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Two Decades of Doomworld

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Hello Everyone! Proud to say I have been a part of the DOOM Community for over two decades now! I've been registered since January 2005 and lurking for a little before that.


Just wanted to say that although sadly there have been a few people who have left us over the decades, it makes me so happy to see the Doomworld community thriving after all these years. This forum has been around for a quarter century, and there will definitely be many more.


There's way too many names to give shoutouts to here. but thank you to everyone for making this thirty year old game as popular as ever.

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Wait, wouldn't two decades be on January 2025?


Anyway, cool to see someone who's been here for so long. My account is nowhere near as old, only at 2018.

Edited by Mr Masker

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Technically accurate, but I am counting the time I have lurked around on the forum for a little before I actually registered. First played DOOM in the 90s at my uncles house!

Edited by Pure Hellspawn

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