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DooM III Special!!


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Id Software art geniuses scanned Willits' wound which will appear on a skin in Doom 3.

Heh. Cool.

Wired makes note of the rumors floating that Doom 3 could be Carmacks last "major" work.

*prays* Please make a GBA game... Please make a GBA game...

Carmack drinks Diet Coke while programming.

NEWSFLASH: Wired Writers Run Out Of Interesting Questions To Ask John Carmack!

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Lord FlatHead said:

Heh. Cool.

*prays* Please make a GBA game... Please make a GBA game...

NEWSFLASH: Wired Writers Run Out Of Interesting Questions To Ask John Carmack!

Yes, especially as we already saw that in the legacy video! :P

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Damn. The article just gave away the middle part of the storyline.

I've recently been wondering though. Should doom 3 be as scary as what they hope for? It's just i don't really recall playing the old dooms to be scared, i played it for that kick ass feel.

On second thoughts scratch that. Having played the alpha i still feel that kick-ass feel is in Doom 3 and the game has still yet to put me off a good night sleep.

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BlueSonnet said:

On second thoughts scratch that. Having played the alpha i still feel that kick-ass feel is in Doom 3 and the game has still yet to put me off a good night sleep.

That's interesting, I don't really have that kick-ass feeling anymore, but I don't mind. The game is so scary and moody that I wouldn't want it any other way than that.

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Shaviro said:

Yes, especially as we already saw that in the legacy video! :P

Hey, you're right !

I swear one of these days Carmack is going to get crushed by that monitor.

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Sweet corn of Christ, that thing's bigger than my TV...

"In fifth grade, Carmack went to a TRS-80 programming course."

In fifth grade, I was still working out that damned multiplication thing.

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Heh, not really. By the way, while we're talking about Doom III news, here's something that you people might find interesting. Humand Head has licensed the Doom III engine.

A few weeks ago, Human Head Studios was looking for people with Quake 3 engine based experience. Now their job listing page has removed that posting with a new level design position for an unnamed project using the Doom 3 engine. Aside from Raven's previously announced Quake IV game, this is the first hint of a game that will use id Software's next generation graphics engine. When contacted by HomeLAN, Human Head's Tim Gerritsen would not comment further on what their Doom 3 engine game would be.

Source: http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=13415

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BlueSonnet said:

Damn. The article just gave away the middle part of the storyline.

I've recently been wondering though. Should doom 3 be as scary as what they hope for? It's just i don't really recall playing the old dooms to be scared, i played it for that kick ass feel.

On second thoughts scratch that. Having played the alpha i still feel that kick-ass feel is in Doom 3 and the game has still yet to put me off a good night sleep.

I too just got to play the alpha. First time a game made me say holy shit in years. Im impressed. Whats more it runs on a 32 meg tnt2! haha

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Sweet Prince said:

no shit!?!! LOL i'll have to try that when im back in the US at my old comp

Yeah seriously. Its a testament to the quality of the code. ALl ive heard from other lamers is crap, but the reason the game is taking so long, is they are REALLY optimizing it. At least thats my opinion. The sounds are the best part in my opinion. Really off the hook

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Really optimizing the code. Really really really optimizing it.

Even still, if you ran it on that TNT2, that in itself speaks volumes as to the quality of programming going into it.

(And it makes me want it all the more...)

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The tnt 2 is a hold over. My roommate gave it to me during the time it takes me to cash my income tax check. I am currently using a pentium 4 northwood 2.8, asus p4pe black pearl, and 512 megs of pny pc2700 ddr 333 ram. Upgrading to a 9700 or 9800 soon

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Lord FlatHead said:

NEWSFLASH: Wired Writers Run Out Of Interesting Questions To Ask John Carmack!

Heh, I think a lot of the article was actually excerpts from the book.

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sniperfrommars1 said:

The tnt 2 is a hold over. My roommate gave it to me during the time it takes me to cash my income tax check.

Heh. I'm investing in a laptop with mine. :)

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