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Strange bug with DSDA Launcher


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I was trying to get a setup for recording demos going, I downloaded DSDA Launcher and started recording a demo for normal Doom (seemed fine)

Then I go to record a demo for Crumpets 2, and my mouse is jittering really bad! Does anyone know why this happens? Or, does anybody have a fix for this!

Video evidence


It's kind of hard to see on video, but when you're playing you notice it. The mouse seems to move in large chunks, and isn't being smoothed out!


and here's a picture of my mouse settings in case you're wondering



Edited by Hebonky

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27 minutes ago, Beginner said:

A shot in the dark: try adding "-longtics" parameter

Just tried it out, no luck! Which sucks, but I'll try to get used to it for now.

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This is -shorttics turning resolution behavior, which limits turning to specific angles and was originally implemented to cut down the size of demo files in the vanilla games. Nowadays cl2-4, 11, and 21 demos will allow -longtics turning resolution (though by default, I believe that using -record will enable shorttics unless -longtics is also specified), but -complevel 9 demos don't support longtics usage.


You can try toggling Carry Fractional Tics (Options -> General -> Mouse Options page), it might feel better or worse with the opposite of whatever yours is set to, but otherwise you're out of luck if you want to record -complevel 9 demos with longtics.

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