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I'm missing a few unselected buttons, can someone tell me where to remap them




D-Pad Up → Move Forward (Keyboard Up)

D-Pad Down → Move Backward (Keyboard Down)
D-Pad left → Turn Left (Keyboard Left)
D-Pad right → Turn Right (Keyboard Right)


Select → Map (Keyboard Tab)
Start → Show Menu (Keyboard Esc)


Menu button (R3) → Keyboard (Keyboard F1)


A → Fire (Keyboard Left-Ctrl)
B → Use (keyboard Space), Strafe (Keyboard Left-Alt)
X →  Stop Flying, Look Center (Keyboard Home)
Y → Run (Keybord Left-Shift)


L → Select Artifact (Keybord Left-Shift + Enter)
L2 → Previous Weapon (Keyboard 1)
R2 → Next Weapon (Keyboard 2)
R → Select Menu (Keyboard Enter), Use Artifact (Keyboard Enter)


B + D-PAD Up → Fly Up
B + D-PAD Down → Fly Down
B + D-PAD Left → Strafe Left
B + D-PAD Right → Strafe Right 



Look Up → PGDN
Look Down → DELETE


Edited by heretixnext

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You know, I've been thinking about the same as well, as I am eyeing an Anbernic and wanted to picture myself playing original Doom engine games on it. So here's what I thought about:


Direction pad to directional buttons

Use SETUP.EXE to map Use to Enter and Use artifact to, say, Space and map B to Enter (Use).

Map start to Esc

Map select to Tab 

This would get menus and automap operational already


Map Ctrl to A

Map L to sidestep left, R to sidestep right

Map L2 to ] (or whatever you have for next item) and R2 to Space (or whatever you have for Use artifact)

Map Y to Next weapon (8, I am assuming you are using a patch binary,.and that it will also handle flying controls without a mapping)

Map X to Jump


If you absolutely must run you may either switch on "always run" via a config hack (I never tried so not 100% sure that works in Heretic) or obviously map differently.


This leaves you with a free extra button. Not sure you really need an onscreen keyboard in this setup, as you could simply save a game into every slot ahead of starting the playthrough and then save with two enter presses. So I'd use the free button for whatever you see more convenient:


- could be Use artifact and the R2 could be used to scroll artifacts in different direction giving you faster access 

- or F to allow automap scrolling with directionals

- or QuickSave or Pause

- or Fly center if it's very important for you to be able to put the wings on pause


It's also interesting to imagine a similar setup for Doom or Chex games to be enjoyable on a vertical handheld. In fact I would probably make L2/R2 both map to Shift and Y and X to previous and next weapon respectively, while leaving the rest the same.

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52 minutes ago, heretixnext said:


I also need to know what these keys are for, what their function is.


This is an alternate way to scroll through the inventory, compared to the "usual" inventory left/right. Pressing Run + Use Inventory performs a function similar to inventory left, with a couple key differences: Unlike the other inventory buttons, it cycles through the list (i.e. scrolling past the far left of the list will select the far right of the list instead of getting capped at the end), and it also doesn't temporarily replace the status bar display with your inventory list (the selected item appears in the status bar in its usual spot, but it doesn't use the status bar to display the whole list of items).


Using this instead of inventory left/right can save you buttons since you can scroll through and use your whole inventory with just the Run and Use Inventory buttons, instead of Use, Left, and Right buttons (as I said, the inventory left/right buttons don't cycle, so unbinding one of them will prevent you from accessing items).


Note that this is a feature in vanilla Heretic and source ports that stick close to vanilla (including Chocolate Heretic and Crispy Heretic), but others may change or remove this feature, expecting you to use inventory left/right instead (including dsda-doom and GZDoom, though GZDoom makes up for it by letting the inventory left/right buttons cycle). For those of you who don't like this behavior because it makes you switch items when you meant to use an item, you can use the -noartiskip command-line parameter to disable it.

Edited by Shepardus

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very good answer, now when I was configuring it I realized that in heretic.cfg it is not assigned, I don't understand, 

Maybe this option was removed in 1.3, it's strange


key_right             77
key_left               75
key_up                72
key_down            80
key_strafeleft       51
key_straferight     52
key_flyup             73
key_flydown         82
key_flycenter        71
key_lookup           81
key_lookdown       83
key_lookcenter     79
key_invleft           26
key_invright         27
key_useartifact     28
key_fire                29
key_use                57
key_strafe             56
key_speed             54

Edited by heretixnext

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Seems to be more a "feature" then a keyboard key action. I just tried ant it is triggered both key_useartifact and key_speed pressed at the same time. Based on what @Shepardus has elaborated above , my set up makes less sense - I did not know/remember original game as not cycling around though the inventory items when using just next item or previous item.  But I also didn't know about the skip artifact feature at all!


In this light I would put Shift (for running) on L2 and R2 and use the additional button Use artifact.  

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The last changes are here, there are only three left to select!




Look Up → PGDN
Look Down → DELETE
Look Forward → END

Edited by heretixnext

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Hey, I got my RG35XX Plus few days ago and I think I got the knack of running DOS games there with stock OS and using RetroArch via RetroArch's own menus, etc. So I was able to test Heretic mappings and got them into a state when I myself am pretty comfortable. Having said that, with emulation on this device the game feels like it is running on a piece of metal from back in '94 really, as in it's not entirely "fluid". Well, I guess, impediment for some, improved nostalgic experience for others ;).


So it turns out I have been playing source ports so much I have forgotten how vanilla behaved. For example the following suggestions I made before turned out nonsensical:


1. Heretic does not have jumping (:facepalm:)

2. In Doom using Enter for Use does not work, because Enter in Doom when used in play only outputs last seen log message. Heretic does not have this, so all is fine, Use and Use artifact could be swapped. (Actually I am keen to patch this out of Doom as well, so will update the post with patches when new versions become available)

3. Games only save configuration on clean exit, which requires Y keypress, so binding Fire to 'Y' makes sense.


Oh, and not sure about OP's device, there's actually no free "additional button" I mentioned above on mine (and it looks identical), so my bad here.


I can also obv. share my RetroArch, DosBOX Pure configs and controls remap for the game if there's interest.

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Yes, share your configuration! I have also tried use and use artifact before on the same key but when I had to open the door with use the artifact I had was used

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Here they are.

Note that if you use the HERETIC.CFG below and then run SETUP.EXE and let it overwrite it, the key_useartifact entry will be gone, and Enter will be again the default value. This is more a personal preference thing though: it's more convenient for me to keep menu action (Enter) and game Use action on the same button, so that I explore the level and press switches and navigate the menu and select menu items using the D-Pad + Button combination. I am also keeping it consistent across Doom engine games.


However, since for Heretic you would still need separate Use artifact mapping, keeping it on Enter would work just fine and swapping with Use does not help save on the controller buttons used really. I also only map Next weapon ([8]) due to button shortage.



Heretic Shadow of the Serpent Riders.opt

dosbox_pure_advanced = "true"
dosbox_pure_aspect_correction = "false"
dosbox_pure_audiorate = "48000"
dosbox_pure_auto_mapping = "false"
dosbox_pure_bind_unused = "false"
dosbox_pure_cga = "early_auto"
dosbox_pure_cpu_core = "auto"
dosbox_pure_cpu_type = "auto"
dosbox_pure_cycles = "max"
dosbox_pure_cycles_scale = "1.0"
dosbox_pure_gus = "false"
dosbox_pure_hercules = "white"
dosbox_pure_joystick_analog_deadzone = "0"
dosbox_pure_joystick_timed = "true"
dosbox_pure_keyboard_layout = "us"
dosbox_pure_machine = "svga"
dosbox_pure_memory_size = "64"
dosbox_pure_menu_time = "5"
dosbox_pure_midi = "Roland SC-55 Presets.sf2"
dosbox_pure_mouse_input = "false"
dosbox_pure_mouse_speed_factor = "1.0"
dosbox_pure_mouse_speed_factor_x = "1.0"
dosbox_pure_mouse_wheel = "none"
dosbox_pure_on_screen_keyboard = "false"
dosbox_pure_savestate = "on"
dosbox_pure_sblaster_adlib_emu = "nuked"
dosbox_pure_sblaster_adlib_mode = "auto"
dosbox_pure_sblaster_conf = "A220 I7 D1 H5"
dosbox_pure_sblaster_type = "sb16"
dosbox_pure_svga = "svga_s3"


mouse_sensitivity		5
sfx_volume		8
music_volume		8
key_right		77
key_left		75
key_up		72
key_down		80
key_strafeleft		51
key_straferight		52
key_flyup		73
key_flydown		82
key_flycenter		71
key_lookup		81
key_lookdown		83
key_lookcenter		79
key_invleft		26
key_invright		27
key_useartifact		57
key_fire		21
key_use		28
key_strafe		56
key_speed		54
use_mouse		0
mouseb_fire		0
mouseb_strafe		1
mouseb_forward		2
use_joystick		0
joyb_fire		0
joyb_strafe		1
joyb_use		3
joyb_speed		2
screenblocks		10
snd_channels		8
snd_musicdevice		8
snd_sfxdevice		3
snd_sbport		544
snd_sbirq		7
snd_sbdma		1
snd_mport		816
usegamma		0
chatmacro0		"no macro"
chatmacro1		"no macro"
chatmacro2		"no macro"
chatmacro3		"no macro"
chatmacro4		"no macro"
chatmacro5		"no macro"
chatmacro6		"no macro"
chatmacro7		"no macro"
chatmacro8		"no macro"
chatmacro9		"no macro"

Heretic Shadow of the Serpent Riders.rmp

input_libretro_device_p1 = "3"
input_libretro_device_p2 = "0"
input_libretro_device_p3 = "1"
input_libretro_device_p4 = "1"
input_libretro_device_p5 = "1"
input_player1_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_player1_btn_l2 = "-1"
input_player1_key_a = "13"
input_player1_key_b = "121"
input_player1_key_down = "274"
input_player1_key_l = "44"
input_player1_key_l2 = "303"
input_player1_key_left = "276"
input_player1_key_r = "46"
input_player1_key_r2 = "303"
input_player1_key_right = "275"
input_player1_key_select = "27"
input_player1_key_start = "9"
input_player1_key_up = "273"
input_player1_key_x = "56"
input_player1_key_y = "32"
input_player2_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_player3_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_player4_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_player5_analog_dpad_mode = "0"
input_remap_port_p1 = "0"
input_remap_port_p2 = "1"
input_remap_port_p3 = "2"
input_remap_port_p4 = "3"
input_remap_port_p5 = "4"



For The Ultimate Doom/Doom II/Final Doom I use very similar mappings, except I map both Previous weapon and Next weapon. The newly uploaded patches remove the "refresh last log entry" function from Enter button, so it can be mapped to Use, which I actually do. 

If you are interested in Doom, please make sure you get the fresh patches, even if you have no interest in Use remapping, as they fix a glaring bug.

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I only have to remap looking up and down, would it be possible to create a patch so that looking up was X + D-PAD Up and looking down was X + D-PAD Down? and it would be




D-Pad Up → Move Forward (Keyboard Up)

D-Pad Down → Move Backward (Keyboard Down)
D-Pad left → Turn Left (Keyboard Left)
D-Pad right → Turn Right (Keyboard Right)


Select → Map (Keyboard Tab)
Start → Show Menu (Keyboard Esc)


Menu button (R3) → Keyboard (Keyboard F1)


A → Fire (Keyboard Left-Ctrl)
B → Use (keyboard Space), Strafe (Keyboard Left-Alt)
X →  Stop Flying, Look Center (Keyboard Home)
Y → Run (Keybord Left-Shift)


L → Select Artifact (Keybord Left-Shift + Enter)
L2 → Select Weapon (Keyboard 2)
R2 → 
R → Select Menu (Keyboard Enter), Use Artifact (Keyboard Enter)


B + D-PAD Up → Fly Up
B + D-PAD Down → Fly Down
B + D-PAD Left → Strafe Left
B + D-PAD Right → Strafe Right 



Look Up → PGDN
Look Down → DELETE

Edited by heretixnext

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Kind of an oddball idea and not sure if this would work but would it be possible to map some multiple key combination to act as an input for look up and look down, similar to your flight controls? IIRC, Hexen on PS1 had a similar set up (disclaimer: I know nothing about the hardware you are using nor the internals of input processing of a Doom-based game)

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