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Doom 2 is awful


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This is the single most unfair, cramped, overwhelming, worst designed games I've ever played. Period. I love the first Doom 1. But this? This is garbage. It feels like it was made out of neccessity because Doom 1 did well. But now it's awful. i like the new enemies, gimmicks, and I love the Super Shotgun, but they do nothing good with them. I haven't even beaten the game, but i don't think I have the mental capacity to do so. I'm stuck on level 29, and the game felt like it should've ended 17 ago. Oh boy map 29. It's terrible. You could make a five paragraph essay on why it's terrible. And the new gimmicks sometimes aren't even that good. Chaingunners are annoying, those wierd brown cacodemons, the ones that shoot out lost souls, f*ck 'em, Archvilles, do I even need to explain? Hell knights are just reskinned weaker Barons, and OH, MY, GOD, REVONANTS, they're okay, but a little annoying depending on the circumstance. They also reuse the two mains bosses from Doom 2 WAY TOO MUCH. Like, we get it, you like making these bosses worse than they originally were. If you've seen my other post, you would know I liked the Cyber Demon, and I thought the Spider Master Mind was mediocre. But why reuse them. They reuse the Cyber-Demon in level EIGHT, and sure with a immortality sphere right next to it, but still in level eight. I don't get it, do people actually like this game? Cause this is one of the bottom 10 for me for SURE. This game is the perfect example of what an overwhelming, monotonous slog. Goes for too long, too many enemies, enemies without reason to exist, and what is this level design? This game sucks. End of my opinion.

Edited by _memyself
Spelled "most" wrong

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Ok this is the funniest shit I've ever read in this forum omg. It is common people drop doom 2 at living end, just before the game is over? Not to question if tis thread is serious or as a joke but I want to know.

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  On 2/8/2024 at 3:05 AM, Cutman 999 said:

Ok this is the funniest shit I've ever read in this forum omg. It is common people drop doom 2 at living end, just before the game is over? Not to question if tis thread is serious or as a joke but I want to know.


I'm serious, this game is, just, awful.

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Have you played Doom 1 episode 4? Or Plutonia, let alone any number of custom WADs? Or Doom 1 on fast monsters? Your experience is clearly very limited in terms of dealing with actual threats. Doom 1 hardly ever forced you to control your movement or engage with enemies on more than one side at a time, or switch weapons mid fight, and you can almost always creep your way through. Plus very few of the levels had that much verticality or limits on your space, and you don't really need to use anything above a chaingun at any time except to speed things up. Even Doom 2 rarely does those things, to be perfectly honest. If you can avoid getting clapped by chaingunners and archviles then you can win nearly every fight with extremely basic tactics.


It isn't that Doom 2 has particularly hard fights, it's more that you clearly haven't learned how to fight the new monsters or deal with any real danger. Doom 1 is more of a dungeon crawl type of experience, but the combat is extremely tepid throughout 95% of the game. Doom 2 and its successors are built around more action and complex fights by comparison due to the expanded bestiary. It is the foundation for the vast majority of custom maps and the mapping community has been around for 30 years, so yes we do like it. Some of us prefer Doom 1 to 2 in terms of combat style, music, or aesthetics but Doom 2 is generally what we build WADs off of.


In conclusion, cope harder. And don't bother telling us the Icon of Sin sucks either, we already know. Inb4 the thread gets locked from you double posting 800 million times.

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  On 2/8/2024 at 3:09 AM, Lucius Wooding said:

Have you played Doom 1 episode 4? Or Plutonia, let alone any number of custom WADs? Or Doom 1 on fast monsters? Your experience is clearly very limited in terms of dealing with actual threats. Doom 1 hardly ever forced you to control your movement or engage with enemies on more than one side at a time, or switch weapons mid fight, and you can almost always creep your way through. Plus very few of the levels had that much verticality or limits on your space, and you don't really need to use anything above a chaingun at any time except to speed things up. Even Doom 2 rarely does those things, to be perfectly honest. If you can avoid getting clapped by chaingunners and archviles then you can win nearly every fight with extremely basic tactics.


It isn't that Doom 2 has particularly hard fights, it's more that you clearly haven't learned how to fight the new monsters or deal with any real danger. Doom 1 is more of a dungeon crawl type of experience, but the combat is extremely tepid throughout 95% of the game. Doom 2 and its successors are built around more action and complex fights by comparison due to the expanded bestiary. It is the foundation for the vast majority of custom maps and the mapping community has been around for 30 years, so yes we do like it. Some of us prefer Doom 1 to 2 in terms of combat style, music, or aesthetics but Doom 2 is generally what we build WADs off of.


In conclusion, cope harder. And don't bother telling us the Icon of Sin sucks either, we already know. Inb4 the thread gets locked from you double posting 800 million times.


I've gotten very used to the monsters, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten to level 29, and I'm not saying anything about the modding community. It's great. But the base game is terrible.

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  On 2/8/2024 at 2:50 AM, _memyself said:

 i like the new enemies, gimmicks, 


And the new gimmicks sometimes aren't even that good.

Chaingunners are annoying, those wierd brown cacodemons, the ones that shoot out lost souls, f*ck 'em, Archvilles, do I even need to explain? Hell knights are just reskinned weaker Barons, and OH, MY, GOD, REVONANTS, they're okay, but a little annoying depending on the circumstance. 





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