_memyself Posted February 19, 2024 (edited) I'm willing to stretch the definition a little. The first level for an episode I feel like should count for this list. Here's my personal ranking: (Also, these are based off my experience, usually on "hurt me plenty" difficulty) 1. TNT: Yeah, I choose TNT for #1, and I don't exactly know why? It's not too much, 1 secret, and 36 monsters. But maybe I just like the simple levels. Also, beserk pack. 2. E4M1: This one is a nice challenge, took me a while. It's not too special, but it works as the first level of the "extra levels." 3. Doom 2: Not special, but I like it. I like how open it feels, the secrets, and the secrets' rewards. It's just a good level. 4. E3M1: I love the athstetic of this one, it's very beuatiful. And I can excuse the cacodemon, it's episode 3, you should be used to them by now. Simple, short, sweet. Just like cereal. 5. E2M1: This one... is tricky personally. I like it, but it's, kind of, boring. I don't know. It's a fine challenge though, I'll give it that. 6. E1M1: If E2M1 is boring, this level is the equivalent of watching paint dry. I just don't care for episode one personally. And this level doesn't help matters. 7. Plutonia: >:( I would love to hear your rankings and opinions on these classics! Edited February 27, 2024 by _memyself 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ozcar Posted February 19, 2024 (edited) TNT is in first place, while Plutonia is in last place in your rank..... That's the most controversial opinion I've heard this year. Edited February 19, 2024 by Ozcar 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
_memyself Posted February 19, 2024 (edited) Just now, Ozcar said: *1.Tnt *7.Plutonia That's the most controversial opinion I've heard this year. Really? THAT'S the worst so far? I shoukd be proud of myself. Edited February 19, 2024 by _memyself Wanted to add something. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ozcar Posted February 19, 2024 (edited) 4 minutes ago, _memyself said: Really? THAT'S the worst so far? I mean most people prefer plutonia than tnt evilution since they are not fans of most tnt evilution maps. So this seems like a controversial opinion to me. Edited February 19, 2024 by Ozcar 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pseudonaut Posted February 19, 2024 1. E4M1: a legendarily brutal exercise in resource starvation, especially if you want to kill everything. 2. Plutonia map01: it's a Plutonia level, so it's good. Starts the game off hard right away, introducing some nasty motifs like an archvile placed behind a chaingunner, which can be seem like a serious obstacle for players who haven't considered grabbing the rocket launcher early. 3. TNT map01: I enjoy TNT in general because of the midis. Unlike several other TNT levels, there isn't much to complain about in this one. 4. E1M1: a meme. Plays smoothly enough once you've grabbed the shotgun. 5. Doom 2 map01: fine. 6. E2M1: sick midi. The gameplay just isn't very exciting. 7. E3M1: the start can be fun, slipping past the cacos, quickly grabbing the shotgun on the sinking bridge, and fighting/escaping the imps on the other side. The rest is a slog. Maxing involves slowly cleaning up multiple cacos with the shotgun, and any playthrough involves slowly chewing through multiple single-file pinkies in a narrow tunnel. I suppose it's not an awful level on the whole. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Plerb Posted February 19, 2024 Plutonia. None of them are bad, though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Deleted User bye Posted February 19, 2024 1. Plutonia: Plutonia is my favorite IWAD, so I'm extremely biased, but I LOVE this level, it introduces the player to the jungle visuals and a little taste of the cruel, but satisfying gameplay Plutonia is famous for :) 2. E1: I know, I know, it's a extremely plain opener, but it perfectly encapsulates the new features that Doom added to the FPS scene. 3. TNT: As OP stated, bloody, short and super fun opener. 4. E4: It's also another ball-bustingly hard level, but still really fun :D 5. Doom 2: It's Entryway, what can I say? I do think it's a little ugly however. 6. E2: It's a fine, however, a bit plain and boring level; but the reason it isn't last place is because of the absolutely head-banging music (it's my 2nd favorite track in the game). 7. E3: Only reason it is in last place is because of those Cacodemons in front; damn, what a pace-killer. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted February 19, 2024 Mmmmmmm, it's a toss between Congo and whatever TNT's name was lol 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ReaperAA Posted February 19, 2024 My order is pretty much the same as AtomIsTired's 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pure Hellspawn Posted February 19, 2024 (edited) Two Spots For #1: E4M1 and E1M1. E4M1 is the best level. It's truly challenging, you get very little health, not to mention the barons. E1M1 is probably the first level many of us have seen. Many a parodies have been made from it. This #1 isnt spot isnt so much that it's the best - but rather from a historical context it's definitely the best. #3: Plutonia - the jungles, and also a significant ramp up in difficulty. Arch-viles, mancubi in the very first map will show plutonia is no joke. #4: TNT - Definitely not Plutonia difficulty, but a very fun level! #5: E2M1. A fun and relatively linear level. Does a good job introducing the player to the registered monsters. #6: E3M1. The music is amazing - my favorite of ALL the songs on this list. The level itself - which is what I'm basing this rating on solely is meh. #7: Map01. The one thing I think of when I see this level is "how many times I've listened to this song when opening a new wad." Less common now than it was before, but I've been here long enough that the song is drilled in my head. Also, Nightmare dashing! Edited February 19, 2024 by Pure Hellspawn 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
JustHeziel Posted February 19, 2024 Taken from my own profile description: -- "Yes, I love TNT's first map, how could you tell?". -- My reasons are: 1) Music, because I think TNT's OST is mostly good to listen to and it was the only thing keeping there the whole wad from start to finish. 2) Berserk, my favorite powerup :) These two combined are, in my opinion, an excellent start for me as a starting level (the rest, well ...) . Thrilling, fast, and I trade punches with enemies before they know there is a fight >:) . So, yeah ... #1, of course. #2. E4M1: I like it for the challenge to not run through it mindlessly, and Sign of Evil is one of my favorites from the OST. #3. E1M1: Turn left, kill shotgunner, grab the armor and a shotgun, enjoy the rest. #4. Entryway(DOOM2): An iconic first sight, nothing else than that. #5. Congo (Plutonia): Challenging (not at "impossible" levels, obviously), I don't feel to attached to it. #6. E2M1: Music's good, the adventure continues. #7. E3M1: You pistol cacos, unless you rush, grab a shotgun, and then come back. Kind of boring. If both SIGILs count, I would gladly replace #2 and #3 with E5M1 and E6M1, respectively. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
BeachThunder Posted February 19, 2024 Without thinking about it too hard: Doom 2 MAP01 TNT MAP01 E2M1 E1M1 E4M1 E3M1 Plutonia MAP01 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
realjohnmadden Posted February 19, 2024 If SIGIL counts, E5M1 all the god damn way. Hate Machine is the second coming of Jeebus and you CANNOT PROVE ME WRONG (Oh, and the actual level is also pretty good.) Otherwise.. #1 - Entryway. It's a fun level, and has a rocket launcher, shotgun, and chainsaw available. It's a real good introduction to Doom 2 - it's not just "more Doom", it's DOOM II. #2 - E3M1. Perfect introduction to Hell - you get taught upfront that sometimes you can't just shoot everything and then go, you have to run away sometimes to live. #3 - E2M1. Incredible stuff right there. The rest of the episode is extremely inconsistent (especially in regards to texturing), but the opening map is great. Seeing teleporters used and the plasma rifle in action in '93 after getting the mail order version was probably mind-blowing, and it has a good track to boot. #4 - E4M1. Oppressive in every way, including how frustrating it is. It's a good level and sets the stage for Episode 4, but I also hate how annoying it is to play. #5 - System Control. Fun. It has a Berserk at the start so you can start gibbing everything you see, but the other start levels are better. #6 - E1M1. Good tutorial, but a mediocre level. And at the bottom, Congo. I don't trust Congo. Maybe it's the fact I've only ever beaten it while fisting everything to death. (Yes, I have not played Plutonia. Bite me.) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomPlayer00 Posted February 19, 2024 #1 - E1M1: Iconic level that introduces the world & core mechanics of Doom. Favorite starting level pretty much due to nostalgia reasons as I beat this map so many times as a kid (and because it's a legitimately good level). #2 - TNT: Say what you want about TNT, you still gotta admit it starts strong. Short & sweet map AND you get a berserk in the first room. What's there not to love? #3 - Doom 2: Not a large level nor does it introduce anything new but that's fine. To me it's still an iconic, straight-forward and fun map after all these years. #4 - E4M1: Memorable due to the ramp up in difficulty. A good test of one's skills on UV. #5 - E2M1: Introduces cacos & plasma gun but otherwise a pretty average level. Not the best but not bad either. #6 - E3M1: Fairly dull/uninteresting starting map. Nothing else to say really. #7 - Plutonia: The texturing, higher difficulty and certain mapping tricks like the Archie-chaingunner balcony are good indications of what to expect from rest of the wad. That said, Final Doom's not really my cup of tea so I don't enjoy Plutonia's maps much. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Wavy Posted February 19, 2024 (edited) TNT just for the song (Sadistic) Edited February 19, 2024 by Wavy 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
xScavengerWolfx Posted February 19, 2024 Ultimate Doom (Doom 1): E4M1. Fast, hard, brutal on UV. E1M4 and E3M6. Doom 2: Map(s): Map 28, Map07, Map 21 and Map 31. TNT: Never finished it since it got boring after like Map 20. (TNT enjoyers are going to hate me for that one) Plutonia: Besides map 11 Hunted (Que the bunny music) i have to say Map 31 and 32. The reason why is map 31 was a teaser of what was to come.....Map 32........Oh map 32. I do not remember which Casali it was that made this level but holy fuck is it brutal. I get why people clam this is the birth of slaughter maps. Imagine playing Map 32 back in 1996 on Keyboard only, if you have then your a true god among doomers. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Astar Posted February 19, 2024 (edited) 1. E1M1 - so iconic and a pleasant map to play at absolutely any time 2. E4M1 - the most beautiful map in episode 4. Aesthetic, compact, brutal and memorable 3. TNT Map 01 - another compact and pleasant map to play through, with nothing superfluous. And soundtrack is FIRE, this furious kick and bass! 4. Doom 2 Map 01 - an iconic map, not long, not tiring, ideal for running all sorts of mods and other stuff. And ofc D_RUNNIN 5. E2M1 - it's okay 6. E3M1 - I don't really like this map. Quite boring and pistol gunning cacodemons very much fun yeaaa. PSX version is much better 7. Plutonia Map 01 - Plutonia has the worst start in my opinion. Awkward large spaces, revenants and overall I really don't like Plutonia's color palette Edited February 19, 2024 by Astar 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Enzo Carozza Posted February 19, 2024 Same ranking as @Astar, minus "Running from Evil" for MAP01 - it has driven me to the point of insanity (it's the national anthem of "I forgot to put custom music in my map!!!"), playing a map with Freedoom literally just to hear "Not My First Rodeo..." instead or just replacing the track makes it slightly more bearable, heh. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheMightyWhoosh Posted February 19, 2024 Congo - It has an atmosphere that I cannot describe which isn’t replicated in any of the other MAP01s. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BGreener Posted February 19, 2024 Either map02 from Doom 2 or Plutonia. Entryway has got a lot of nostalgia but I really like it’s secrets and overall design; I like the view that comes with that chainsaw pickup. With Congo it’s everything else: It’s got a fun simple level flow with great enemy roster use, and with lots of attention to ‘skill setting spawns’. You also can come across the two different extremes of archvile fights: One closer-quarters in the storage, and one that oversees the courtyard. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Li'l devil Posted February 19, 2024 (edited) TNT MAP 01, but specifically in coop! There's one very specific good reason why this map is amazing in coop, but not a lot of people know it hehe. (spoiler if you really want to know) Spoiler There's a fucking cyberdemon on this map in coop lmao Edited February 19, 2024 by Li'l devil 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
_memyself Posted February 19, 2024 6 minutes ago, Li'l devil said: TNT MAP 01, but specifically in coop! There's one very specific good reason why this map is amazing in coop, but not a lot of people know it hehe. (spoiler if you really want to know) Hide contents There's a fucking cyberdemon on this map in coop lmao THAT'S WHAT THE EXTRA MONSTERS ARE FOR?????????? Or I'm just stupid. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
RHhe82 Posted February 19, 2024 Let's see. #1 E4M1. I love Sign of Evil, and I love the overall ambience and economy of this one, despite resource starvation being something I don't like in general. Hell Beneath gets a pass. #2 Congo. I like Plutonia, and the first map is a good kick off map. #3 System Control. I was debating which to put first, this or the next one... TNT hasn't aged that well at all, but I gotta admit you'd never guess that by the first map, which is like a much improved (and less worn-out in use) version of Doom 2's MAP01. #4 E1M1. It¨s a classic and holds most nostalgia value for me. Yeah, it's easy, but it's the first map I ever played back in 1994. I feel it was the perfect tutorial map back in the day to playing Doom, when people hadn't played FPS's that much aside from Wolfenstein 3D and perhaps bunch of other, a lot less technically advanced games. #5 E2M1. This might also have fared better on some other day, and I still feel like Deimos Anomaly is a decent map. Also back in the day the inverted cross hallway was a sight to behold, believe it or not. #6 MAP01. It's a decent map, I suppose, but I find it hard to stand the music, and I feel like I've played this far too many times, and it's not saved by the same nostalgia factor as E1M1. In fact, my first experience with Doom 2 back in the day was a bit like watching Phantom Menace when it first was released: inevitable disappointment. Although the feeling was far less pronounced with Doom 2, but still. #7 E3M1. I have soft spot for Inferno and E3M1, but I gotta admit pistoling down cacos is just not fun. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted February 19, 2024 (edited) Plu01 and tnt01 are both top tier for me, for many reasons others have mentioned. Chaingunner-archvile combo turrets are amazing, hugely innovative tricks that have a lot of underutilized potential, and tnt01's early berserk just makes for a fun, silly level to play. E3m1 takes the next spot for me. I felt super clever as a kid infighting the cacos and imps, then rushing to the shotgun for some better weaponry to come back with while they fought it out. The rest of the map is fairly 1-dimensional but not offensively so, and it also gives e3m9 room to build off of and subvert expecations, which made for a really cool reveal when it was new. Also, rocket launcher map 1 let's go lol. E2m1 comes in my 4th spot, starting off the episode with a plasma gun that is actually useful in the level you found it in is a very strong opener for a set and a good time in general. E4m1 is a good map, and gives rockets! But I'm just not a fan of the way ammo was placed in it. I guess d2m1 can take 6th spot for me given all the dwango maps that have cloned it, but better, though I absolutely hate dm'ing on the original. Finally, e1m1 is a cool level in its own right and teaches some important aspects of the game, but it's a little too close to a tutorial for my liking. It also forms the foundation for more advanced maps to build off of, so it makes sense that other m1's would have a bit more innovation in them. Edited February 19, 2024 by Fonze 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pure Hellspawn Posted February 19, 2024 1 hour ago, Fonze said: Plu01 and tnt01 are both top tier for me, for many reasons others have mentioned. Chaingunner-archvile combo turrets are amazing, hugely innovative tricks that have a lot of underutilized potential, and tnt01's early berserk just makes for a fun, silly level to play. E3m1 takes the next spot for me. I felt super clever as a kid infighting the cacos and imps, then rushing to the shotgun for some better weaponry to come back with while they fought it out. The rest of the map is fairly 1-dimensional but not offensively so, and it also gives e3m9 room to build off of and subvert expecations, which made for a really cool reveal when it was new. Also, rocket launcher map 1 let's go lol. E2m1 comes in my 4th spot, starting off the episode with a plasma gun that is actually useful in the level you found it in is a very strong opener for a set and a good time in general. E4m1 is a good map, and gives rockets! But I'm just not a fan of the way ammo was placed in it. I guess d2m1 can take 6th spot for me given all the dwango maps that have cloned it, but better, though I absolutely hate dm'ing on the original. Finally, e1m1 is a cool level in its own right and teaches some important aspects of the game, but it's a little too close to a tutorial for my liking. It also forms the foundation for more advanced maps to build off of, so it makes sense that other m1's would have a bit more innovation in them. Where's map01? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted February 19, 2024 20 minutes ago, Pure Hellspawn said: Where's map01? D2m1 would also be map01. Just felt the differentiation between doom 2 map01, tnt map01, and plu map01 would be helpful. I guess given I labeled tnt map01 as tnt01, I should have followed my own convention and labeled doom 2's as d201, or swapped tnt01 to tntm1 and plu01 to plum1, but that also seems confusing 🤔 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pure Hellspawn Posted February 19, 2024 ahha this is honestly the first time I ever heard map01 called that. I was thinking deathmatch or dwango especially since i saw the word. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
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