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100 Line Massacre Anniversary Contest (Vanilla Mapping and Midi Contest) [Submissions Now Closed]

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Count me in!


Just one question - when mapping in SLADE3, what are the main things to look out for to ensure cl2 compatibility?

Edited by DoctorNuriel

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11 hours ago, DoctorNuriel said:

Just one question - when mapping in SLADE3, what are the main things to look out for to ensure cl2 compatibility?

Umm, I don't usually map in SLADE3.


I'd suggest asking questions like this in the Discord server, where one of the SLOTTER mods or members might know more about this.


After all, Ninja and I aren't really supposed to answer too many questions for mappers / composers in threat of influencing the contest.

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I think the next few months I'll be pretty booked up with projects to work on, but if I end up with time I might put together a map for the contest. Only time will tell. 


Good luck to all contestants! 

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Oh this looks fun, and you'll probably need plenty of maps of middling quality to fill out a megawad, and I'm great at making maps of middling quality!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, it's been a while since the contest has been going. I figured I'd give an update to how the contest has been going.


Currently we have:

Total Map Submissions: 17
Unique Map Submitters: 11

Total Midi Submissions: 4
Unique Midi Composers: 3


Regarding map submissions and unique submitters, we are actually doing well in getting a full megawad's worth of maps each made by unique mappers.

Regarding midi submissions and submitters, it's actually been a lower turnout than expected. There's not been much competition for the midi side of the contest, so if you've been looking for an excuse to write some music then now is the best time!

Just as a friendly reminder, both contests do have prizes associated with them, and I am looking forward to giving them out. Don't make it too easy for me :)

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