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Cleanse - Single Level - Limit Removing

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Good map! I had fun with this. The visuals and architecture are well done, and monster placement seems fair. The way the visuals of the main church area change as you progress is a nice touch. UV was a good challenge, but I enjoyed it.


I encountered a few bugs, seen below.




Once the steps are raised, it's possible to walk over the barriers and get stuck.




Additionally, the switches can be activated even if they're not raised. This is mainly an engine issue, but perhaps you can work around it.




In the outdoor graveyard area, this Revenant pops his head out of the ground.




The walls here would not lower until I had walked back across the linedef. It's possible it's facing the wrong way.





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@Zesiir Thank you for the feedback. Those barriers were a last minute addition since I did realize that the buttons could be pressed. I'll have to make them a little taller so you can't get inside as easily. 


I'll lower the Rev a bit, and check on that linedef. Thanks again

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Indeed a fun map, surprisingly quite accessible, and I loved the aesthetics a lot,

Good job !

Edited by Bri0che

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This map was really fun and actually kinda creepy. The realistic depictions of devils and even the angels juxtaposed next to the Doom Graphics made me kind of nervous the whole time.

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Thanks @Aeddes666 for the video. I noticed a few things that caused some gameplay issues.

-Added some blocking linedefs so you can't jump into the button/banner areas.

-Added a light shining on the second door near the first AV, so that wasn't so hidden.

-Moved the trigger for the chaingun pillar fight a little earlier so you can't accidentally bypass it. 

-Added lights to the final two corridors that lead to the graveyard since they were dark and easy to miss

-Lowered the Rev in the grave a bit so its head didn't stick out.

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Fixed a few texture alignment errors, and also noticed that the 96px doors didn't play nice on stricter source ports. I had padded them out to 128px in the Texture lump in AIA, but got lazy and just added the GFX file directly on this. Should be good now. Thanks to @AshtralFiend for the additional playthrough. 

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2 minutes ago, DannT said:

Fixed a few texture alignment errors, and also noticed that the 96px doors didn't play nice on stricter source ports. I had padded them out to 128px in the Texture lump in AIA, but got lazy and just added the GFX file directly on this. Should be good now. Thanks to @AshtralFiend for the additional playthrough. 


My pleasure! It's a very good map! Keep it up

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This was really neat! I loved the idea and the concept. There was one part where I thought I had gotten stuck so I noclipped through the door, but it turns out I just didn't look around enough.


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Joining the video FDA bandwagon.




I have to confess I did attempt the beginning many times before scoring this attempt.

Make the start a lot easier on the player seems like a smart play here because, once you have your first Soul Sphere, it becomes significantly easier because ressources are plentiful.

I really liked this level's concepts and ideas, pushing the "Cleansing" through the scenery also is very cool. Mandatory Slayer midi makes for a time capsule of old-school demon blasting.


I feel like the level can be cheesed in many ways due to infinitely tall switches than you can trigger before they are visible, but I haven't been able to succeed.


Well done overall!

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Appreciate it. The switches "should" be unavailable in the latest version after the additions of those barriers...and then the addition of the blocking linedefs to avoid jumping right past them. Going to give these videos a spin now. Thanks so much. 

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This map was really fun! I thought that the shootable torch that opened a door was a little unintuitive but otherwise I had a great time. I really liked the higher res artwork of angels and demons and how the central church area acted as a hub for the action pieces. The beginning was a little rough but once I knew what to expect it was manageable. Thanks for the map!

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13 hours ago, BerserkerNoir said:

Neat Texturing.
I loved it, changed the Music to avoid a Copyright Claim from YT lol



Awesome editing. I like the notes and preview at the start.  Looks like I need to protect that red key switch like the others. Doesn't break the game, since you still need to raise the stairs, but it can be confusing. 

5 hours ago, anxiety_poison said:

I thought that the shootable torch that opened a door was a little unintuitive but otherwise I had a great time. 


From the various playthroughs, some got it right away, others took a bit. Maybe I'll swap it for the evil eye.  In a post-Sigil world, it seems to be expected. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh by the way


Here is an early playthru I did hanging out with the author


Good Times!



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