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Healing Sector manipulation / Drowning effect



Hello Doomworld!!!


I have another obscure "can GZDOOM do that?" type question!


Here we go:


1) can you modify the rate/amount of hp given by a healing sector? or is it locked to the about 1hp per second limit? I found kind of a ghetto way to double the effect by putting the effect on both the primary sector and a 3d floor within the sector, which essentially heals the player 2hp/ps, but thats as far as i can take it and stacking more 3dfloors doesn't increase the effectiveness.  even with 5 separate 3d floors stacked all inside each other, locked to 2hp ps healing...


2) can the drowning effect be modified for the opposite effect?  Typically, you can make a swimmable 3d floor, then after being inside for a while you start to take damage.  i wish to make it so that way after being underwater for a bit, you start to heal.  But i dont want it to be 1 way or the other.  if the effect of a swimmable sector can be modified to heal instead of hurt, i would not want to lose the ability for the player to drown.


Thanks so much 

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You may be able to do something with ZScript to modify the healing sector's amount of healing, but I am not completely sure if that is possible or how to go about doing it.


There is a UDMF action special 248 HealThing that has a configurable amount, however, it is attached to a linedef.


It sounds like you want to make a healing pool which certainly is an interesting idea. However, from looking at what GZDoom has built-in, I am not aware of any readily-available tools to do this. You will likely need to dig into what can be done with a combination of ZScript, to provide the engine functionality, and ACS, to hook it into your map.


Maybe someone else has a better idea, but the action special is all I know about right now.

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On 2/7/2024 at 12:58 AM, Doom-X-Machina said:

Literally tried to make a healing blood pool just the other day and ran into this similar conundrum.

Watching this thread :)

i was kind of unhappy with the 2hp a sec heal from the sector plus 3d floor combined, so i tried what i consider to be a pretty... janky work around.  I used a script to spawn health drops on the player while they are standing in the sector.  it is effective and achieves what i want... however something about how i it just made me not want to do it.... its just sooo idk "raw" like its not an elegant work around to be literally spawning an item on the player location imo, but it does work and you can swap up the health bonus with a stim pack to get 10hp at a time, but i just did a spawn every 10 tics which in theory could be reduced to 1 tic for roughly 34hp a sec at max heal rate.  also a plus about doing this is that healing sectors will only every heal the player to 100, however since its a "health bonus" this method can be used to heal the player up to 200. hopefully that helps you, i ultimately have decided to go a different direction and will be satisfied with sector healing

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2 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

Could try making it a damaging sector, but put a negative amount, so that it heals? No idea if that works though.

holy shit it worked...

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