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Pandora's Wrath - "Time to get psyched!" (GZDoom v4.1.0+) (formerly known as Gem's Weapon Mod)

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Pandora's Wrath, originally titled Gem's Weapon Mod, also known by it's repository's name, gem-doomweps, is a mod I've been working on for the past year or so, and only recently got help with from @Mengo, the guy who worked with @scumhead to make Shrine II. Heavily inspired by Supercharge and Led's Generic Weapon Mod (but directly avoiding ripping them off!), Pandora's Wrath was built to be fun to play through mapsets large and small with, all without becoming stale.


The story so far:


In the midst of a demonic invasion, you wander into an ancient temple partially explored by UAC scientists. Inside, you find Pandora's Box, and in a moment of sheer genius, you pull it off of its pedestal.

Immediately, you are cursed by Pandora herself, to forever wander an eternity of strange worlds totally invaded by demons, now including mutations of the classic crew you knew.

This curse will last until you eventually breathe your last, facing Pandora's Wrath forever.

(Cheesy title drop aside, this was originally written by Mengo and hasn't been fleshed out since, so I had to do so myself a little bit.)


The arsenal:


(All mapset- or game-exclusive weapons can be obtained through Pandora's Box in other mapsets or games.)

(Zoom (the key) works universally, and as of 2/12/24, you can also now kick with Weapon State 2! Works at any time, even with weapons not from Pandora's Wrath, like Sentinel's Lexicon's Votegun!)



  • Fists

"Player: Establish superiority by punching nearest demon in snout."

Your very own black-gloved hands. Useful for beating the shit out of any demons you come across. (No longer uses both hands.)

  • Impactor Gauntlet IMPAZ0.png.766e6f75c62a257d90c0b76c158b8c3c.png

The Impactor Gauntlet lets you punch things slowly, but very hard -- hard enough to gib a standard Pinky, in fact. Alt-fire to dash forward, now with fancy new ring effects.

  • "Lumberjack" Chainsaw LJAKZ0.png.6c5b9d11f8147d2d276a9f62f3a82c2b.png

It's a chainsaw. I didn't do much, here. It hacks things up slightly faster than the vanilla one, but that's about it.

  • (Heretic-exclusive) Levenbrech LBREZ0.png.5a297887b05b48f92c935efbdc34652f.png

Named after the first map of Alien Vendetta: Black Label, Levenbrech is... a sword with a big-ass skull on it. It has life-stealing properties when powered up with a Tome of Power, though, and the skull's eyes light up.


  • Pistol 92FGZ0.png.53ce67a4764fc2f2cf966857801e49ec.png

The Pistol can fire almost as fast as you can pull the trigger, if not faster, but still fires at a decent pace while holding it. Doesn't lose any accuracy on subsequent shots. Holds 16 hollow point rounds in its magazine.

If you run out of ammo, you can still use it, but your shots will be significantly weaker.

  • SMG SMGGZ0.png.e9ee542fa1ed1ed876e9de955cf93d0e.png

"Sub... submack... mackeen... No, wait. Lemme start over. Subm-"
"Scout, read faster."

Dropped by SMG zombies, the SMG fires faster than the Pistol, but has slightly worse spread. The magazine holds 25 shots.

  • MP40 MP4GZ0.png.8803080a5baffc30e1cb5cb506c25a12.png

"You're very exposed in this courtyard, so turn those 'Schutzstaffel's into 'Mein leben's as quickly as you can."

An upgrade to the SMG, dropped by Wolfenstein SS or pulled from Pandora's Box. Slightly better in fire rate, damage, and ammo capacity, its magazine holding 45 rounds.

  • Revolver RVLGZ0.png.9bc7d638a90e27cf914a90fa344ff967.png

"To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day..."

A high-powered giblet factory. Low accuracy, very high damage, and ricocheting bullets! Dropped by Shadow Hunters, which randomly spawn in place of Shotgunners in dark areas. The magazine holds 6 shots, which take 3 low-caliber bullets each.

  • (Heretic-exclusive) Gold Wand WNDWZ0.png.5d13d4bbd517d7c511838ccaf524a9d8.png

"Now it's time for the final battle... Magic Missile! Magic Missile! Magic Missile! Magi-"

Fires a hitscan attack in a straight line. Alt-fire fires a larger, more powerful one, at the expense of three ammo. Powered-up version is a converging set of projectiles (2 or 4, depending on if you use the primary or secondary fire mode) and more hitscan attacks.


  • Zombie Shotgun ZSHGZ0.png.fd31da4a9202ee4560da1dc31b23797b.png

An old model of shotgun dropped by the common Shotgunner, the Zombie Shotgun serves as a stop-gap between the Pistol and Slayer's Kahuna. It's as powerful as the stock Doom shotgun, admittedly to its detriment.

  • Slayer's Kahuna SKSGZ0.png.832c1e2aedd22f0110c326b1cc89f5e2.png

"And one more thing -- the word 'Kahuna' has also become a slang term for testicles"

A much newer model of shotgun, and in much nicer condition than the Zombie Shotgun, to boot! Alt-fire to slam fire, firing quickly but with an ever-increasing spread. The spread is reduced slowly while the Kahuna is out, but faster while it's away. Rarely dropped by Kahuna Shotgunners, who are very dangerous in close quarters. They're able to use the alt-fire, too, and they laugh before doing so. They do it more often (nearly constantly) when you're too close, so watch out! They're champions at infighting, though. Try putting a Hellhog or Nightmare Demon between yourself and a Kahuna zombie! Make sure to have your trigger finger ready when the mutant Pinky bites the dust, though.

  • Super Shotgun 145744464_SSGG0.png.492b7475203c6281f29de8df3a77c607.png

Two barrels of satisfaction. Can gib any enemy if you use both barrels (primary fire) close enough. Alt-fire to fire one barrel at a time. Can reload after just one barrel is fired, saving the second shell for later.

[NEW! 4/15/24] The Super Shotgun can now be charged by holding primary fire, for an even stronger blast! Kick a Hell Knight a couple times, get up close and personal, and blow his brains out in just one shot!

  • (Heretic-exclusive) Impaler Crossbow CBOWZ0.png.5418f958db7dbabf0342cc9b94650d57.png

A crossbow with a skull on it that has glowing red eyes, the Impaler Crossbow shoots steel bolts that pierce through enemies. Enemies with large hitboxes get the worst of it! The eyes glow green when it's powered up, and it shoots three arrows for the price of one, the middle one being imbued with extra power. This arrow can also hurt ghost monsters.



  • Minigun MINGZ0.png.9f1f76d4d54f26179fdfa6ad9385da45.png

A six-barreled bullet hose with plenty of power behind it, with a bit of spread and kick as well. The Minigun and Assault Rifle lines take full metal jacket rounds, unlike the Pistol, SMG, and Revolver.

  • Mad Vulcan VLCGZ0.png.3e592afe80052930d1beaf27c169586b.png

An upgrade to the Minigun that certainly earns its name, the Mad Vulcan fires as fast as a Doom weapon can fire, throwing your aim and body around from its sheer speed and power.

[NEW! 6/14/24] The Mad Vulcan now has a rage mode! It fires even more shots as fast as possible, and the barrel doesn't wind up or down. Accumulate rage by using it normally, then alt-fire to activate rage mode.

  • Assault Rifle RIFLZ0.png.f40c415a8cae0563361ab2d8317db465.png

A standard-issue semi-automatic assault rifle. Seriously, there's nothing special about it.

  • Burst Rifle BRSGZ0.png.b386a3abd0d3ae8b9014611bac5a95c3.png

"A bit miffed that you turned off vertical mouselook, but I can understand why."

The same as the Assault Rifle, but fires slightly faster, and has an alt-fire which fires piercing shots rapidly in bursts of four and takes more ammo than usual, but is not exactly autoaim compatible... yet.

  • (Heretic-exclusive) Frost Fang FSTFZ0.png.6a901681adb0612c2a562c96b2206e11.png

The Frost Fang fires icicles forward at enemies at a rapid rate, occasionally skipping a shot for, in the author's words, "flavor". When powered up, it effectively fires splash damage-less ice rockets.

  • (Paradise & Godless Night-exclusive) Scrapgun SGPUA0.png.87829ed3742b9f05285c22258b8731d4.png

"Scrapgun could be the Mega Kahuna"
"i'd rather not do that"
"Cringe tbh..."

The Scrapgun is a powerful four-shot projectile shotgun with a swift reload, thanks to the drum of scrap it uses as ammo, which is picked up as a whole piece instead of seperately as shells.

[NEW! 6/14/24] The Scrapgun now has a larger amount of knockback if the user is in the air. Especially useful in low-gravity maps, where you can use it to fling yourself around a bit.



  • Rocket Launcher RKTLZ0.png.4772f7d9c2711e1f655a7dbc4e554b1c.png

The Rocket Launcher charges up over time to fire more powerful rockets at a faster pace. The alt-fire is a homing rocket that costs two charges. The weapon also charges when holstered, so you can fire off a volley of rockets without needing to wait before shooting.

  • Grenade Launcher RGLGZ0.png.77eea7db3e446094e1196caaa4fef9ed.png

"They're goin' ta bury what's left of ye in a soup can!"

The Grenade Launcher charges up over time, just like the Rocket Launcher, but can hold six charges instead of four, charges faster, and uses all of its charges upon firing a grenade. The more charges you put into a grenade, the larger its explosion radius, but not its damage.

  • The Bouncer BNCLZ0.png.34c98b37d334b75e3ad31237768e0a1b.png

An upgrade to the Grenade Launcher that fires cluster grenades. The first grenade it fires deals loads of damage on its own, but then it explodes out into several other, smaller grenades that explode like normal ones.

  • (Godless Night-exclusive) The Stomper CRSPA0.png.042f32377ff75ac537514b12fcf647b6.png

The Stomper fires five small rockets per shot that all leave lingering explosions on hit and deal moderate damage while stunning their targets. Perfect for Arch-Viles and other opponents that need reliable stunning to kill easily.



  • Plasma Rifle PLSGZ0.png.098ad2575368d201562d15abf0f64ec8.png

It's a standard Plasma Rifle, but with a fun twist pulled from @Xaser's mod, Parkour. The alt-fire has been turned into a swirling charge shot, with each major level of charge (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) adding an extra shot each to the swirling mass of electrified death.

  • (Soon to be reworked) Noise Crusher NCRGZ0.png.08916cde49de9ba49db68b69b3dd90b0.png

Fires a bouncing, always-stunning projectile that deals moderate damage. Bounce it into yourself to charge a larger shot that doesn't bounce, still always stuns, and deals much more damage.

  • Railgun RALGZ0.png.d46c8af62728dbd832ed27789d2194f1.png

Fires a piercing hitscan shot (as usual). Can now be reloaded before all four shots are up!



  • (Soon to be reworked/removed) BFG9000 BFUGZ0.png.7799d56ecce76f0ce819c055e7db9967.png

Effectively vanilla, with different sprites and a faster switch speed. Will be removed/reworked... at some point.



  • (EVITERNITY II-exclusive) Perforator PRFGZ0.png.09230f1fc640543c36ee2e610065c0ea.png

Does the same thing as in EVITERNITY II. Fires three waves of powerful hitscan attacks, now represented by standard bullet tracers. Costs 25 high-caliber bullets to fire.



  • Flamethrower FLTGZ0.png.1acae2bee11b5baeeebd93e4bce91499.png

"Oooh, crispy!"

Takes gasoline instead of cells, and burns everything to a crisp! Now fires in bursts and sounds like the silenced shotgun from the motel shootout scene in "No Country for Old Men". Fire deals steady damage until it extinguishes.

  • Melter VMLTP0.png.f1562e6acdf4307074743ec2dca6815d.png

"All Aperture technologies remain safely operational up to 4000 degrees Kelvin."

The Melter is a microwave beam that can overheat, and usually burns or gibs any enemy it kills. You're able to fire it for longer if you find a heat sink VMLTQ0.png.4353dbad7ca6ab7fc018df3edbda756a.png, which spawns alongside large cell packs occasionally. Also very hot when it overheats, leading the player character to complain about it burning. "Agh, I hate fire...!"

Deals fire damage.

  • Acid Cannon ACDGZ0.png.78421c5ac89a2c2f3fb0cf6898bdd41c.png

"We haven't entirely nailed down what element it is yet, but I'll tell you this: it's a lively one, and it does NOT like the human skeleton."

The Acid Cannon shoots large balls of corrosive acid, causing the corrosion status effect to anything hit by it. Corrosion reduces the enemy's defense by half while active.

  • Ice Shotgun ISHTZ0.png.0fab39e5d58955e08a243667e32ba4be.png

"Daaaaaaamn, I'm the coolest guy in the world."

Uses a special type of ammo that randomly spawns in place of regular shotgun shells. Alt-fire to charge your secondary attack:

Level 1 (<10/primary fire): Shoot a three-layered circle pattern of icicles that slow enemies, but don't entirely freeze or shatter them. Ice damage stacks, causing the target to become even slower the more it piles on.

Level 2 (>10, <20): Launch an ice bomb that goes in an arc and explodes into a bunch of icicles when it hits the ground or a wall, as well as leaving some damaging mist behind.

Level 3 (>20): Launch an ice bomb that creates a 4x2x4 wall of tall ice cubes in front of you. These can block projectiles, monsters, and other forms of attack! Unfortunately, Arch-Viles and beta Lost Souls can still hurt you through these, but they can dampen the blast damage of the former.

[NEW! 6/14/24] Level 3 shots can now create ice platforms on 3D floor water. The Ice Shotgun has also had all magazine functionality removed, as we found it annoying when using the charged shots.



The powerups:

  • Life Drain! VAMPA0.png.8ed21d6af895b7fc645a1577ac2584ae.png

"How many people's blood have you sucked up until now?"

Drains an amount of an enemy's health and adds it to your own, relative to how hard you hit 'em. Goes swimmingly with Berserk, facilitating rampages on larger monsters, even toppling Spider Masterminds with concentrated punching.

  • Reflective Shots! REFLA0.png.7b46993aabe9dc6c247761f4bc33be56.png

Like invulnerability, but shots actively reflect off of you and hit their original shooters, including hitscan attacks!

Effectively pulled directly from Blood.


The inventory items:

  • Land Mine MINEZ0.png.1b8e9cd5323e11362888c8678a7478fb.png

"If you can get those Hoppers up without setting them off, you can plant them wherever you want them."

A throwable explosive that spawns randomly alongside weapons and ammo. Don't throw it at a wall when you're up close! Can also be shot out of the air by enemies and other players in Deathmatch, but you can do the same yourself! Automatically detonates when it hits something that can take damage, or when it detects something close by when it's on the ground.

  • Stopwatch! WTCHA0.png.ad8dd4e0308d56365ae925905fc3b037.png

Stops time for 30 seconds when used. Watch out, though -- if you're facing an enemy with the +NOTIMEFREEZE flag set, they can move during your timestop!

  • (Soon to be added properly) Medic Bag! PKITA0.png.4fa34ea40c9d7841cadf714ea7dd9490.png


"...Holy shit, he just ate two pounds' worth of bandages."

Collects a fraction of the health from pickups on the ground when you're at full health and stores it for later. Can be upgraded to hold more and collect larger amounts per pickup.


The armor:

  • Combat Armor ARMRA0.png.5919f4cfa3584f6a478425f88641f486.png

80% None/Shotgun damage, all damage -35%. Gives 125 armor points.

  • Biosuit ARMRG0.png.fd297680678a8d338235979ee9cd9001.png

15% Slime/Nukage damage, 25% Acid/Corrosion/Lava damage, all damage -20%. Gives 100 armor points.

  • Welding Suit ARMRI0.png.77667a24680a4b032abd774072dc5061.png

50% Electric/Plasma damage, all damage -20%. Gives 100 armor points.

  • Heat Suit ARMRK0.png.c8895cd39865636ae857255e33f68c82.png

50% Fire/FireTrap/PyroFire/Lava/Magma damage, 75% Blast/Explosion/Explosive/Rocket/Grenade/Missile damage, all damage -30%. Gives 100 armor points.

  • Assault Armor ARMRC0.png.2deeaf9cc1eadf4d2428bd8fb40a92fd.png

70% None/Shotgun damage, all damage -65%. Gives 250 armor points.

  • Bomb Suit ARMRE0.png.3ca30ca712bec4b1e18b14cb6f6eb2ad.png

25% Blast/Explosion/Explosive/Rocket/Grenade/Missile damage, all damage -45%. Gives 175 armor points.

  • Hellfire Armor ARMRM0.png.8f483a0566c91a521f67c0e7ab78683e.png

25% Fire/FireTrap/PyroFire damage, 50% Blast/Explosion/Explosive/Rocket/Grenade/Missile damage, all damage -40%. Gives 200 armor points.

The options:

  • gwm_noaltreplacements (default: false)

Toggles "alternate" replacements for weapons and monsters, like the ice shotguns, Venom Cannon, and SMG.

  • gwm_replacemonsters (default: true)

Toggles monster replacements, for mapsets that replace monsters with their own, especially through DEHACKED. That got glitchy fast, before I added this option... Valiant was especially bad without it.

  • gwm_replaceobjects (default: true)

Toggles object replacements, mostly explosive barrels and the different variants of the dead Zombieman stick. (The Baron of Hell variant is actually also affected by the prior option, changing its blood color to green if monster replacements are off.)

  • gwm_shutupmerc (default: false)

Toggles whether or not the player character speaks upon entering a level, picking up a Berserk pack, or respawning/resurrecting. For if you get tired of "I'm gonna paint this town red!".

  • gwm_replacewolfss (default: true)

Toggles whether or not the Wolfenstein SS enemy gets replaced, mainly for DEHACKED monster replacements.

  • gwm_upgradereplace (default: true)

Toggles whether or not weapon upgrades replace their base weapons, i.e. the Zombie Shotgun being replaced by the Slayer's Kahuna.


Mapset compatibility:

  • Mapsets using DEHACKED for monster replacements

Use gwm_replacemonsters false in the console, or toggle the "Replace Monsters" option in the menu. There's no way to detect DEHACKED replacements at the moment.

  • Paradise & Godless Night (by @Tango)

Pandora's Wrath automatically replaces the weapons with appropriate equivalents based on a list in an event handler. Our own weapons are a little underpowered for difficulties Tough and above, though-- watch out! At least Bomb Suits will protect you well from Grenadiers and Cyberdemons! (The Scrapgun and Stomper are also obtainable by cheating [and by opening Pandora's Box] in other mapsets.)

Pandora's Wrath automatically replaces the Perforator with its own copy that has the black gloves, uses tracers instead of railgun particles, and has the faster switch speed that every other weapon in the mod has. Otherwise, it is identical. (The Perforator is also obtainable by cheating (and by opening Pandora's Box) in other mapsets.)

[NEW! 4/13/24] The Nightmare Demon and the Annihilator have been added! They replace their Eviternity 1 and 2 counterparts automatically, unless gwm_replacemonsters is set to false. They also spawn in place of pinkies and barons, respectively, if the NightmareDemon and Annihilator classes don't exist.

  • Sentinel's Lexicon (by @mifu)

The Votegun and Instagibber have their sprites replaced, but not the weapons themselves, as they're not important and get taken away when the real maps start.

  • Skulltag Invasion (Any functional port should work!)

ST Invasion spawners have been auto-replaced with their PW equivalents, and monster spawners are toggleable with the gwm_replacemonsters setting. BFG10K coming soon™! (I just got a job...)


Finally, the fun stuff: Pandora's Box!


Pandora's Box can be opened by collecting enough souls to reach the number listed on the HUD. Souls are collected by killing enemies, and you get bonuses for gibbing them and using elements. These bonuses stack, giving you more and more souls for killing stronger enemies with more variety in your weapon selection. Upon opening Pandora's Box, you can choose between four different choices:

  1. A weapon, picked from a list randomly.
  2. An upgrade. Could be to your max health, max ammo, a permanent damage reduction while wearing any armor, how fast you run, how fast items heal you, .
  3. An item, i.e. a Melter heat sink or partial invisibility.
  4. A full refill of a specific resource, such as ammo or health.
  5. Anything, even including things you can't get via the other three options. This has a chance to give you a negative effect, as well, such as stacking the maximum amount of ice on you in an instant. This can even summon things from other games... I won't tell you what we're planning, though. It's a secret~


Showcase videos!



Credits are in the GitHub repository, which is also where you go to download the mod. To download it, click the green Code button, and click "Download ZIP". The mod is able to be run as a ZIP, but you won't be able to access the weapon skins, which are in their own subfolders. It's best to run the mod as a folder for this reason.


If I missed something you made in the credits, please let me know! I have no intent of stealing anybody's work, and want to give credit to everyone who's made something that I've used.

Edited by gemini0
Added Railgun + note about ST Invasion

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I gave it a test run. Didnt test all the monsters, but at least checked all the guns. Everything seems to work as intended and didnt see any obvious breaks or unintentional stuff happening. The only critique I can give is spend a tiny bit of time on animation timing on the weapons. Some are pretty smooth and others are a bit choppy. This is not a negative critque by any stretch, and its not a skill that everyone does the same way. =)


Other than that, its pretty solid.


Heres a small educational gift that is "ancient" for me now but is still a solid set of code I still use in mods. code-only smooth doom style animations using only vanilla assets on weapons and monsters;  with none of the extra fluff I like to put in its modern iterations. Its a great learning tool and one I still use for reference.

ReBUVRO- The Rebuild.zip

Edited by kalensar

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8 hours ago, kalensar said:

Heres a small educational gift that is "ancient" for me now but is still a solid set of code I still use in mods. code-only smooth doom style animations using only vanilla assets on weapons and monsters;  with none of the extra fluff I like to put in its modern iterations. Its a great learning tool and one I still use for reference.

ReBUVRO- The Rebuild.zip

Thank you! I'll consider using this as a reference in the future.


8 hours ago, kalensar said:

I gave it a test run. Didnt test all the monsters, but at least checked all the guns. Everything seems to work as intended and didnt see any obvious breaks or unintentional stuff happening. The only critique I can give is spend a tiny bit of time on animation timing on the weapons. Some are pretty smooth and others are a bit choppy. This is not a negative critque by any stretch, and its not a skill that everyone does the same way. =)

I will, I still need to iron out several of the weapons' functionality first though... That's why stuff like the Pistol and Slayer's Kahuna look so nice. They're completely finished.

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This is a fun little mod! I haven't gone over all of the weapons yet, aside from the WIP weapons I only have one piece of feedback: the SMG definitely feels like it could fire faster, given it's pretty inaccurate and seems to be more of a crowd control weapon. The MP40 can stay the way it is, since it being accurate but slower is pretty handy too.


The Melter is amazing, by the way! Probably my favorite weapon in the whole set. I also like how a lot of the weapons seem to have little quirks about them, it's not something you see that often.


Quite dig the voice acting as well, seems quite fitting for the character.


Good job all in all, will be keeping an eye on this!

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27 minutes ago, Matt Eldrydge said:

The Melter is amazing, by the way! Probably my favorite weapon in the whole set. I also like how a lot of the weapons seem to have little quirks about them, it's not something you see that often.

Melter's directly taken from Realm667, just slightly edited to play a voice clip upon overheating and to switch faster. Unfortunate, but I do agree about it being one of the best weapons in the set.

27 minutes ago, Matt Eldrydge said:

Quite dig the voice acting as well, seems quite fitting for the character.

The voice acting is directly lifted from Open Fortress, as are a good chunk of the sounds-- well, they were, before Mengo replaced them. The rocket launcher, the super shotgun, the pump of the ice shotgun, and the alt-fire of the plasma rifle are still using sounds from that, and maybe a few other weapons are too? I know the chaingun and plasma rifle primary are using sounds from Doom 3, as well as the pump of the zombie shotgun. The venom cannon uses sounds from Portal 2, as well.



28 minutes ago, Matt Eldrydge said:

the SMG definitely feels like it could fire faster, given it's pretty inaccurate and seems to be more of a crowd control weapon.

This better? https://streamable.com/9qa3b9

Edited by gemini0
Added faster SMG video

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I hate having to upload GIFs. I hate trying to record GIFs. I ended up just recording in OBS and converting to a GIF later. Anyway, updated Gold Wand thanks to Mengo:

[GIF removed for attachment space.]

Edited by gemini0
Removed GIF for attachment space

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1 hour ago, Matt Eldrydge said:


Just checked the thread, seems like the video is no longer public sadly

Yeah, Streamable kills videos after two days. You can check the current version on the GitHub. The SMG is about one tic faster now, and the chaingun was sped up to compensate.

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Ice Shotgun got a gargantuan update that allows it to have three different attacks -- we're working out how to actually show what attack you're going to fire, like maybe a screen or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Main post is currently outdated as I don't want to edit it 800 times as we make large changes to the way weapons function. I'll update it when we get done with the weapons we're currently working on.

[GIF removed for attachment space.]

Edited by gemini0
Removed GIF for attachment space

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, here's a showcase video for Pandora's Wrath! I didn't really show everything since I don't understand all of the mod's functions and features, but it should get more people to play it. :)




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On 3/27/2024 at 11:26 AM, Matt Eldrydge said:

Hey, here's a showcase video for Pandora's Wrath! I didn't really show everything since I don't understand all of the mod's functions and features, but it should get more people to play it. :)

Thank you very much! It's been added to the main post. I appreciate you adding the note about the release cycle in the description -- that's very important information for people to know!

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On 3/28/2024 at 6:47 PM, gemini0 said:

Thank you very much! It's been added to the main post. I appreciate you adding the note about the release cycle in the description -- that's very important information for people to know!

No problem, just doing my part! I should probably go back and specify the showcase was recorded on that particular date in fact - it's what I did with Faspons, since that one also has a pretty fast release cycle.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The main post has been updated with new information about what we're doing. Since posting this on its own would be a waste, I'll also take this message to highlight how well NashGore (especially the new NEXT version) goes with Pandora's Wrath.

[GIF removed for attachment space.]

NashGore NEXT:


Edited by gemini0
Removed GIF for attachment space

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  • 2 months later...

I ended up doing a lot of stuff for this today, so I'd like to just compile it into a list:

  • Land Mines have been turned into items
  • item code has been reorganized
  • Dynamite has been entirely removed
  • White Wedding reload is done
  • Ice Shotgun wall/platform cubes are now 3D models
  • Plasma Rifle now has a new altfire and a reworked charge mechanic from Xaser's old Parkour mod
  • White Wedding and Assault Rifle have been added to box weapon pulls
  • Assault Rifle is now spawned instead of Burst Rifle (most of the time) from in-world spawners
  • Shotgun Guys (normal ones) now drop the Zombie Shotgun more often

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