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BirminDoom is an annual Doom II community project that aims to push creative boundaries and foster experimentation with the original game design formula. Every year, the project will have a certain theme and rules associated with it. The project was heavily inspired by RAMP.


This year theme is NON-VIOLENCE!


Project Specifications:

  • Target Sourceport: GZDoom v.4.11.3
  • Map Format: UDMF
  • You can use ZDoom ACS and ZScript


Theme-related rules:

  • Player should not use weapons to damage or kill enemies.
  • Custom weapons, and custom content in general, are allowed. Against monsters, they can be used to allow temporary and constant disadvantage (e.g. freeze, or force teleport, etc.)
  • Custom weapons used as tools are allowed (e.g. something like a hook, or anything that could be used by player).
  • Player should not damage or kill enemies by any other means.
  • Enemies, if present, should not be count in-game (to ensure 100% completion).
    • This can be done in UDB, in Things mode by choosing a monster, and ticking ‘No completion count’ choice. 


Theme constraints aside, you are free to try out all kinds of ideas: narrative map, a puzzle, a platformer, or even a regular Doom map intended for pacifist runs.


General rules:

  • A playable map should be submitted before November 1st, 2024! After that there will be a period, when you can make changes to the map.
  • The project is aimed to be released by December 10th, 2024. So, November will be dedicated to playtesting, bugfixing and polishing of the project.
  • Each participant is allowed to submit only one map.
  • As a project lead, I reserve the right to kick maps that contain offensive content, include way too many bugs, or created to be unplayable on purpose.


To read more about rules, especially with regards to custom content, please visit this page: https://birmindoom2.doomproject.com/rules.php


To submit a map, upload it here: https://birmindoom2.doomproject.com/upload.php

You can upload a work-in-progress map to reserve a slot.


To keep in touch, you can:


Edited by UltimateDecaf

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I am tinkering with something for this that I hope will be done sometime this year...

A non violent map where the player controls 3 robots with different abilities and need to use them to solve various puzzles that require coorporation...

we will see how it goes...




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20 minutes ago, CBM said:

I am tinkering with something for this that I hope will be done sometime this year...

A non violent map where the player controls 3 robots with different abilities and need to use them to solve various puzzles that require coorporation...

we will see how it goes...






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I would've been interested in this weren't for the fact that I'm busy with 3 different albums this year and the remainder of which 

would need to be focused on my Nova IV map.


Cool concept by the way. Personally I would've gone with the word "Ahimsa" for this which stands for non-violence.


Good luck.

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16 minutes ago, OniriA said:

I would've been interested in this weren't for the fact that I'm busy with 3 different albums this year and the remainder of which 

would need to be focused on my Nova IV map.


Cool concept by the way. Personally I would've gone with the word "Ahimsa" for this which stands for non-violence.


Good luck.


Thank you! Ahimsa sounds like a great name! 

is NOVA IV a work in progress, or it can be played now?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Project Update #0001 - 11.03.2024

Heya! Happy to see the reactions on a project. I will be making weekly updates, since I am able to do stuff usually on weekends.

Currently, I am working on the following things:
- Getting the project to load HUBMAP, and making sure that it has all the texture packs promised.
- Building the Prologue level - it will be an optional introduction level that introduces players to the theme.

In other plans,
- Ideally, I would love to make an epilogue that is an end to the CP after the player plays through all the levels.
- Level counter that shows, while in HUBMAP.
- UI images for the level tracker, and for allowing jumping/crouching in the levels.
- HUBMAP, definitely. But I'll be building it, once the first WIP submissions start coming.

That's it for the current update! Next one will be on Saturday or Sunday! Have a great day!

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Project Update #0002 - 17.03.2024

Played around with PROLOGUE map. The goal is to give a simple plot as a motivation for playing through the maps that will follow the theme-related rules. Currently, I am getting the scripts to work, and further down the road I'll take care of the level layout, as well as the other things.


Recording of what I have working in the PROLOGUE map , you can see here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ow23-OcwrMuXvj61c_u9tevIvKB8pO4o/view?usp=sharing

Have a great week ahead!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been fascinated by non-violent Doom wads like The Given for awhile, and last year I started development of an art museum in Doom.  Development began back in March of last year, and if you're curious I have a development thread where I have been posting in progress pictures on twitter.  There are no monsters, nor anything to fight.  It's meant as a space to experience some interesting art and to think.  Development is still ongoing, but I figured I might post a few screenshots in this thread.  Once I finish a few of the rooms I'm currently working on, I'll upload my current build.  I figured I'd post here before then, just to reserve a spot and express my interest in submitting a map.  







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On 3/30/2024 at 12:24 AM, Chariot Rider said:

I've been fascinated by non-violent Doom wads like The Given for awhile, and last year I started development of an art museum in Doom.  Development began back in March of last year, and if you're curious I have a development thread where I have been posting in progress pictures on twitter.  There are no monsters, nor anything to fight.  It's meant as a space to experience some interesting art and to think.  Development is still ongoing, but I figured I might post a few screenshots in this thread.  Once I finish a few of the rooms I'm currently working on, I'll upload my current build.  I figured I'd post here before then, just to reserve a spot and express my interest in submitting a map.  








Looks exciting! Feel free to add the results in the project:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heya! The project is alive, and I have started playing around with my idea for a pacifist map, I will try out different rooms, ideas and monster combinations to get the desired level of difficulty. The aesthetic and theme side of the map will come later, gameplay first:)

Screenshot 2024-04-16 082957.png

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