Arsinikk Posted February 16, 2024 (edited) It’s truly hard to believe that it’s almost been two years since I ( @Arsinikk ) and @NinjaDelphox released 100 Line Massacre. I never would’ve thought that it would become a multiple entry series (200, 150, 100mas, 200mas), or that it would lead to the creation of THE SLOTTER TEAM (Mapping Team). I don’t think it would be an understatement to say that 100 Line Massacre has pushed my doom mapping career in a direction I could never dream of. Anyway, enough about that… With the two year anniversary coming up soon, I thought it would be fun to do something a bit special. At first the main plan was to do a 100 Line Massacre remaster with a full original soundtrack, instead of the half original soundtrack that it released with. But then I thought, how about we make this Anniversary version even more interesting… with a mapping/midi contest! ==== Map and midi submissions are currently closed ==== The Anniversary Edition of 100 Line Massacre will expand the half-original soundtrack of the original to a full original soundtrack. Here is a few demos of some of the new tracks you can expect: The goal is to include a tribute-style megawad created by the Doom Community, with the maps in the style of either NinjaDelphox’s heavy emphasis on challenge and combat or Arsinikk's more experimental vanilla tricks / exploits. It is recommended to play through 100 Line Massacre to help get a feel of the type of maps we are looking for. All maps will be rated solely by @Arsinikk and @NinjaDelphox. It is up to us AND ONLY US who wins first, second, or third place in the contest, as well as what maps get included in the tribute megawad. The two mapslots MAP07 and MAP15 will be taken by us to provide a more equal rating level for map submissions. If we receive more than 28 maps, then the maps that don’t make it into the tribute wad will be included in a secondary bonus "Maximum Doom" wad. Mapping Prizes: First Place: $250 USD Second Place: $150 USD Third Place: $75 USD Planning to only send out payments via Paypal. Keep this in consideration when joining the contest. Mapping prizes are separate from midi prizes. MAPPING RULES Spoiler 100 lines ONLY (as in 100 linedefs). No more, no less. Maps must be Vanilla only. We will be testing the maps in Chocolate Doom to make sure Vanilla bugs (lines blocking use, tutti-frutti) don't happen. Map must end with a green teleporter, Fire Skull Exit Switch, or Green evil eye. The exit should be very obvious (minor exceptions apply regarding fake exits and the like). Custom textures are not allowed except for some rare exceptions (maybe easter eggs). The goal is to highlight good use of stock textures. (We have a resource pack that includes some extra Plutonia textures). You are encouraged to include a temp midi, even though every map will have a new midi eventually assigned to it. Only 2 maps per mapper. Note that only 1 map from each mapper can make it in the Tribute WAD. All maps must have possible 100% kills/items/secrets. Every map must have at least 1 monster, 1 item, and 1 secret. Do NOT include MAP07 functionality or secret exits. NinjaDelphox and Arsinikk will be taking the MAP07 and MAP15 mapslots to keep maps equal on a rating level. The main difficulty is Ultra-Violence. All difficulties implemented. Skills should use the traditional skill structure with ITYTD being the easiest and UV/Nightmare being the hardest. Multiplayer starts should be added to every map. Not every map needs to be made for multiplayer, but the starts should be there. UV Plus skill must be implemented. What this means is that multiplayer monsters should be added ONLY ON UV. We will not be testing this skill level, but it should be implemented and beatable / somewhat reasonable. No reusing or remixes of old maps. Maps should be completely new and just for this project. If you submit a map and want to replace it with a new one before the deadline, we will allow it. We will also allow mappers to make changes based on feedback. You can do both maps and midis. However, the map shouldn’t be made to compliment the midi itself. Mapping Deadline is April 12th (12am CST on 4/12/24). In addition, there will also be a contest with separate prizes when it comes to the tribute wad midis. This is for you musicians to also get in with the fun. Midis should be composed in a style similar to my own midi work. These midis will be used for the soundtrack of the tribute wad. It is recommended to listen to Arsinikk’s 100 Line Massacre midis as well as their other midis to get a feel of what kind of music we are looking for. All midis will be rated solely by @Arsinikk. Quality of the midi is up to my own interpretation, as I have more than a decade of music writing and producing experience. I will decide who wins first, second, or third place in the contest, as well as what midis get included in the tribute megawad. If we receive more than a megawad’s worth of midis, then the midis that don’t make it into the tribute wad will be included in a secondary bonus wad. Midi Prizes: First Place: $250 USD Second Place: $150 USD Third Place: $75 USD Planning to only send out payments via Paypal. Keep this in consideration when joining the contest. Midi prizes are separate from mapping prizes. MIDI RULES Spoiler Only 2 midis per person. Note that only 1 midi from each mapper can make it in the Tribute WAD. One person can do both midis and maps. However, midis shouldn’t be created to compliment any of their own maps. Your Midi must play in Vanilla. That means it must be under a certain kb size. A safe bet is around 64kb, but with midi there is some wiggle room. Max is 16 channels. Your midis don’t need to be super long, as some of Arsinikk’s 100 Line Massacre Midis are close to around 2 minutes. Just be aware they will often repeat so try not to make a midi that’s annoying to listen to on repeat. No reusing parts or remixes of old midis. Midis should be completely new and just for this project. It’s not fair to judge if midis are remixes of existing doom or 100lnm midis. Midi Deadline is April 12th (12am CST on 4/12/24). The project includes a resource pack to use while mapping. NEW TEXTURES The Resource includes some minor new textures including a new unique exit teleport flat (SLIME09), a custom exit switch texture (SW1BRCOM), and some small minor texture additions from Plutonia. Custom textures are not allowed except for some rare exceptions (maybe easter eggs or something). The goal is to highlight creative and good use of stock textures. NEW MONSTERS There are two new/altered monsters in the resource (same as 100 Line Massacre): The IMPoster - fast moving imp that fires baron projectiles. (replaces SS Nazi) Hanged Marine - a hanged marine that acts as a keen. When all die, it triggers all 666 doors to open. (replaces Commander Keen) We will be doing all of our development on THE SLOTTER SANCTUM dedicated Discord server: If you are interested in mapping, testing, or just keeping tabs on the project, you can join using the link above. The final project will be released alongside the 100 Line Massacre (Anniversary Edition). (let me know if I missed any relevant info or something...) Edited April 12, 2024 by Arsinikk 24 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoctorNuriel Posted February 16, 2024 (edited) Count me in! Just one question - when mapping in SLADE3, what are the main things to look out for to ensure cl2 compatibility? Edited February 16, 2024 by DoctorNuriel 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arsinikk Posted February 16, 2024 11 hours ago, DoctorNuriel said: Just one question - when mapping in SLADE3, what are the main things to look out for to ensure cl2 compatibility? Umm, I don't usually map in SLADE3. I'd suggest asking questions like this in the Discord server, where one of the SLOTTER mods or members might know more about this. After all, Ninja and I aren't really supposed to answer too many questions for mappers / composers in threat of influencing the contest. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
GreenAnime Posted February 16, 2024 ohh count me in I would like to join short CPs 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
NecrumWarrior Posted February 17, 2024 I think the next few months I'll be pretty booked up with projects to work on, but if I end up with time I might put together a map for the contest. Only time will tell. Good luck to all contestants! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
senpaigru Posted February 20, 2024 This sounds fun. I'll cook something up! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Sikreci Posted February 23, 2024 Oh this looks fun, and you'll probably need plenty of maps of middling quality to fill out a megawad, and I'm great at making maps of middling quality! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoctorNuriel Posted March 13, 2024 Hi, I'm afraid I'm stepping out of the project - life priorities at the moment have changed. Good luck to all! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arsinikk Posted March 24, 2024 Hey, it's been a while since the contest has been going. I figured I'd give an update to how the contest has been going. Currently we have: Total Map Submissions: 17 Unique Map Submitters: 11 Total Midi Submissions: 4 Unique Midi Composers: 3 Regarding map submissions and unique submitters, we are actually doing well in getting a full megawad's worth of maps each made by unique mappers. Regarding midi submissions and submitters, it's actually been a lower turnout than expected. There's not been much competition for the midi side of the contest, so if you've been looking for an excuse to write some music then now is the best time! Just as a friendly reminder, both contests do have prizes associated with them, and I am looking forward to giving them out. Don't make it too easy for me :) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arsinikk Posted April 10, 2024 Only two days left to submit a midi or map! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arsinikk Posted April 12, 2024 The contest is now ended. Thanks to all who participated :) Stay tuned for updates regarding the project. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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