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Kill One Billion Imps: The most monsters in a map ever?

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Ha, I was just about to post my own creation related to that thread.


Edit: Oh, yeah, this is a lot better than what I was making. Mine was more of a screensaver than a slaughter map. Anyway, great job on the decaying corpses. I got up to 100k, then I called it quits. It did get a little framey, but I don't think it ever dipped below 35FPS. Perhaps it gets completely unplayable when you get closer to a billion kills, I dunno.

Edited by BeachThunder

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1 hour ago, Pure Hellspawn said:

Couldn't any map with a monster spawner have x approaching infinite killcount?


I guess a map with one billion monster-spawners might give you a quicker (but still fake... desperately fake) taste of infinity.

That's one problem with infinity : where is the limit ?

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10 minutes ago, apichatpong said:


I guess a map with one billion monster-spawners might give you a quicker (but still fake... desperately fake) taste of infinity.

That's one problem with infinity : where is the limit ?


There is no limit but using differential calculus we can determine the function at any given point T. In addition Pain Elementals spawn lost souls and archvile resurrect meaning they could theoretically make it possible as well. 

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12 minutes ago, Pure Hellspawn said:


There is no limit but using differential calculus we can determine the function at any given point T. In addition Pain Elementals spawn lost souls and archvile resurrect meaning they could theoretically make it possible as well. 


I was going to say that, as a metaphore of the reality, no doom marine could survive this hell and see... but now I remember the day I discovered Sunder saying to myself "No way ! Nobody can beat that !" just before realizing with this forum that some consider Sunder to be quite easy. So... who knows :)

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This map was basically a high-effort shitpost to show how absurd it would be to actually kill a billion monsters, if you want anything resembling "gameplay", while making considerations to keep things playable-ish for at least as long as anyone sane would be likely to try. Don't take it so seriously :)


@antares031 had a map in the other thread that is much faster at 'make number go up' if anyone is after that:



As far as infinite monsters go though, I'm sure there would hit a limit at some point based on datatype limits, memory management, and other factors, no matter how fast you killed things. Though 'unsigned long long int' can count up to at least 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (18.4 Quintillion) -- I don't know what various ports use to count kills -- so that will take, uh, awhile, even if you were killing something like a million monsters a second. If anyone wants to modify a source port to theoretically accommodate truly infinite monsters though, go ahead!

Edited by plums

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so i play idle games and they use large numbers all the time - we are talking way higher than Quintillion. If going for maximal kill count you could do:


unsigned long long basekc = 0; //the base - used to resemble smallish numbers.

unsigned long long  extraKillsExponent = 0; //resembles 10^X power. Just 18 is a quintillion.

unsigned double extraKillsMantissa = 0; 


10^extraKillsExponent  * extraKillsMantissa + basekc should approximate it. whenever basekc hits the 18 quintillion reset it to 0 and add 1 to extraKillsMantissa. 

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1 hour ago, plums said:

Though 'unsigned long long int' can count up to at least 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (18.4 Quintillion) -- I don't know what various ports use to count kills -- so that will take, uh, awhile

You hear that guys that’s only 585 billion years until it overflows that you have, some low mass red dwarf stars won’t even be dead by then

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If you showed this to DOS users back in the day, their computers would explode and they'd probably have a mental breakdown.


This is the Doom 3 that ID couldn't release. The Cyber Police confiscated it as a weapon of terror.

Edited by Mr Masker

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I wanted to see how the phone would handle such a map lol... it did well! I killed ~120k in 10 minutes. I then wondered if spawn rate was the limiting factor so I did the thing again and killed ~150k in 10 minutes. I wonder at what point spawn rate would become the autoscroller. I could otherwise see up to 20k per minute being possible here on pc with either good fanning while running through the spawn areas dotting the outside perimeter, or maybe just standing in the middle doing circles, but either way such musings are niche even for me lol. I'm just here for the maffs. At 15k/min, if I kept at it, that means it'd only take me 66,666 minutes and 40 seconds to finish... or 6 weeks, 4 days, 7 hours, 6 minutes, and 40 seconds 🤓🙃😂

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@Fonze there's both a spawn rate limit, and a limit on the maximum number of active enemies at once (5000), in order to keep things vaguely playable. Both are easy to change in the DECORATE if you're so inclined. The fact that it worked on a phone is pretty cool though, even if modern phones are extremely powerful.


Thanks for playing lol

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6 minutes ago, plums said:

@Fonze there's both a spawn rate limit, and a limit on the maximum number of active enemies at once (5000), in order to keep things vaguely playable. Both are easy to change in the DECORATE if you're so inclined. The fact that it worked on a phone is pretty cool though, even if modern phones are extremely powerful.


Thanks for playing lol

 Was fun lol


There are actually quite a few even limit removing maps that, when played in gzdoom, have chugged on my phones in the past. It seems like drawing architecture is far more demanding than even 5k monsters + 100k corpses in a big box with a few smaller but still fairly big boxes in the corners, which is kinda interesting I guess.


Not looking to change the decorate or max this, just wanted to poke and prod it a bit, then do some mindless math because in my weird head it's kinda like a puzzle and I'm a 🤓. I kinda figured there were 2 limits in place, as you've stated, but in with the thought of "how long would this take me," is also "what's the lowest time it could go to if using the optimal strategy," and to that end my guess is that it could be up to 20k/min, although I'd imagine the spawn rate would become a factor before then. I also have to wonder what the optimal strategy would be for such a map, niche as it is.

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35 minutes ago, Philnemba said:

Pretty cool but silly map :)


That was ridiculous, thanks :)

And yes there are par times for each map, 1 million is set to 90 minutes and 1 billion is set to 1920 hours, or 80 days. I'm sure the latter beatable in fewer than 70 days with good play though! (I am glad you did not attempt it :p)

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