first Archvile froze me solid and I thought the Revenant was cleverly introduced as well. Existing in the DooM 64 textures had my guard down since they didn't appear in the original so imagine the tension when I hear that first AV make...whatever awful sound they emit here.


Oh, and the light amp goggles in the credits map got a chuckle out of me :)


My favorite maps were probably 4, 9, 10, and 13. 12 too, with some more irreverent texturing I would have thought it was a franckFRAG creation.

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Gone through the first few maps (01-04), pretty fun. Played on PRBoom2.6 + Complevel 2.

Key personal takeaways:

Map01 is a solid ambient opener, good use of low light.

Map02 (has a) bit more action, nice detailing.

Map03... bit rough? Feels a bit empty? Found a collision bug by the yellow key door, see below.

Map04 ramps up the difficulty a little bit, the pre-exit room's a bit chokey since all you really need to do is bottleneck a mancubus in the door and let the chaingunners do the rest.


Good stuff so far, looking forward to finishing the rest.



Edited by Zerofuchs
(has a)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/14/2024 at 7:51 AM, Big_Dorbo said:

At first I thought maybe it was a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 'Anomaly' kind of thing

It is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. kind of thing indeed. It's poltergeists

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