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Who should make Doom 3 figures?


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What company do you think should make the Doom 3 action Figures?

here's a few examples...

-Toybiz (the made LOTR)

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McFarlane may be good in detail, but I've heard (I dunno if it is true or not), their figures are about as strong as a house of cards in a hurricane.

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mcfarlayne would rock
but they're $$$ im sure
not the guys who did the q2 dolls anyhow, they're out of business

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McFarlane doesn't make action figures, they make slightly poseable sculptures that can't be taken out of the package without breaking.

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Naw, but the materials they use are not quite strong enough. For example the joints and points of articulation can break quite easily. Happened to my spawn/demon/samurai thingy. Maybe not all of them are that flimsy though.

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Scuba Steve said:

What are you guys doing? kicking your Mcfarlane Figures? Playing "Spiderman" with them and web slinging them into trees?

A key element in the term "action figures" is "action". If you can't play with them reasonably without being afraid of the joints breaking, it's nothing more than a little statuette.

And action figures are made to be PLAYED WITH, not just left in their packaging to be displayed and bragged about in terms of collector's value.

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sargebaldy said:

i wish id weren't such sellouts nowadays

id Software makes about $ 20 million a year. They're not a little group of garage coders selling their heart and soul for a few bucks more.

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Ubik said:

McFarlane doesn't make action figures, they make slightly poseable sculptures that can't be taken out of the package without breaking.

You don't "play" with McFarline figures. You just, ya know, put them on top of your monitor or windowsill. One of my friends has the full set of MGS2 figures.

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I have some Mcfarlane "FIGURINES!!" not "action figures". I have raven from metal gear, 2 figures from the "SPAWN"- the samurai wars" and a SPAWN standing on some skulls with cape. the 2 samurai figurines are still in package. I want to open the pakages and put them somewhere but I am waiting untill dad makes me a shwo case so the figurines dont get dusty :) (really hard to clean them with all thier detail)

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ReSaurus gets my vote.They are the company that made the duke and quake toys.But they are dead.

Mcfarlane toy would be my second chose.There Toys are veary detaild.

Palisades would make great toys also.After seeing there Resident evil toys.Id say they could make some cool toys.

I would shoot my self if Toybiz made them.The only thing that they are good at is makeing x-men toys.

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This is an old subject, And as last time, I chose "HOBBY JAPAN"! Their action figure making skills is the best anywhere. Even better than McFarlane, And I got alot of his figures too.

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Hmm. If Kaiyodo (an awesome Japanese company) could do justice to Evangelion and a few of its monsters (the Angels), perhaps they could do justice to the DOOM monsters... then again, it's also extremely unlikely.

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Rotting Corpse said:

I would shoot my self if Toybiz made them.The only thing that they are good at is makeing x-men toys.

Define "good at."

Anyways, McFarlane Toys gets my vote.

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Prime said:

Define "good at."

Im talking befor the X-men cartoon.When they had that hugre marval line.LIke that hulkk that came with a bar that he could bend in half.

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Trasher][ said:One of my friends has the full set of MGS2 figures.

Yeah, I bought a box myself when I was in this anime store in California. It's not that I'm a huge fan of Metal Gear, but I was running a serious toy jones at the time and they looked cool.

I work with a guy that owns the entire McFarlane Spawn collection,(amidst many others,) and while I'm not an aficionado on the subject, the detail is near sickening even to this layman. In terms of the horror/evil/gore toy category, McFarlane seems to be right up Id's alley.

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indeed.. just check out the "clive barker's - tortured souls" and the new "wizzard of Oz" figurines

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BBG said:

McFarlane may be good in detail, but I've heard (I dunno if it is true or not), their figures are about as strong as a house of cards in a hurricane.

Only the old ones are fragile, not the recent ones. I remember buying 3 of the old spawn toys in 1998 and about a year later one of them had broke. But the newer ones are more durable.

And yes i do recommend that McFarlane get's off his rich ass and do those toys since he does have a habit of not doing the obvious topic (shrek, wild things, anime). Of course being a fan of spawn i'm obviously going to say that.

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EVIL said:

indeed.. just check out the "clive barker's - tortured souls" and the new "wizzard of Oz" figurines

Yeah, I saw some of those in a goth store. That's some good shite.

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Job said:

Yeah, I saw some of those in a goth store. That's some good shite.

I don't think i see many toys that are for adults only except for one of those sex toys one may come across in a gadget shop over here in Britain.

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