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Your favorite first level from the first four games?


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With the caveat that I normally play on low difficulties...


1: E3M1 Hell Keep: I love Hell Maps and this is the only Hell Map among these maps. And it also provides a great call-forward to the secret level E3M9, which is one of my favorite Doom 1 maps ever.

2: E2M1 Deimos Anomaly: This is also a great map and an excellent introduction to teleporters, cacodemons, and plasma rifles, and it's the very first corrupted techbase map, which is one of my favorite map aesthetics.

3: MAP01 Congo: I'm not particularly a fan of Plutonia, but I feel that this is one of its better maps. It's aesthetically interesting and offers a good, well-balanced challenge.

4: MAP01: System Control: This is mostly average, but I like the Berserk start. I love maps that give you a different starting weapon that isn't one of the shotguns.

5: E1M1 Hangar: This is a well-designed tutorial level but otherwise not really good for anything other than nostalgia.

6: MAP01: Entryway: Simple, but the secrets are too obscure and basically anyone who's playing this will have already played through Doom 1 and doesn't need a pseudo-tutorial level.

7: E4M1 Hell Beneath: Way too difficult for a first map if you're trying to kill everything, and entirely because ammo is too scarce even on ITYTD, let alone higher difficulties.

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E4M1 - challenging and a layered puzzle box despite it's short length, very good looking aesthetic that aged more or less flawlessly.
Map01 Plutonia - Timeless aesthetic again, great atmosphere
Map01 TNT - Still cleanly illustrated, though less atmospheric. Great homage to D2 while reinterpretting all of it's ideas.
E2M1 - Atmospheric and ambient (noticing a pattern here,) with alot of exploration. Also surprisingly hard for it's slot.

E1M1 - Literally iconic, but I find that it doesn't play very well except for deathmatch, and it's not Romero's best visual work. Still creative and concise.
MAP01 D2 - Great music, tons of interesting secrets, great job at introducing new design ideas, but: tremendously ugly for most of it's runtime, combat only mildly better than E1M1, and not open enough for deathmatch (ironic considering it's fame in that regard.)

E3M1 - I love the first shot. Everything else is a chain of bad ideas or bad execution.

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E4M1 - McGee knew how to step onto a seasoned (at the time) player's toes, and he took the opportunistic approach of doing so throughout the level. The level design works in spite of its simplicity. 


TNT - The architecture here is nice, and the difficulty curve isn't overwhelming like it's other half of Final Doom counterpart. 


E2M1 - Tom Hall's starting slate is done decently, not sure if Sandy made any worthwhile contributions to it. Yet another simple one but interesting nonetheless. 


Plutonia - The Casali brothers' boner fetish. Enough said. Not a fan.


E1M1 - I like when the first maps are simple, but this is overwhelmingly simple. For a map that they held back until the game was fully complete, it doesn't really use the engine to its fullest potential as much as it could've. 


Doom II - Sandy's maps that weren't started by Tom Hall aren't spectacular visually. Gameplay wise they're decent, but visually... ehhhhhhhhhhhh.


E3M1 - Almost had a tie with Doom II on this one. This map is nothing but a slog.


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27 minutes ago, Explorer of Time said:

With the caveat that I normally play on low difficulties...


1: E3M1 Hell Keep: I love Hell Maps and this is the only Hell Map among these maps. And it also provides a great call-forward to the secret level E3M9, which is one of my favorite Doom 1 maps ever.


7: E4M1 Hell Beneath: Way too difficult for a first map if you're trying to kill everything, and entirely because ammo is too scarce even on ITYTD, let alone higher difficulties.


5 minutes ago, ApprihensivSoul said:

E4M1 - challenging and a layered puzzle box despite it's short length, very good looking aesthetic that aged more or less flawlessly.


E3M1 - I love the first shot. Everything else is a chain of bad ideas or bad execution.


The duality of man.

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  • Tied for 1st place:  E4M1 & TNT MAP01, I couldn't pick between one of these, they're both great
  • 3rd:  E2M1, not much to say other than I really like this one
  • 4th:  E1M1, a classic & maybe I placed it this high because of nostalgia
  • 5th:  Plutonia MAP01, I like the first room & the exit room, but otherwise don't care for it too much
  • 6th:  Doom II MAP01, It's got a nice entrance
  • 7th:  E3M1, :(
Edited by Sesamia

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Note: I don't hate ANY of the opening maps for DooM/DooM II/Final (barring 1). ALL (but one) of them are really good!


First: System Control - Wait? TNT!? Yeah! Despite how much people dislike TNT Evilution I think its opening map is amazing! Being a nice, compact, punchy map with some well made detailing this is a fantastic map!

Second: Hell's Keep - Hippity hoppity my favourite DooM 1 episode's starting property.

Third: Entryway - I think MAP01 is superior to E1M1. BITE ME! >:)

Fourth: Congo - Can't argue that Plutonia knows EXACTLY what it is and isn't afraid to show itself! Just a shame about how many Archviles there are in this WAD. >_>

Fifth: Deimos Anomaly - The ONLY reason this is above Hangar is literally just because of the Plasma Rifle.

Sixth: Hangar - The lowest of the good opening maps. Iconic, blue floor is blue and contains the inferior first map theme song. Also everyone who likes to re-create/reference this map keep forgetting there's NO shotgunner's on HMP difficulty! XD

Seventh: H E L L B E N E A T H - Thank GOD I play DooM on HMP difficulty by default. Imagine having no HP items barring a couple health bonuses. Episode 4 was just a mistake and a half. Still better than Sigil 1.

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Is nobody going to mention how much fun Entryway is for Deathmatch? It being so tiny makes it super fun in four people. At least back in the day we only ever played it or Dead Simple and I always liked Map01 more.

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My favourite first level from the four games:


#1 - E2M1: If E1M1 isn't the most iconic map for me in Doom, then E2M1 is, very nice, short and simple, teleporters get their proper introduction, cacodemons and lost souls (the latter of ITYTD and HNTR difficulty) make their debut, including the plasma gun, a goofy yet catchy soundtrack, and it sets off the theme of the episode with the mixture of techbase and hell, and that inverted cross near the start is a highlight of the map. Need I also mention I used it as the first map of the first episode of my Doom in Duke Nukem 3D Total Conversion?


#2 - TNT Map 01: A very fun opener to one half of Final Doom, you get the berserk right at the start which allows you to punch out enemies with ease, and all the more satisfying when you gib some of them, the map goes by very quickly, real easy, love the upbeat metal track, and there's that fake exit which will surprise first time players thinking the map is over only to discover there's a little more to go. Couldn't forget how it's a sweet homage to Doom 2's Entryway, which Tom Mustaine really has a knack for since he did a similar map in Memento Mori 1.


#3 - Plutonia Map 01: Undoubtedly the one map that lets you know that this is a megawad that doesn't mess around and demands both precision and strategy. With a pair of arch-viles, a bunch of chaingunners and revenants, some mancubi and pain elementals, all introduced at the very start (including a spider mastermind on multiplayer), it is a sign that Plutonia is going to be a wild ride as it's the "easiest" map the megawad has to offer, rightfully so as it was designed to be almost deliberately cruel. This map is basically the Doom equivalent to Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels' World 1-1.


#4 - E4M1: This one comes close to rivalling Plutonia's Map 01, but its difficulty comes off more as shock value. The biggest struggle is the ammo starvation since almost all the ammo would be used on the barons along with trying to stay alive as you get no health save for a few health bonuses, and the armour can only get you so far as the enemies can still deal heavy damage, especially the shotgunners and barons, that you must avoid taking as much damage as humanely possible so you can exit with enough to survive the onslaught in E4M2.


#5 - E1M1: Nostalgic level that is iconic by many, but it feels more like a tutorial as the map is the easiest Doom level ever made. Feels more proper for deathmatching rather than single play. Still, a nice level that defines Doom to its core, right down to the music track "At Doom's Gate."


#6 - Doom 2 Map 01 - It is very much to Doom 2 what E1M1 is to Doom, a short and easy level that goes by very fast, but there is so much to do when it comes to finding the secrets. Not as good as E1M1, though, but still a classic that spawned two homages in Final Doom, with TNT having its own variation of the concept as an opener, and Plutonia taking the map as a super-secret level, reworking it and adding new areas while stuffing it to the gills with the nastiest monsters to make the hardest, most insane, most ridiculous, most extreme and most brutal map ever to be made for an official release.


#7 - E3M1: Honestly, I find this one to be the weakest of the openers. You're armed with nothing but your pistol and have to gun out imps and cacodemons, which can be tedious unless you know to race for the shotgun first after opening the door which would make taking down the cacos less time consuming. Still, you must conserve your ammo as there's not much to kill all the enemies unless to strategise using the pistol for the imps and the shotgun for the pinkies and cacos. Least you get a rocket launcher found in a secret near the end as a reward for going through all that.

Edited by T-Rex

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Surprisingly, the TNT level is turning out to be the winner here!!! And I must agree, because honestly, all the others suck except for Hangar, which I can't rate because everybody has overdosed on it

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-E1M1: I mean, it's THE classic opening map of Doom... but does it do anything for me? Not really. Shoot shoot, door door door, end...
-E2M1: Interesting opening map. Not bad. Not brilliant, but interesting.

-E3M1: Disappointing when compared to E3M9: Warrens which should've been E3M1. Imagine if Inferno started with Warrens... FUCK!!

-E4M1: Almost perfection. The best opening map of Ultimate Doom.

DOOM II: Hell On Earth
- MAP01: Kinda the same to me as E1M1... doesn't really do anything for me. Shoot shoot, door, end...



- MAP01: TNT. That is all.


FINAL DOOM: Plutonia
- MAP01: Solid. Challenging, not on the level of E4M1 but definitely a smack in the face from the start.

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20 hours ago, Explorer of Time said:


1: E3M1 Hell Keep: I love Hell Maps and this is the only Hell Map among these maps. And it also provides a great call-forward to the secret level E3M9, which is one of my favorite Doom 1 maps ever.


Inferno should've started with E3M9...

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1. Doom 2 MAP01: Call me simplistic, but this level is simple and I love it for it. A simple, yet iconic layout matches its simple yet very satisfying action. This map gets remade time and time again in every other FPS for a reason. Every human being could remake Entryway from memory flawlessly.

2. TNT MAP01: A berserk in the very first room is a good way to grab the attention. The only part I'm not fond of is having to walk in the exit door's sector to trigger actual progress. Other than that, a very clean and punchy opener.

3. E1M1: Hail nostalgia. The map's very crude and simple today, but it quickly establishes in a nutshell what to expect in Doom. The window placement lets you have a gander at the whole map, which helps establishing a scale of the environment you are in and make this look like an actual place. 

4. E2M1: I actually like this map better on a gameplay standpoint, but it doesn't stand as well than E1M1 does in terms of looks and theme. The first plasma rifle rips.

5. Plutonia MAP01: This map works fine for introducing you to Plutonia's sadism, but I never was fond of it. That first archvile in particular just feels like an inconvenience and an ammo sink rather than an actual threat.

6. E4M1: Ugh. This map is just unfun and cruel. You can't have 8 health pickups in your map and yet shove shotgunners behind fake walls that can shoot at you unknowingly. This is stupid and unfair map design.

7. E3M1: Pistol shooting cacodemons and shotgunning pinkies in a tiny corridor? Is this really how the ultimate leg of your journey in Hell begins? This map has no pulse and sets an amazingly bad first impression of Inferno.

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On 2/19/2024 at 2:34 PM, Amaruψ said:

The duality of man.


Haaaaah! Well played. 

I figure it's obvious from the others that I'm a sucker for broody atmosphere, and you can beat E4M1 a dozen times and still not find everything. But I find that it's nowhere near the spike in difficulty of E2M1, as if you're playing in order you probably came in after some Doom 2 as well as the rest of the episodes. E2M1 is pretty easy overall, but compared to E1M1 it's wrath. (And the ammo starvation in E3M1 is far worse than than the health starvation of E4M1)

In other words I am arguing that their opinion is wrong and they should change it! XD

(If that was possible I'd have everyone as a TNT fan.)

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4 hours ago, ApprihensivSoul said:


Haaaaah! Well played. 

I figure it's obvious from the others that I'm a sucker for broody atmosphere, and you can beat E4M1 a dozen times and still not find everything. But I find that it's nowhere near the spike in difficulty of E2M1, as if you're playing in order you probably came in after some Doom 2 as well as the rest of the episodes. E2M1 is pretty easy overall, but compared to E1M1 it's wrath. (And the ammo starvation in E3M1 is far worse than than the health starvation of E4M1)

In other words I am arguing that their opinion is wrong and they should change it! XD

(If that was possible I'd have everyone as a TNT fan.)

To be fair, I don't play on UV, and E3M1 is way, way, way better balanced for low difficulties than E4M1 is. E3M1 drops two of the three Cacos on HMP and all three on ITYTD/HNTR, and E4M1 gives you very little ammo for the Barons on ITYTD and especially HNTR because there are fewer Shotgun Guys to collect shells from, and still has you fight four Barons even on the lowest difficulty.


I will give you that E4M1 is the better of the two levels on UV, but I don't play UV.


(I do agree with you about TNT, it's great. Way better than Plutonia, IMO.)

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E1M1 is by far my favorite design, but I think Congo is the one I most enjoy booting up again as an experienced player.

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9 hours ago, Explorer of Time said:

To be fair, I don't play on UV, and E3M1 is way, way, way better balanced for low difficulties than E4M1 is. E3M1 drops two of the three Cacos on HMP and all three on ITYTD/HNTR, and E4M1 gives you very little ammo for the Barons on ITYTD and especially HNTR because there are fewer Shotgun Guys to collect shells from, and still has you fight four Barons even on the lowest difficulty.


I will give you that E4M1 is the better of the two levels on UV, but I don't play UV.


(I do agree with you about TNT, it's great. Way better than Plutonia, IMO.)

I wouldn't say it's better than Plutonia, just worthy of intense love and affection, and indisputably superior to D1 and 2 writ large. 

I haven't found a wad I feel comfortable playing on HMP yet, probably due to my devious savescumming ways. But I rather strongly find that the base doom games are pretty badly optimized on all difficulties (except for Romero or Casali maps usually, with some exceptions) and the frantic nature of UV makes it a bit more compelling to me, since I don't mind dying constantly (and find the game bland when that's unlikely.)



(I'm actually still really bad at Doom overall, I just lose interest in games once my skill curve levels off, so making things "easier" tends to take the fun out.)


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this is like trying to rank the best drive home on each of the last four blue moons, it's too strict of a discussion for anything of note to be said

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18 hours ago, Donowa said:

this is like trying to rank the best drive home on each of the last four blue moons, it's too strict of a discussion for anything of note to be said

Whyyyyyy? I feel like this is a good open discussion. Like, what? Do you want people to rank ALL the levels of EVERY Doom game? Ain't nobody reading all that.

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i think doing it as like "5 favorite and least favorite first levels in doom mapsets" or "favorite levels from the classic doom games and ranking among them" would work better

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46 minutes ago, Donowa said:

i think doing it as like "5 favorite and least favorite first levels in doom mapsets" or "favorite levels from the classic doom games and ranking among them" would work better

Okay yes, but that's not the question. If you want that so bad, then ask the question yourself instead of complaining on other forums.

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All the openers are good but if I had to rank them, then it'd be as follows...


1. Entryway (Doom II)
2. Hangar (Knee Deep In The Dead)

3. System Control (TNT Evilution)

4. Congo (Plutonia)
5. Deimos Anomaly (The Shores of Hell)
6. Hell Keep (Inferno)
7. Hell Beneath (Thy Flesh Consumed)

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Speaking for just Doom I and what I played of Doom II so far:


Phobos Anomaly (facing the Barons for the first time and the music is cool)

E1M1 (because of the music)

E1M2 (because the music slaps real hard)

Tower of Babel (facing the Cyberdemon)

Dis (facing the Spider Mastermind)



Can't think of what else.


Doom II:


Map 01 (because of the music)

Map 03 (your introduction to the Chaingunners)

Map 06 (crushing the poor Spider Mastermind)

Dead Simple (Mancubi and Arachnotrons)

Tricks and Traps 

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41 minutes ago, SealSpace said:

Speaking for just Doom I and what I played of Doom II so far:


Phobos Anomaly (facing the Barons for the first time and the music is cool)

E1M1 (because of the music)

E1M2 (because the music slaps real hard)

Tower of Babel (facing the Cyberdemon)

Dis (facing the Spider Mastermind)



Can't think of what else.


Doom II:


Map 01 (because of the music)

Map 03 (your introduction to the Chaingunners)

Map 06 (crushing the poor Spider Mastermind)

Dead Simple (Mancubi and Arachnotrons)

Tricks and Traps 

I don't think you understood the question, I said FIRST levels.

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7 minutes ago, _memyself said:

I don't think you understood the question, I said FIRST levels.

Oohhhhh okay sorry. Misread the title.


My bad bro.


In that case, E1M1 from Doom I and Map 01 from Doom II then.

Edited by SealSpace

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I went ahead and expanded the scope a lot but still restricted to "first levels" only. This list would definitely change each time you asked me, it's just my thoughts at the moment:

(1) Congo (Plutonia): The second longest first map after one that comes later. There's some difficult points but you can usually just run out of a trap if you don't want to deal with it. I really like how the level looks and I think it's just the right amount of challenge for a first level. When I first considered the question I didn't think Congo would be my favorite but here we are.


(2) Plant Ops (The Lost Levels): It's much more challenging and a lot longer while still feeling like a Doom 64 level. Very nice level design and encounters, has a little bit of everything and definitely the best looking first map.


(3) Staging Area (Doom 64): Really sets the tone of the game going forward, it even has a simple switch puzzle on higher difficulties. I'm a bit biased as a Doom 64 fan, but this is definitely one of the better ones. I especially like the super secret exit.


(4) System Control (TNT): The Berserk start is unique and makes the level pretty fun to go through. It's very short and reminds me a whole lot of Entryway in both length and the hidden outside section with an early shotgun guarded by imps.


(5) Entryway (Doom 2): The amount of times I've seen this level has to be more than any other Doom level combined just from testing so many gameplay wads. I like it even if by now I'm kind of sick of D_RUNNIN. I want to say it's the shortest of the first levels, I enjoy the outside area and the secrets. Even if I feel like there's no way you'd ever find the rocket launcher except by accident or already knowing how to activate that secret.


(6) E4M1: Significantly more brutal and unforgiving compared to most first levels, which I think is fitting. I like the easter egg and aesthetic, does the introductory hell level concept way more justice than E3M1, that's for sure.


(7) The Earth Base (No Rest for the Living): By far the longest, much more intricate detail and lots of secrets. I do think it overstays its welcome a bit (like most maps in NRftL if you ask me) I've played this one enough to come across the easter egg by accident. I like the completely optional yellow key area to unlock a couple more secrets and super shotgun early.


(8) E1M1: Iconic, love the music. Works perfectly well as a first level. I wouldn't say there's anything too noteworthy about it specifically, but does there need to be? Still, it is admittedly boring to play nowadays so I can't rate it too high.


(9) E2M1: I like this one, the secret plasma gun and teleporting from area to area is neat. Still not a whole lot to say about it though.


(10) Attack (Master Levels): Not terrible and fun at times, there's just not a whole lot I have to say about this one except I like the outside areas and level design.


(11) Baphomet's Demesne (Sigil): Very nice looking hell level, I like the secrets that give you a glimpse of a dark area filled with cracks and pentagrams, also shooting the eyes was a neat gimmick. However I don't like that most of the level is on a walkway you have to avoid falling off of.


(12) Cursed Darkness (Sigil 2): Basically just a retread of Sigil's but with more enemy spam, a Cyberdemon in the lava for some reason, and more thin walkways you have to avoid falling off of. Not very good.

(13) E3M1: Horrible. I'd say this is the only truly bad level in the list. Level itself is already bland and uninspired beyond the fact that it's hell, having to either kill two cacodemons with a pistol or lead them out and run past for the shotgun isn't fun not to mention it's almost entirely a long hallway to the end. Its only saving grace is the callback in E3M9 but that doesn't save it. Worst first map for sure.

Edited by Duskztar

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If we're including SIGIL now, I'm going to include Freedoom just for the hell of it.


  1. Hydroelectric Plant (Freedoom: Phase 2): I have this ranked first because it's the best at being a first level. Beautiful texturing, nice linear path to the exit, some low-stakes fights to teach players how to shoot, and lots of optional content to reward replays. I want people to be introduced to Doom with this level.
  2. Outer Prison (Freedoom: Phase 1 E1): It's a bit clunky, a huge part of the level is entirely optional (and was annoying to find when it was mandatory). But it's got about the ideal difficulty level and some beautiful details. It's not a bad first impression to the entirety of Doom.
  3. Baphomet's Demesne (Sigil): This honestly feels as iconic to me as the first maps of E1 and E2, largely thanks to its MIDI and its stark red coloring. I don't mind the platforming at all, and the meanness of the combat made it fun.
  4. Congo (The Plutonia Experiment): Doesn't really try to be an introduction to Doom, but it is a very good introduction to the strategic nature of Plutonia's combat.
  5. Elemental Gate (Freedoom: Phase 1 E2): One of those rare levels that actually feels like you're advancing toward a goal - opening and entering the gateway to the ruins. And it's got some pretty fun shootouts along the way.
  6. Phobos Anomaly (Doom E2): As iconic as Hangar and a lot more fun, great combat and secrets.
  7. Maintenance Area (Freedoom: Phase 1 E4): It's a fun level, but being as big and complex as it is, doesn't really feel like the opener of an IWAD episode. Probably because it isn't, it's the opener to the PWAD Double Impact.
  8. Hell Beneath (Ultimate Doom E4): Really challenging level, but it's satisfying to beat, and teaches you to manage space more strategically throughout the rest of the episode.
  9. Land of the Lost (Freedoom: Phase 1 E3): It's a Tyson map for the most part, if you don't like melee in Doom (and I don't) you won't like this level. It's probably really fun if you're good at punching things, though.
  10. The Earth Base (No Rest for the Living): For a first level it's really sprawling and drags on for a long time. I last played NRFTL a couple years ago, so I barely remember it except for being beige and long, and maybe having some challenging combat here and there.
  11. Cursed Darkness (Sigil 2): I barely beat this level and didn't really enjoy the process of doing so. It's all the more annoying aspects of SIGIL turned up to eleven without the parts that make it fun.
  12. Attack (Master Levels): Simplistic and boring, very little to say about it.
  13. Hangar (Doom E1): Iconic as it was most people's first level in the most advanced FPS of its time, but it has very little replay value beyond learning how to play the game and finding two or three very easy and unsatisfying secrets.
  14. Entryway (Doom 2): Copy and paste everything I said about Hangar, except it's even more linear and looks less interesting. I will defend D_RUNNIN though. It's a pretty good track.
  15. Hell Keep (Doom E3): I agree with this as a consensus least favorite. Annoyingly ammo-starved, confusing layout, doesn't look all that good.

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On 2/22/2024 at 10:56 PM, Donowa said:

this is like trying to rank the best drive home on each of the last four blue moons, it's too strict of a discussion for anything of note to be said

On 2/24/2024 at 1:19 PM, Donowa said:

i think doing it as like "5 favorite and least favorite first levels in doom mapsets" or "favorite levels from the classic doom games and ranking among them" would work better

This thread is fine and the initial prompt has enough substance behind it. OP even put effort into making their own list instead of just asking a one sentence question, which is something you have to pry out of a lot of other posters if they were the ones to make this topic. You could also make those threads, if you wish.


Anyway, Hell Beneath checks out in my books as both the best opener and the best IWAD map. It's not the birth of sinister/sadistic Doom at all, but it is a hint of things to come.

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