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My NEW Map- Festering Foulage

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Hi guys,


It's been a while, I've come back with my fourth map, Festering Foulage. Please see the link below-

MAP 4- Festering Foulage-  



This follows on from the previous map, Doomguy has now escaped through the subway and now make his way through a crack in the earth in the hopes of finding respite. (Some hope!)


Map made on Doom Maker using Doom in Heretic Format.

Tested in GZ Doom

Vertical sight okay, no jumping though!

I've played and completed it in Ultra Violence without any secrets

This is a Doom 2 map

Easy, Medium and Hard difficulties are catered through with variable enemy numbers.


 If I have left out any necessary details please let me know. 


ALSO, here are my previous maps, hope you guys enjoy. My hope is to one day edit these into a megawad, as long as life doesn't get in the way!!! :-)



MAP 1- Apartment Attack-



MAP 2- Suburban Slaughter-



MAP 3- Treacherous Tunnels-




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Apartment Attack


Brown, brown, brown. Empty copypasted rooms, odd design choices (like having random walls without collision that monsters can shoot through), hordes of hitscanners and almost no health or cover. I found the red key, but found nowhere to use it, then got stuck. Next.


Suburban Slaughter


Bit more varied textures and environments. Still, a ton of monsters and many hitscanners, and not enough health or ammo to go around. Entryway music is tiring. Got tired and quit after I ran out of ammo.


Treacherous Tunnels


Okay! This one is way, way better. Huge map set in a sprawling subway complex. Escalators, platforms, and cleverly disguised arenas where the hordes of monsters can thrive and work against the player. Combat encounters are varied, engaging and rewarding. You can tell the author has learned quite a few tricks since the last map.


I had really fun playing this one.


Festering Foulage


A sewer map! But a good one. It starts out in caves, and often interconnects with the slime rivers via maintenance tunnels in a vast facility of elevators, mazes and tight techbase rooms. More good enemy encounters, and a fair amount of supplies spread out. I was never in a shortage of ammo, but I also had plenty to shoot at. Clever secrets too. All in all, a good Doom 2 map.


You should definitely go back and touch up the earlier levels, they can be just as good as the newer ones with some loving details.



Edited by Zesiir

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Hi Zesiir


Thankyou so much for playing all my maps and taking the time to write about them, I really appreciate it and take on board all your feedback and criticisms and hopefully I keep improving:-)


My first map is not just my first released but my first ever and looking back I think I was doing too much too soon! Having non collision walls enemies can shoot through is certainly not my design choice but rather me not understanding how certain mechanics work lol


My second map is certainly punishing and perhaps too open at the start with hits scanners aplenty on every rooftop. I do have a soft spot for this one though as I feel it has the most variation, though it def needs some TLC. When I get around to re-editing I'll spend alot of time rebalancing this one to make it as fun as it can be :-D


Really glad you enjoyed the third and fourth map and the fact you say I am showing improvement will spur me on to  continue learning what makes the most inventive levels and thrilling encounters.


Once again, thanks for playing and hopefully you'll enjoy my eventual fifth map even more :-D


Cheers man


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Hi LadyMistDragon


Thanks so much for posting the playthrough, I really appreciate it and enjoyed watching you take on my map. I hope you enjoyed it :-) 


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