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[Release] Inmost Post

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Happy Friday Lads,

I have a new a wad to kick off the weekend.


Inmost Post.wad is a single map in the BOOM format. Short and fast paced is the design tenant this map follows.


It is not overwhelmingly difficult, but if you find it that way, this map has difficulty level scaling implemented. However, it has been designed for UV.


This map will take you roughly 10-15 minutes to beat.


Tested on PRboom+, GZDoom and Zandronum, without issue.




MUSIC: Fear Factory - DKC OST by David Wise


Screen Shots:


I promise the map plays better than what the quality of the map art may imply, I am no artist.




If you find or encounter any bugs or issues (especially texture misalignments), let me know and I'll make an amendment immediately.



Update changes:


- More ammo

- Texture fixes

- BMG volume increased


Inmost Post (Updated 11-02-2024).zip

Edited by watto3699

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Glad to hear music that's not really Doom-y here! It's kind of neat how beginning's like not so threatening, but things get kind of  hairy by the end. Nicely done visuals, especially at ending cave!



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Cool map. Some fun, tricky combat and really nice visuals using just vanilla textures. The cave area looks really great, and lots of really nice detailing touches throughout. My only complaints are that ammo ran a bit low for me towards the end (a berserk would help given the number of pinkies/spectres), and that parts of the cave area are really dark. It works well sometimes: the pain elemental was a nice trap for example. But I was often just slowly moving around trying to see where the edge of the floor was or where distant enemies were.


FDA and an exit (missed a couple of enemies, not sure where): ip-ryiron.zip.

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5 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Glad to hear music that's not really Doom-y here!

I've been on a DKC OST kick recently and this one felt like it fit quite nicely.


It's kind of neat how beginning's like not so threatening, but things get kind of  hairy by the end.

I appreciate that, I've always struggled with difficultly progression through out a level, especially entire map packs. Glad it clicked here :)


And thanks for the play through, always appreciated.

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1 hour ago, ryiron said:

Cool map. Some fun, tricky combat and really nice visuals using just vanilla textures. The cave area looks really great, and lots of really nice detailing touches throughout.

Thanks, always fun to try make something appealing to look at using just the vanilla textures.



My only complaints are that ammo ran a bit low for me towards the end (a berserk would help given the number of pinkies/spectres)

Agreed, when testing, I found I had too much ammo with a berserk pack and I didn't want to balance the ammo around taking most fights with it. A better mapper would have found somewhere to place it.



and that parts of the cave area are really dark. It works well sometimes: the pain elemental was a nice trap for example.

That's my favourite trap through out the level. Even as an "adult", Pain Elementals in the dark still scare me :D



FDA and an exit (missed a couple of enemies, not sure where)

Appreciate the demos, man! After watching them I have no idea where they were hiding. I have gotten 100%'s on this map while testing, so it is possible. Ghosts maybe??

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21 hours ago, watto3699 said:

MUSIC: Fear Factory - DKC OST by David Wise

You have me sold here, really.


Mandatory playthrough!


Especially enjoyed the visuals and combat flow. Nothing too complex here. A bit too dark in the right path of the main cave, but that's just me. I'd advise a few lights here and there for added visibility/path marking.


Looking forward to what's next!

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15 hours ago, ryiron said:

FDA and an exit (missed a couple of enemies, not sure where): ip-ryiron.zip.

There's a couple of zombiemen tucked away in a corner of the first building:



One of them never woke up because you moved out of its vision range before the wall lowered, the other woke up but was way too slow for you to notice it before you'd already left.


Cute map btw OP, I like the super dark cave section. Here's another FDA playthrough, regular demo format and should play back on whatever your Boom-compatible port of choice is: inmost-maribo.zip

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5 hours ago, Proxy-MIDI said:

A good map with Sunder-esque visuals. But the difficulty was incredibly high ! I had a huge problem of ammunition. >_<

Thanks! I've updated the download with "Version 2", Added some more ammo, and fixed a misaligned texture (very important).


6 hours ago, SyntherAugustus said:

This was fun. The music track was really quiet though.

New version alos has the Db increased :)


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11 hours ago, Oxyde said:

You have me sold here, really.


Mandatory playthrough!


Especially enjoyed the visuals and combat flow. Nothing too complex here. A bit too dark in the right path of the main cave, but that's just me. I'd advise a few lights here and there for added visibility/path marking.


Looking forward to what's next!

No way this is your first play through, very expertly dealt with.

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8 hours ago, Maribo said:

There's a couple of zombiemen tucked away in a corner of the first building:

  Reveal hidden contents


One of them never woke up because you moved out of its vision range before the wall lowered, the other woke up but was way too slow for you to notice it before you'd already left.


Cute map btw OP, I like the super dark cave section. Here's another FDA playthrough, regular demo format and should play back on whatever your Boom-compatible port of choice is: inmost-maribo.zip

I feel violated


Edited by watto3699

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This is an FDA of Version 1, with the really constricted ammo in the first section. As you can see in this FDA, I didn't make much progress until I noticed that the map didn't give me enough shotgun ammo to immediately start blasting demons with it the way I usually do. It's a bit unkind to make people use the pistol this way rather than give them a chaingun or a few more shotgun shells, especially with that early close-quarters revenant, but some maps are unkind, and that's OK. The sense of ammo starvation relaxed after that first couple of interior encounters. I didn't notice the early super shotgun grab that Maribo did. The extreme darkness throughout presented much more of a problem: It's tough to know how to react to ambushes you can't see, and I cycled through my gamma correction levels a few times so I could actually perceive the level and make progress. I like that really nice high-anxiety pain elemental placement on the bridge to the end of the level. Good music selection, too.


"Sunder-esque visuals" reminds me of the time in college creative-writing class when a classmate said my crappy realistic short story about a father disappointed in his son's sexual promiscuousness reminded him of Joyce. This level is better in relation to Sunder than my story was in relation to Joyce, though.



Edited by Mr. Alexander
Added a hyphen to "creative writing." My classmate said my story was "Joycean," not "like Ulysses."

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14 hours ago, Mr. Alexander said:

This is an FDA of Version 1, with the really constricted ammo in the first section. As you can see in this FDA, I didn't make much progress until I noticed that the map didn't give me enough shotgun ammo to immediately start blasting demons with it the way I usually do. It's a bit unkind to make people use the pistol this way rather than give them a chaingun or a few more shotgun shells, especially with that early close-quarters revenant, but some maps are unkind, and that's OK. The sense of ammo starvation relaxed after that first couple of interior encounters. I didn't notice the early super shotgun grab that Maribo did. The extreme darkness throughout presented much more of a problem: It's tough to know how to react to ambushes you can't see, and I cycled through my gamma correction levels a few times so I could actually perceive the level and make progress. I like that really nice high-anxiety pain elemental placement on the bridge to the end of the level. Good music selection, too.


"Sunder-esque visuals" reminds me of the time in college creative-writing class when a classmate said my crappy realistic short story about a father disappointed in his son's sexual promiscuousness reminded him of Joyce. This level is better in relation to Sunder than my story was in relation to Joyce, though.



You really are a go getter of a Doom player, I watched your FDA, and it'd be an easier task to count the time where your W key wasn't pressed.

I recall a death you had, where you were you were desperately searching for a spectre, on 1hp, in the dark. Never before have I been filled with so much anxiety, and I am really glad you persevered and beat the map. 


Thank you for the feedback, I will make an effort in future maps to ensure enemy ambushes are better telegraphed with proper lighting, as it seems a few people who played had a similar issue. Hope you enjoyed it.

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2 hours ago, watto3699 said:

You really are a go getter of a Doom player, I watched your FDA, and it'd be an easier task to count the time where your W key wasn't pressed. 

lol I would probably take fewer moronic deaths per FDA if I curbed this tendency, so thanks for pointing it out.

2 hours ago, watto3699 said:

Thank you for the feedback, I will make an effort in future maps to ensure enemy ambushes are better telegraphed with proper lighting, as it seems a few people who played had a similar issue. Hope you enjoyed it. 

I did enjoy it! The darkness was frustrating, sure, but it was clearly an intentional choice. The lighting looks good. It's moody and the aggressive use of darkness as part of encounter design is something I'd wished more level designers would consider. Sometimes you get what you want and realize it's a tougher proposition than you thought.

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