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Using Boom Format, is it possible to create a Monster Death Event?



So in my current WAD and I am working on, in MAP06, there is a Spider Mastermind room and once the Spider Mastermind is killed, it would open the door to the exit teleport of the level and I have seen Chubz's tutorial but Chubz uses UDMF and I prefer to use Boom and this got me wondering if something like this can be done using Boom?



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2 answers to this question

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Yes, basically.


1) You can use UMAPINFO to specify a BossDeath action (or several) for monsters. This is probably the best way, any actively-maintained port that supports Boom also supports UMAPINFO. You need a lump called UMAPINFO in your wad (it's just plain text) that has something like this.


   levelname = "My Awesome Level"
   bossaction = SpiderMastermind, linedef_action_by_number, some_tag

linedef_action_by_number is what it says, for example 61 for "SR Door Open Stay". Only use S1 or SR actions for max compatibility. Use your map editor to get the number of other linedef actions if you want.

Read more about UMAPINFO here: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/UMAPINFO

As well as a post I made here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/142204-how-do-boss-death-actions-work-in-umapinfo/



2) You can use DEHACKED to give the Spider the A_KeenDie pointer in its death frames, so that when all SMMs are dead, any doors tagged 666 will open, just like when you kill all Keens on MAP32. This way is slightly more compatible if you want to target old ports for some reason. The downside is it might not work for someone playing with game mods that modify the Spider (among other things), and also less flexible though probably enough for your purposes.



3) You can also do some funky map stuff where, for example, the SMM is blocking a floor from rising fully, and when it rises that's enough for a voodoo doll on a conveyor to pass over a linedef that activates whatever you want. This requires a specific map layout to work properly.

Edited by plums

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Depending on exactly what you want to be compatible with, there are some options.

1) UMAPINFO bossactions. Give entities A_BossDeath, define an actions to trigger in UMAPINFO per map. This will exclude any non-umapinfo source ports, such as old prboom+ 2.5.1.x.

2) MBF dehacked (-complevel 11). A_LineEffect allows remote triggering of linedef actions. This will not work if you want strictly -complevel 9.

3) A_KeenDie triggering tag 666. One example I can think of off the top of my head is Valiant Map 10 pit cyberdemon. Although Valiant is -cl11, the concept should work in -cl9 (probably any complevel, since KeenDie is vanilla).


Options 1 and 3 will require the entire population of monster type to be dead. So if you want 5 SMMs in the level, all 5 would have to die, unless you make a dehacked copy specifically for the fight. Targeting MBF21/dsdhacked can help with having enough frame material and not having to juggle slots with hardcoded effects like explosion immunity if you need that.


Maybe there's something else, but the 3 above are what I'm aware of.

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