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Simple (probably unnecessary) Question regarding Ultimate Doom Builder

El Franko

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This might sound like a frankly rather dumb question, but can Ultimate Doom Builder be used to make WADs that can be 100% compatible with Vanilla DOS (or DOSBox) Doom? I might have received the motivation to create my own mapset, but I would love for it to be vanilla friendly friendly and compatible. I'm only asking because I read on the Official Doom Wiki that Ultimate Doom Builder is primarily aimed towards ZDoom and GZDoom, so I just want some clarification as to whether or not it can be used for Vanilla DOS Doom or any other non-ZDoom source port.

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Sure, Doom/Doom 2 format is what covers it. From there on you just need to make sure there's not too many things seen on screen at once. UDB has visplane explorer for that.

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You can use UDB for any source port, just use the appropriate format configuration. And make sure you're testing it in the target port, especially for vanilla (testing in Chocolate Doom is fine) because of all the limitations you can run into that other ports smooth over or don't enforce.

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