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Achieving 'flight' in vanilla, Boom etc.. A new technique?

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Woah, that looks sick! I didn't know about it as well! You can indeed create some really interesting setups with this type of technique
I'll try to experiment with it and see what results I can get.


If teleporters disable the effect, I wonder if we can get some "silent" change effect with silent teleporters

Edited by Deadwing

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 Think of it as you dangling from the ceiling by your helmet, and your feet being able to touch the ground and push you around.

I'm gonna need a drawing of Doomguy doing that. Absolutely amazing stuff. 

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1 hour ago, Peccatum Mihzamiz said:

-The only way to stop this effect once flying has set in, is teleporters, as far as I know.


There are "safe" heights for Mikoportals which might interest you. These are heights which trigger the Mikoportal effect only temporarily and do not paralyze the player forever. It's also possible to create a "one loop" Mikoportal, for instance, which only lasts 1 cycle each time the player jumps into it.


I am not certain if you can reliably control the effect if moving across sectors of varying heights (since the player's accumulated height and velocity are already set), but it's something you might try experimenting with.

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congrats! a truly awesome find! this technique could also pave way for more advanced "3d bridges" in vanilla doom without instantaneously raising/lowering invisible floors, enabling monsters to pass under such bridges while the player is on the bridge itself :)

Edited by rita remton

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/14/2024 at 7:44 AM, Peccatum Mihzamiz said:

Think of it as you dangling from the ceiling by your helmet, ... 






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