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Interesting stories from DoomWorld?

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Hi, I recently made an account on DoomWorld and I just wanted to hear about any interesting stories/lore that happened on this site. I'm unsure why I'm asking this, but I think it piques my interest. 🤔 

(We could probably hear more good stuff instead of horrible stuff, I don't wanna cause trouble here/spark drama)


Edited by Chrysaetos
i dont wanna get into trouble

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On 2/24/2024 at 6:35 AM, Chrysaetos said:

Hi, I recently made an account on DoomWorld and I just wanted to hear about any interesting stories/lore that happened on this site. I'm unsure why I'm asking this, but I think it piques my interest. 🤔


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You want some campfire stories? Okay.


There's a scary rumor that a ghost of someone who was brutally banned 20 years ago haunts this place, and those who have seen it got cursed by it and all got banned within 7 days of seeing it. Scary stuff.

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goat milk has 66666 in the UPC code, the chocolate church wafers too. the nice phones are all priced at $33.33 per/mo. a disproportionately high amount of asian restaurants have 888 in their phone number. the demiurge is real, lol. life itself was made by somebody else. he uses repeating numbers to tell us. he is torturing us, obviously. he also makes video games. literally, he drew and coded them himself. he made mario, he made zelda. its really like this

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To actually answer the question - surely you know about the legendary "you humor me greatly with your arrogance and contempt" speech?

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I've only been here for like 4 years and i don't really have stories to tell about wild stuff that went on here.


But i would love to hear some from the veterans / boomers that have been around for years.

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A few weeks ago someone made an extremely bizarre thread about Doom 3, AI, John Carmack, the singularity, etc, but it got deleted.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

A wise man once said "Time is a flat circle." He was wrong. Time is a neverending series of "I want to combine Doom/Doom II/Final Doom maps into a single megawad" threads. Time is Koch's Snowflake, containing infinite variations of "is Plutonia good?" and "why does the pistol suck?" in a fractal that always twists into itself but never grows. A finite area unable to exceed its infinite perimeter. 


You forgot "what are the best wads of all time / wads that could be an official sequel / wads that everyone should be playing / wads that left an impression on you / wads I've been thinking a lot about", followed by a laundry list of the same three / four projects over and over, usually made by friends / project colleagues / Discord buddies. 

Edited by Lisaancelle

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I remember when I saw a post where a guy was falling in love with a Sailor Moon character, I forgot his username.

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Big mistake that you registered on this BALL SITE

The most interesting story for me is that this place has managed to maintain its integrity (actually, improve over time) against the tide of memery and flame-warring. By hanging around here you are basically experiencing "Web 1.0". Instead of scrolling through (or creating) meaningless short-term posts, we actually have long form discussion, meaningful sharing and collaborating on projects, and true community building.



also keep in mind that Doom is not a game but a black disc with eggs on pictures


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Here's a bunch of iconic threads from the past couple years.

SHEYDE X43 has one of the most bizarre and amusing histories of anyone I've seen on this site, but I'll let someone else explain it.



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Tons. Was lurking when AV released and Map25 was the Valley of Echoes. Super Sonic DOOM by the ultimate doomer was popular. Community Chest (the original  Skulltag was a thing. Terrywads. RIP Amaster. deathz0r, Xaser and Graf-Zahl (all are still active!). Post Hell with Frederick's face. The WOOO maps I helped script. The beginnings of Slaughtermaps, especially when Sunder first came out and my computer then couldn't run The Furnace and I thought 5k monsters was a lot. DECORATE being the thing. ZDoom being updated. 


Anyhow props to @TheShep and @magicsofa for posting here - their accounts are even older and have even more stories like the release of Mock2: Till the Speed of Stupid.

Edited by Pure Hellspawn

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2 hours ago, Pure Hellspawn said:

Was lurking when AV released and Map25 was the Valley of Echoes.

What about this map? Was it infamous for something?

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if we’re gonna mention threads we can not forget this legendary doomworld thread. A hefty read that gets worse the more you read. 


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