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Getting this weird error, what does it mean?


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I was editing a map with Slade, and I got this error. It may have something to do with setting the grid size to 1, since that seemed to cause a few bugs earlier on. I did not mess around with any advanced line or sector properties. How do I fix these so my map is playable again? Is the file corrupted or something?

Screenshot 2024-02-06 173651.png

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It means exactly what it sounds like - some lines are very screwy (specifically, Linedef 1036, 1037, and 1038) and they need to be fixed.


Linedefs have a front side, and optionally, a back side. If the lines are a solid wall, they usually only have a front side; otherwise, a two-sided linedef (think of a line that might be used to split a room up so that you can change the floor height for example) has both a front and a back side. SLADE will mark which side of the wall is the front side with a little line that sticks out halfway down the line. Somehow when you edited the map, you did it in a way that Linedef 1036 and 1037 do not have a front side (presumably they accidentally only have a back side, which should be impossible). 1036 is also not fully connected to some other line, meaning there is a gap in your walls somewhere (rendering errors at best; impossible to build BSP at worst). Likely due to the errors with the front sidedefs, Linedefs 1037 and 1038 also have no front sector.


I don't really use SLADE to edit maps, but if you do View > Show Item, set the type to Line, and then enter those numbers (1036, 1037, 1038), it will bring you to the line in question, letting you examine its properties to see if you can manage to fix them.


Alternatively, you can try View > Windows > Map Checks and have it check the map, to see if it will catch those errors and try to fix them.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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Most of those seem like a result of an unclosed shape. Maybe map contains author's signature in lines or something? Or some kind of guidelines? Shouldn't really be a problem.

I don't know where 0-length line could come from.

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18 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

It means exactly what it sounds like - some lines are very screwy (specifically, Linedef 1036, 1037, and 1038) and they need to be fixed.

I don't think so. It seems to just say that about the most recently placed linedefs, even though there's nothing wrong with them. Plus i just used the same technique that I use all the time, didn't do anything weird or new.


I think it might have something to do with some screwy geometry in a completely unrelated part of the map. You see, for some reason using the 1x1 grid made the map glitch out. Maybe fixing that will fix the error? I'll try that.


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How many linedefs in your map?  More than 40000 or so can cause issues with the standard DOOM map format (switching to UDMF would prevent the issues).

Edited by andrewj

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On 2/7/2024 at 7:39 PM, andrewj said:

How many linedefs in your map?  More than 40000 or so can cause issues with the standard DOOM map format (switching to UDMF would prevent the issues).

I'm using UDMF, so that shouldn't matter, but I've definitely got less than that for sure.


I'll attach the map in case anyone wants to look at it and see what's wrong, though I will warn you your efforts may be fruitless. It may very well not be fixable at all. If that's the case I don't know what to do other than just make the whole thing again from scratch I guess.


I was kinda thinking of remastering the whole WAD anyways, so whatever, it's not a huge deal

The Map in Question.zip


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Fixed. I looked at the map in text format and saw that linedef 512 had the same vertex (776) for vertex1 and vertex2.




In UDB, I dragged vertex 776 to a different spot and then pressed Ctrl+Z to undo, saved the map, exited UDB, reopened UDB and the map, and everything seems okay. When the wad launches, you have some messages in the GZDoom console about self-referencing sectors, but maybe those are intentional..?




The DANDY Company

The Map in Question - fixed.zip

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/8/2024 at 11:42 PM, The DANDY Company said:

Fixed. I looked at the map in text format and saw that linedef 512 had the same vertex (776) for vertex1 and vertex2.




In UDB, I dragged vertex 776 to a different spot and then pressed Ctrl+Z to undo, saved the map, exited UDB, reopened UDB and the map, and everything seems okay. When the wad launches, you have some messages in the GZDoom console about self-referencing sectors, but maybe those are intentional..?


Hey thanks man :)


Also I didn't put any self-referencing sectors in there, so I don't know what that's all about. Probably not important tho

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