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Troxler.wad (beta)

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I'm working on a wad. It's still in it's infancy, I've only worked on it for maybe 3 weeks. Because it's nowhere near done, but I've made enough progress, I think now is the perfect time to release a beta. Lemme know what you like, hate, whatever. It is still early enough to change shit.



It is meant to be a horror wad. there is a jumpscare. Though at the moment there is only one jumpscare and it's not really that scary. It's located in one of the three hotel rooms. :)


And hey, I'm not against you recording your reaction either 👀



Edited by Skemech

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4 minutes ago, Ozcar said:

Also maybe some screenshot wouldn't be bad


My bad, GZDoom


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The file hasn't been made public in Google Drive -- we don't have permission to download it.


For screenshots, try Imgur -- nowadays you'll need to make an account (I think?) but the upload limits are basically nonexistent. For now, I guess. :P

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17 minutes ago, Xaser said:

[I've asked a mod to move it, so no need to worry about it this time, just a note for future things.]

You're a life saver, and also oops. Didn't know the dif, but do now, thanx a million

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I tested this, and it's very strange. I got MyHouse vibes at first, with the doors and interactible environment. What is this map supposed to be, exactly?

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3 hours ago, Zesiir said:

What is this map supposed to be, exactly?


A horror wad. And ya MyHouse inspired of course.

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