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Your favorite first level from the first four games?

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TNT map 01 has to be my favourite IWAD opener.


I love the map layout, it's simple and nothing too complex. It immediately offers a berserk to you, which in a sense is unique compared to the other IWAD openers, mainly due to the fact it can expand on the creativity of how you approach the map. I always approve of tyson-friendly maps even if I am not a big fan of maining the berserk over a weapon. Not only that but the pacing and the progression of the map really pacts a punch. It's not as oppressive as Plutonia and E4M1 yet it's not stale either and offers a fair challenge for the most part. But really, the icing on the cake here is the MIDI. It is an absolute headbanger, it's metal and it's aggressive; all being things that really fit well with the pacing of the map. 


It's a shame that I feel as if TNT kinda burns out towards the end because I was expecting something wicked with an opener like that. It may have my favourite opening map in any IWAD, but it's my least favourite of the IWADs due to later maps.

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I'm gonna say Congo, because it has the most staying power. Other levels are good too, but you're done with them in a minute or two.


E4M1 is a close second for being one of the rare few levels, where ammo and landing your shots actually matters (if you want to also kill the NIN Barons.

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11 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

So what's the rules with the Master Levels?  Which one is the TRUE opening map?



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Honestly E1M1. I'll never forget the blue carpet and the No Remorse riff and the imp throwing fireballs from a ledge and the blue armor outside. Just a perfect opener.


E2M1 comes close though with that upside down cross at the start and "I sawed the Demons" is probably my favorite Doom 1 track.


TNT also has a great opener that is fun to just punch your way through and save all your ammo for the early difficulty hike of Human BBQ.


MAP01 Entryway is iconic but I don't dig "Running from Evil "too much (probably because of all the wads from the 90s that have it and Master levels hearing it every level as well)


Congo was fine but not my favorite opener love "The Imp Song" though.


E4M1 is a fine and probably the hardest opener (to 100% that is.)


E3M1 is my least favorite of the bunch because it's not the prettiest and the gameplay is pretty blah.

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E3M1 - Very strong first impression of hell and aesthetic motif
E4M1 - Also very stylish in a different way and with cool combat scenarios
TNT - Fun action-packed starter. Very "Doom-like" if you know what I mean
E1M1 - The perfect tutorial level, very good as it is
Plutonia - Great level design and monster placement, but very boring visually
E1M2 - A bit lackluster on repeated playthroughs
MAP02 - Less impressive compared to the others on the list

Overall I think all the openers are good, but E1M3 takes the cake

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#1: Tnt Map01 (best opening map midi + economy of space in map design)

#2: E4M1 (probably about as hardcore as UDoom gets)

#3: Plutonia Map01 (doesn't necessarily feel or look like a Map01, but communicates premise of wad well)

#4: E1M1 (I like the shortcut outside, and I like the imp platform and secrets behind it)

#5: E3M1 (I like the opening, but the rest of the map is bizarre and cramped)

#6: E2M1 (I like plasma secret but not fond of the pinky wall)

#7: Doom II Map01 (boring, but the rocket launcher secret is cool)

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