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Solutions to switch DRM issues

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Are there any alternative ways to deal with DRM issues on the switch doom classics collection if you kept the original limited run games cart and didn't utilize online capabilities? I think doom 3 is fine without DRM but doom 1 and 2 have/had it. Any software that can be placed on the switch or did a patch solve the cart and digital copies? Any info?

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5 hours ago, Individualised said:

What do you mean by "DRM issues"? That could mean anything.

First runs of the Doom Collector's Edition on Switch refused to start if the Switch had never been connected online (it would error out). There was a limited pressing involving mailing the original cartridge back in for a fixed one, but that stock is likely long gone now.


People tend to keep the Switch on low firmware so as to keep it able to be jailbroken. Connecting online could make it auto-update.

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