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The DWIronman League dies to: ICAR2015

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quit after 5 maps finished, 1:20:00 (blind)


  map stat   kills items secr     time total sect
MAP01 EXIT   87/87 17/18  3/3  6:54+18  6:54  107
MAP02 EXIT   97/97 40/41  4/4  9:27+24 16:21  150
MAP03 EXIT 124/124 28/28  7/7 17:41+02 34:02  198
MAP04 EXIT 117/117 42/42  4/4 16:45+01 50:47  185
MAP05 EXIT 199/199 73/73  3/3 29:13+21 80:00  374
MAP05 QUIT 199/199 73/73  3/3 29:13+21 80:00  374

Unfortunately, I left this too late. It was going well.



Edited by RjY

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As I said in my Category 1 post, I was considering giving ICAR2015 another shot. Well, here it is, my Category 3 submission.


Dead on: Map 02

Kills: 20/97

Time of death: 8:57

Time entered Map 02: 7:09




Revenants. While not specifically done in by a revenant, being knocked down to 16% health by one before the end of Map 01 didn't help my prospects. But my unhappiness with revenants as a player is well-documented. Other than that, I still enjoyed the mapset. The setup for the second map is interesting, and while I would have liked for more health, I can appreciate that my particular condition of arriving at low health and being swiftly knocked down to single digits by hitscanners was not what the mapper was worried about preparing for. (So much for "it's always more difficult to pistol start a map than to play continuous").

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Category 1

Dead on MAP01 with 31 kills.


I really did not expect that trap waiting for you when you think you've finally escaped the pinky pit. That's a great gag.


Huh, a patch WAD for a patch WAD. You don't see that everyday. Neat that it uses the menu & status bar graphics along with using the Icarus midis.


I went back with saves to at least see what's past the earlygame; made it as far as MAP05 before getting fatigued. Eternal has a knack for cool sector machinery, and is damn good at hiding things well enough to require thorough investigation. That measured pace makes for something that seems easy to get discouraged & burnt out on in a marathon setting, but it certainly has its moments. I'll probably tackle things in a disconnected, piecemeal fashion if I take a closer look at this campaign and Eternal's similar 11-level tribute to TNT.wad. The "cover song" aspect of using the inspiration's aesthetics & soundtrack is something I always find intriguing when done well.

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