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PK3, map won't load??





I'm building a collection of small maps as a PK3, which is all good so far.


However, a certain map just won't load...


To explain - I have a PK3-format folder, and dropping the root onto GZDoom will load the data as expected. My MAPINFO correctly defines the maps for each level like so:


map MAPXX "map name"
    sky1 = "SNSSKY06"
    music = "D_IN_CIT"




where 'xx' is 01, 02, ... 11, 12, etc. 


The maps are stored in the /maps namespace, are named (sequentially) "map01","map02" etc.


And dropping the folder on GZDoom will load and run as expected. However, on reaching map11 spot, I get a "cannot load map11" message in the GZ console. The map lumps, compared with similar WADs, are the same, and - even more strangely - dropping the WAD file directly on GZDoom results in the map running normally - so it's not corrupt.


I'm kind of at a loss now to figure out WTF is going on, so any ideas gratefully received.


Please see https://github.com/smeghammer/snippet_megawad and look at the /root folder for details.

Edited by smeghammer

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38 minutes ago, plums said:

If I zip up everything in the /root/ folder, does that make the assembled pk3 you're using?


edit: I deleted the A_END and A_START lumps from map11.wad and it worked. My guess is since the first lump wasn't called MAPxx, GZDoom didn't like it inside a pk3.

Markers like that should never be inside a WAD that's inside of a PK3 - the directories do the sorting. That's probably what was throwing it off, since PK3s basically expect things in a certain way, and anything besides, in addition to, or outside of that can throw it off.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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Thanks for the suggestion - unfortunately, that's not the problem. They were not there when I first saw this. I just removed them and tried again - still get the same issue. It's either some weird typo I haven't spotted, or there is something subtly wrong with the WAD file lumps.

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If I zip up everything in the /root/ folder, does that make the assembled pk3 you're using?


edit: I deleted the A_END and A_START lumps from map11.wad and it worked. My guess is since the first lump wasn't called MAPxx, GZDoom didn't like it inside a pk3.

Edited by plums

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That's so weird!


I swear I did remove those markers after I posted. I just looked again and they were still there. Possibly didn't save in Slade3...


Anyhow, that does indeed work, with the exploded folder structure too.


Thanks guys for the pointers.

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