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Have you ever completed the Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 on Nightmare! difficulty?

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If you asking me, no i didn't unfortunately. Nightmare is extremely hard difficulty, but i like it a lot because its so much fun. I've played on lower difficulties and its a little bit boring for me, maybe because i have played both games many times on UV and on lower difficulties, no idea. I've reached to E2M6, and i cannot beat this map its just so hard. I tried soo many times, maybe like 30 or something and still nothing. I can get successfully all the keys, but when i go back to exit the level, soooo many monsters are there and i just cannot kill all of them i don't have enough plasma cells. And i just gave up. Then i looked decino gameplay on this map and he completed relatively easy. I know that he's a good player, but he beated that map with 100% everything. Maybe i'll come back to complete it soon, but i'll see. I probably have a skill issue.


What about you guys?

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For curiosity's sake I tested E1M1 on NM a long time ago and didn't survive past the shotgunners at the start, but I also wasn't keen on like 'every monster is a static turret on its place' gimmick either. 


The only wad I played formally on this skill, from start to end, was the doomerboards NM-centric one. I actually had no issues with it, but I was more convinced it wasn't my thing. 

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5 minutes ago, galileo31dos01 said:



For curiosity's sake I tested E1M1 on NM a long time ago and didn't survive past the shotgunners at the start, but I also wasn't keen on like 'every monster is a static turret on its place' gimmick either. 


The only wad I played formally on this skill, from start to end, was the doomerboards NM-centric one. I actually had no issues with it, but I was more convinced it wasn't my thing. 

Try "Not Even Remotely Fair (NERF)"
Is a wad that was designed around Nigthmare difficulty,maybe you'd find it more enjoyable.

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Nightmare is too stressful to be fun for me. I beat Episode 1 of Ultimate Doom and nothing else. Can't imagine the rest of the game will be more fun.


For fun I attempted Doom 2 on Nightmare. I got stuck on MAP04 and never looked back. That beginning part with the distant hitscanners and the shotgunners behind the crusher windows can eat a bowl of butts.

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Got close to beating E1, gave up due to hitscanner poisoning. Ironically, I always felt like Doom 1 would probably get easier the further you got into the game. The monster counts don't really go up, and they mostly stop using hitscanners.

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I can reliably run through E2 with no issues.

I can do literally no other episodes or games in the series, E2 is so low on hitscan and has early plasma so I can just power through like a madman, I also know it back to front because it is my favourite.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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Way back in the 2000's when I was at my most DOOM-obsessed, I did indeed beat E1 through E3 on Nightmare difficulty. Wasn't going to even attempt E4 though, and an attempt at DOOM II fell flat pretty early, as MAP02 is absolutely torturous.

Whilst doing E1/2/3 I did personally find the episodes to have something of an inverse difficulty curve though; with E3 being by far the easiest of the three in general.

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Gotta be honest, i'm scared of even touching the nightmare option...

However, that hasn't stopped me of playing with fast monsters for a bit.

That shit is relentless, especially on e1m3, but i had a ton of fun.

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nope. have tried with [fastmonsters] before, and found it too tough for me let alone [nightmare], especially with [pain elementals] and their [lost souls] (i did not encounter the [archvile] or [cybie]). so i settled with gzdoom's [i_timescale=1.5] instead, and temporarily revert to [i_timescale=1] to access secret doors with timers. will increase to [i_timescale=1.6], then [i_timescale=1.7] etc up to [i_timescale=2] gradually over time to level up my playing skills to comfortably use [fastmonsters], and eventually [nightmare] hopefully.

Edited by rita remton

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Honestly, it's better to play with -fastmonsters rather than Nightmare.

Never tried, cause it was added as a joke and it's kinda unbalanced with respawning monsters.


Edited by Vanilla+Unicorn

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9 hours ago, OnionTaco22 said:

I got to E1M3 but couldn't go any further as it was way to difficult dealing with the spam hitscan attacks and the monsters respawning.

I dare say that E1M3 is the great barrier in Nightmare. It might not be the toughest level per se, but if you can beat E1M3 on NM then it's looking good for the rest of episode 1, which is the toughest NM run of the original three.

Again, I never tried E4. Just the idea of tackling that nigh-healthless E4M1 on NM makes my NOPE-glands twitch pretty hard.

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The furthest I got in Doom 1 was.... I think E1M5 (playing continuous and without saves). In Doom 2, never got past Underhalls (shotgun fiesta that map is on NM)

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No, I haven’t, and I have pretty much zero interest in it unless wads are designed specifically for NM (such as NERF). IWADs with -fastmonsters might be worth a shot, but honestly, even that feels like I have better things to do and other wads to play.


(When I say I haven’t played NM, I actually mean that I think have done E1M1 on NM… but nothing more, that’s for sure.)

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