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Crate Expectations - NOW on IDGAMES! Full megawad of wacky surprising challenges!

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On 3/29/2024 at 3:47 PM, Gorxen said:

That promo video had me sold. Doom slaughter and kitties in a box? HECK YEA!!


Some slaughter ish scenarios, some of this, some of that - I knew cats would help sell this lol. Charlie texture does appear in the set somewhere, try n catch him


On 3/29/2024 at 6:45 PM, Stupid Bunny said:

A few more.  Love how the concepts get loopier the deeper I go


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MAP11: I already made my Dr. Pepper joke so I'll get right into it...I picked Coke first, and after grabbing the Pebis I feel like if there was a test then I've passed it.  Fun little microslaughter with the requisite reward of watching a whole lot of things die in a really surreal way at the end (that never gets old)


MAP12: I knew the second I watched that beautiful chain of barrels go winding off into the distance that there would be a swarm of archviles somewhere down the line to ruin my handiwork...but still somehow got caught off guard when I realized they were off having a run of the level while I was dawdling around looking at that amazing sea of barrels.  Also was amazed when I came to the pizza shop (I remember those tasty looking pizza) and found a lone zombieman had somehow survived the cataclysm.  Those are some beautifully drawn aliens btw


MAP13: Great little itty bitty concept map.  Did the aliens do this to me?  Look at all those barrels I missed the opportunity to detonate (also forgot to check if you still somehow had secrets lol, I'm doing terribly with the secrets running about 40%-70% per map on average.  Like I always say, something to look for when I revisit this)



Thanks bud, it does indeed get quite loopy, especially later on haha - I had such fun getting my creativity out like this it's nice to see ppl playing them


Really value your comments man, thanks for taking the time


12 - the lone pistol dude was by design, I thought it would be funny to have just him survive all that. And the aliens are just some google search image haha


and yeah 13 a little transition map just silly idea I couldn't not let go of, as for secrets I cant help but hide em hard, so no worries there - each map I tested without use of em

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Crazy fun! Cant just play one map, that kind of good, but Im actually stuck trying to figure out how to get to map 32.

Seriously I dont know how to make progress, I guess you need the items to open all the marked doors, but after a while it

just seems like a troll map. I can always take the teleport to map 16, but thats the easy way, drop a hint man!

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10 minutes ago, Soulless said:

Crazy fun! Cant just play one map, that kind of good, but Im actually stuck trying to figure out how to get to map 32.

Seriously I dont know how to make progress, I guess you need the items to open all the marked doors, but after a while it

just seems like a troll map. I can always take the teleport to map 16, but thats the easy way, drop a hint man!


Very nice to see you buddy always nice when you drop by and hope you've been doing well


Also thank you for the High Praise this means a lot coming from you 


As for this particular map 32 I won't lie it was built at a point where I was starting to feel the burn and just wanting to shove anything in that bonus slot to have it there and this is probably a map that I regret the most including


That being said it's hard to really sign post what to do and even when you know what to do it's still tricky all I can say is you need to be super duper sneaky and covert if that's not enough hit me up and I'll just tell you straight up haha it's not a good one 


You know how bonus maps be how do you make a crazy bonus map that's already in a crazy set of maps😄

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Soulless said:

Crazy fun! Cant just play one map, that kind of good, but Im actually stuck trying to figure out how to get to map 32.

Seriously I dont know how to make progress, I guess you need the items to open all the marked doors, but after a while it

just seems like a troll map. I can always take the teleport to map 16, but thats the easy way, drop a hint man!

Omg let me try that again 


I thought you were stuck on 32 but I realize you're stuck trying to get to 32


I think my bonus maps are cursed bud I couldn't come up with a adequate way to make this map work in that regard 


If you found the super secret room with all the doors and symbols on them and clips and the like that's kind of a hint on what you need to do to get these doors to open


The bonus maps are right out to lunch and im sorry 😅

Edited by Clippy

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Posted (edited)
On 4/2/2024 at 7:58 PM, Clippy said:

If you found the super secret room with all the doors and symbols on them and clips and the like that's kind of a hint on what you need to do to get these doors to open

After lots of exploration and some experiments I loaded the fresh save from map 15 with 200hp and tried to get the rocket launcher as fast as I could once it was activated so you get crushed one time but survive, then the teleport sequence began

but I didnt get every secret so I guess I did it my on way.

About map 32, theres 2 exits there not sure why, I was almost done with the switches, just the one with the archie left and he pushed me to that hole in the middle of the map, I beat the map by accident, is that intended? looks like a placeholder

Edited by Soulless

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46 minutes ago, Soulless said:

After lots of exploration and some experiments I loaded the fresh save from map 15 with 200hp and tried to get the rocket launcher as fast as I could once it was activated so you get crushed one time but survive, then the teleport sequence began

but I didnt get every secret so I guess I did it my on way.

About map 32, theres 2 exits there not sure why, I was almost done with the switches, just the one with the archie left and he pushed me to that hole in the middle of the map, I beat the map by accident, is that intended? looks like a placeholder


Hey buddy I was wondering about ya, thanks for taking time to reply and sorry for my super wacky bonus maps. I'll try my best to explain what I was thinking lol


The following are spoilers


31: Kudos on finding a way to honestly grab anything in this level, beyond the obtuse intended way. This is really quite a feat as I dont think anyone else was able to achieve this. The real solution is again very hard to explain so I'll try my best one more time. You found the room with the doors and items on door and ammo clips. The ammo clips & doors are the only kind of hint I could provide, giving you the power to open the doors ... via use of shooting. What to shoot is well what is on the doors. I know, its kind of lame but I couldn't find a better solution to make this level work.


32: This level is probably the meanest map in the set and there is only one real approach to it, think of being in a library. You guy to be stealthy and silent and try your best to navigate around. Because this objective is so hard, I didn't want the player to be trapped here. Therefore you can leave by going in any blood as it works as an exit. Should you succeed in this level you can get a lot of ammo and goodies for continuous play (a max inventory actually), or you can elect to just grab what you can and peace out.


So yeah, the rest of the levels are a little more down to earth than that haha (but still nuts)


and stay tuned, I plan on doing my own playthrough/reveal series which will explain everything fully, but that will take a while to film and air


Alright buddy stay in touch and thanks for playing, and sorry for these silly situations haha

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55 minutes ago, Clippy said:

The ammo clips & doors are the only kind of hint I could provide, giving you the power to open the doors ... via use of shooting.

Hahahaha ok, now I regret all the effort in absurd parkour experiments with sudden explosive barrels etc

I think I like the idea, I just missed the hint somehow, maybe I got the clips outside of the secret room and didnt notice that one door opened.

Good times.

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Posted (edited)

Happy Fried Chicken Friday everybody 🍗



Here is map 4 reveal vid. Map mostly plays itself. It's my final ultimate tribute to the baron door legacy lol 


@Frank Getränk thid bud is for you 🍻


Have a good 1 everyone 

Edited by Clippy

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Posted (edited)

Got to a few more, the rabbit hole only goes deeper and weirder



MAP14: oh no it's dark


monsters stuck in the wall were a good lol at the beginning.  For such a small and simple map had a good spooky atmosphere and a few "oh god oh fuck" moments when monsters would teleport away or when I somehow didn't put together that that mancubus would be free roaming after I threw the switches.  Also all the walls that monsters could pass or shoot through, there was nowhere I felt safe.  I feel like you have a good sense of providing release after any kind of challenge or pressure, as here when I'm stumbling around a really dark space and then at the end am suddenly in a fullbright white æther--feels real nice (though the final battle was definitely the hardest, especially since my only cover from the archie bros. kept getting shot away by myself.  Btw I'm not sure if I'm actually supposed to be able to grab that SSG but it seems to have vanished or been blocked off before I could get it.  Maybe I just fucked it up lol but in any case I had to bail at the end.)  Having that big beautiful pile of weapons in the void right where I got blown up anyway was a nice mean touch that may have been foreshadowing frustrating experiences ahead


MAP15 is one of my sure favorites so far, obviously much of it because of those adorable b&w textures but also so many secrets and interesting traps and fights in here.  Also kind of appreciate that the secret exit is signposted with a literal sign, I was really afraid I'd be unable to outwit your secrecy in this one (although I got I think 10/15 which is great by my standards).  Nearest thing I have to a gripe is that it's kind of hard to tell in the midst of all the chaos which floors are liquids and which are not, and of course impossible to know which are damaging, but given that the same is true of the colored doors I suspect that was part of the deal.  Mostly wasn't a problem except when I was in that room surrounded by teleporting piggies and grates and all that madness and I was like "WHO THE FUCK IS STILL SHOOTING ME!?" before realizing it was the floor that was doing it.  Great fun, amazed how many textures were replaced for this one--hey if you like black and white textures someone made a Commander Keen mod just like that ;33333


MAP31: "wow free stuff and monster count of 0 haha lmao certainly Clippy isn't going to fuck me over here"




well I admire your dedication to trolling the fuck out of the player at every possible opportunity.  Even the hidden switches almost all told me to go eat shit, I'm amazed.  I haven't finished this one, I mean I found the regular exit but by gum I will figure out how to get to MAP32 without cheating even if it kills me (which it will, many, many times).  Even though this is a total asshole troll map I still actually like it a lot, I like puzzle maps more than most people here probably and especially for a secret map in a set as nuts as this it had to do something different didn't it--I can only begin to imagine what the super secret map will be lol.  Oh yes I love the aesthetic here, shiny super mario bonu$ map made by Satan.  I feel like there's clues around for me to ponder, probably something fairly simple I'm missing.  Gonna enjoy trying to crack it


EDIT: I got it!  It was pretty straightforward after all lol.  I figured it was shooting related given all the clips and stuff in the door room there, but got it through my head there was some trick to get to each bundle of kit.  Which...I guess there was...which I discovered totally by accident when I shot at those crates through the window and heard a door open over there.  Still I then fucked myself by not turning around and opening the secret door, leaving me without enough invulnerability to make it to the end of that sequence.  But it was trivial to do it again.  Cheeky stuff, as always I was able to get my hands on all that fancy shit which it looks like I'm going to need now :.(


EDIT 2: Just beat MAP32 and it was actually pretty easy once I figured out the cardinal rule.  It worked out really well, too, by the time I fired my first shot (or punch, I guess), the only monsters left alive were three severely wounded hell knights.  I almost got stuck between hungry pinkies but mostly was able to find just enough space to squeeze around and let the monsters do most of the work for me.


Edited by Stupid Bunny
beat the map

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Posted (edited)
On 4/9/2024 at 8:21 AM, Stupid Bunny said:

Got to a few more, the rabbit hole only goes deeper and weirder


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MAP14: oh no it's dark


monsters stuck in the wall were a good lol at the beginning.  For such a small and simple map had a good spooky atmosphere and a few "oh god oh fuck" moments when monsters would teleport away or when I somehow didn't put together that that mancubus would be free roaming after I threw the switches.  Also all the walls that monsters could pass or shoot through, there was nowhere I felt safe.  I feel like you have a good sense of providing release after any kind of challenge or pressure, as here when I'm stumbling around a really dark space and then at the end am suddenly in a fullbright white æther--feels real nice (though the final battle was definitely the hardest, especially since my only cover from the archie bros. kept getting shot away by myself.  Btw I'm not sure if I'm actually supposed to be able to grab that SSG but it seems to have vanished or been blocked off before I could get it.  Maybe I just fucked it up lol but in any case I had to bail at the end.)  Having that big beautiful pile of weapons in the void right where I got blown up anyway was a nice mean touch that may have been foreshadowing frustrating experiences ahead


MAP15 is one of my sure favorites so far, obviously much of it because of those adorable b&w textures but also so many secrets and interesting traps and fights in here.  Also kind of appreciate that the secret exit is signposted with a literal sign, I was really afraid I'd be unable to outwit your secrecy in this one (although I got I think 10/15 which is great by my standards).  Nearest thing I have to a gripe is that it's kind of hard to tell in the midst of all the chaos which floors are liquids and which are not, and of course impossible to know which are damaging, but given that the same is true of the colored doors I suspect that was part of the deal.  Mostly wasn't a problem except when I was in that room surrounded by teleporting piggies and grates and all that madness and I was like "WHO THE FUCK IS STILL SHOOTING ME!?" before realizing it was the floor that was doing it.  Great fun, amazed how many textures were replaced for this one--hey if you like black and white textures someone made a Commander Keen mod just like that ;33333


MAP31: "wow free stuff and monster count of 0 haha lmao certainly Clippy isn't going to fuck me over here"




well I admire your dedication to trolling the fuck out of the player at every possible opportunity.  Even the hidden switches almost all told me to go eat shit, I'm amazed.  I haven't finished this one, I mean I found the regular exit but by gum I will figure out how to get to MAP32 without cheating even if it kills me (which it will, many, many times).  Even though this is a total asshole troll map I still actually like it a lot, I like puzzle maps more than most people here probably and especially for a secret map in a set as nuts as this it had to do something different didn't it--I can only begin to imagine what the super secret map will be lol.  Oh yes I love the aesthetic here, shiny super mario bonu$ map made by Satan.  I feel like there's clues around for me to ponder, probably something fairly simple I'm missing.  Gonna enjoy trying to crack it


EDIT: I got it!  It was pretty straightforward after all lol.  I figured it was shooting related given all the clips and stuff in the door room there, but got it through my head there was some trick to get to each bundle of kit.  Which...I guess there was...which I discovered totally by accident when I shot at those crates through the window and heard a door open over there.  Still I then fucked myself by not turning around and opening the secret door, leaving me without enough invulnerability to make it to the end of that sequence.  But it was trivial to do it again.  Cheeky stuff, as always I was able to get my hands on all that fancy shit which it looks like I'm going to need now :.(


EDIT 2: Just beat MAP32 and it was actually pretty easy once I figured out the cardinal rule.  It worked out really well, too, by the time I fired my first shot (or punch, I guess), the only monsters left alive were three severely wounded hell knights.  I almost got stuck between hungry pinkies but mostly was able to find just enough space to squeeze around and let the monsters do most of the work for me.



Hey man, thanks for the reply and sorry for late reply - crazy busy lately


Thanos so much for sharing these comments they are so valuable for a mapper


14 glad you had fun, I had to retool that one cause original was way too hard lol - of course name is parody of Stickney Installation by Snax - the SSG is kind of a mean scam that you can't get, actually weapons are being intentionally kept from player as a lead in to 31 the gold map


15 making those textures was fun but tedious - check out map 34 for a laugh


31&32 very glad to hear ppl can solve these maps on their own, it's been throwing off a lot of players making me kind of regret these maps and especially 32 - but well its bonus maps and those are often wacky, and even more so in a set like this. I am getting some confidence back in them, thanks


Hope to see ya gain - the later of the maps are harder and crazier - take care buddy - back to work!!!!


I really really enjoy reading your comments eh

Edited by Clippy

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Here is map 5 reveal. Fun with voodoo dolls, no converter belts all limit removing 



Also shoutout/ thanks to @Mr. Meanor for taking this set on haha

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9 hours ago, Not Jabba said:

Wow, this really conclusively solves the Coke/Pepsi debate.

Thank you! 


That was one of my many goals upon setting out to create this

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On 3/8/2024 at 5:49 AM, Stupid Bunny said:

To think out of the box, you must become the box


There is no box.  [/philosophical]

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@Master O 



but with box


@Merginator So happy to hear man and I have been enjoying your vid series, feel free to share any time. I'm a big fan now lol - PS not sure if you caught it but I took a look at your beginner maps as well:



I do hope more ppl check out your channel, your playthrus and commentary are fun


@Mr. Meanor I thoroughly enjoyed your playthrou series, you did quite well and got me figured out most of the time. Too bad I could only catch one session live but the playbacks were great. Thanks for also going back in time and checking out my Cliptucky Fried Chicken special, which feels sooooo sub par by the standards I set for myself with Crate Expectations. Have a lot more experience eh, its a 1 year project vs a 2 month one haha - thanks again and good times, fun memories 

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Here is my map 6 reveal, happy fried chicken Friday 🍗 


Bludegonator 6:66 


It's actually the 6th in a series of bludgeonator maps spanning across various projects 


Another call back kind of thing 


I included the others in this vid too




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8 minutes ago, obake said:

I can't wait to give this a go. Congrats on the release!

Thank u Santa 



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Completed 5 maps so far. Your lighthearted theming and unique progression is noted. Some of your traps are funny, like the baron behind the barrels in Map 02.


To note: I saw what you said about playing with mods. I'm playing with Hellrider mod just to see if there were any issues. Asides from some slowdown (especially at barrels exploding), no problems that I could see.


I can't wait to play more!

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On 4/19/2024 at 6:09 PM, obake said:

Completed 5 maps so far. Your lighthearted theming and unique progression is noted. Some of your traps are funny, like the baron behind the barrels in Map 02.


To note: I saw what you said about playing with mods. I'm playing with Hellrider mod just to see if there were any issues. Asides from some slowdown (especially at barrels exploding), no problems that I could see.


I can't wait to play more!


Thanks so much eh, let me know if you make it further with that mod - as it goes on my excessive use of stacked crushers and barrels and stuff increases so this was my concern with mods, especially bloody ones



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Happy Fried Chicken Friday everybody still feeling very warm and fuzzy with all the support so here is my map 7 Reveal video



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Happy Fried Chicken Friday everybody


Today I'm going to share my Reveal video for map 8 which I had a lot of fun making but I think it ended up harder than it needed to be probably the hardest in the set so far


This map is called Walls of Woe due to fun with Arch miles resurrecting monsters behind the wall. Also name is tribute to Wells of Woe a fun set of maps by @Austinado check it out 


Take care and be kind to one another



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Normally I don't like to post until I've done a few maps at a time but my life has become a million % more busy lately and I don't even know when I'll find the like 7 god damn hours I need to finish my own megawad project--so I'll put in my impressions of MAP16 before I forget



I know I say I suck at finding secrets but this time I found all 138 of them 😎 coming in packed to the gills with kit and health after MAP32 certainly helped, although even then my initial attempts to clear out the starting room failed repeatedly and I ultimately fled to the lower-pressure environment of the eponymous stairway.  But then was cool as the pressure there started to build too as increasingly nasty monsters started to teleport in, and the organic way that the map kept me from running forward too fast since the non-risen stairs provided no cover from all the teleporting hitscanners and eventually the cybie and such.  I'm not sure if there was a faster way to get back to the start of the staircase than just running through the lava, it was a bit annoying when I would fall off near the front and essentially be fucked immediately, but I happily save so wasn't a huge problem.  Also walking my way into a literal giant cloud was lol


I only just started MAP17, it is absolutely insane in the way a drop from heaven into Satan's dominion should feel.  That room made of crate lifts is awesome.  Love the whole aesthetic and fever-dream feel of the map, can't wait to finish it and keep moving forward one of these days


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On 5/3/2024 at 10:16 AM, Stupid Bunny said:

Normally I don't like to post until I've done a few maps at a time but my life has become a million % more busy lately and I don't even know when I'll find the like 7 god damn hours I need to finish my own megawad project--so I'll put in my impressions of MAP16 before I forget


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I know I say I suck at finding secrets but this time I found all 138 of them 😎 coming in packed to the gills with kit and health after MAP32 certainly helped, although even then my initial attempts to clear out the starting room failed repeatedly and I ultimately fled to the lower-pressure environment of the eponymous stairway.  But then was cool as the pressure there started to build too as increasingly nasty monsters started to teleport in, and the organic way that the map kept me from running forward too fast since the non-risen stairs provided no cover from all the teleporting hitscanners and eventually the cybie and such.  I'm not sure if there was a faster way to get back to the start of the staircase than just running through the lava, it was a bit annoying when I would fall off near the front and essentially be fucked immediately, but I happily save so wasn't a huge problem.  Also walking my way into a literal giant cloud was lol


I only just started MAP17, it is absolutely insane in the way a drop from heaven into Satan's dominion should feel.  That room made of crate lifts is awesome.  Love the whole aesthetic and fever-dream feel of the map, can't wait to finish it and keep moving forward one of these days



Thank you so much for taking the time to play my map even though you're busy. I had to take a break from YouTube earlier just to get this finished and even still I'm way behind on requests and I can't even


I'm even slow on this and I meant to reply sooner sorry about that


As much as I love to see people play in my maps don't stretch yourself too thin over it but thank you so much for the comments


Thank you so much for your comments about map 16 which was a map I wasn't particularly happy with and couldn't figure out how to work until @Large Cat encouraged me and help me improve it so let's hopefully more entertaining and engaging. Originally it was a bit of a Slow Burn but now I maybe I went too far in the other direction haha. Following 32 would be a treat to play it this way something I never attempted myself. Also since the stairs are the pivotal focal point of the map I didn't feel like making a Teleport shortcut or even figure out a good Implement that I just let the player travel the stairs haha


Map 17 is another frantic crazy thing it's one I realize my maps were starting to maybe get a little bit too long and I had to find a way to Wrangle myself in. Actually 16 17 have a very similar loose comparison of progression when it comes to grabbing three keys and three areas traveling from low to high other than that I hope they're radically different


Have a good one man take care and I hope things ease up for you there

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Clippy, glad to see you are still making maps! I'll be sure to check this out.

The trailer cracked me up, love it!



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22 hours ago, TheGreenZap said:

Clippy, glad to see you are still making maps! I'll be sure to check this out.

The trailer cracked me up, love it!




Thank you so much I'm glad I'm still making Maps too!


Not to toot my own horn but this is probably the best of mapping that I have to offer at this time, it's all down hill from here 


Dedicating a whole year to this was way way more than I've ever invested in a doom project and I'm tuckered out fat_tiger.gif

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Been playing through this shit, this is that good shit, the most exultant shit, the best shit. I was expecting all the maps to more or less revolve around the crate gimmick but that is not the case (and probably better for a megawad length set of maps), really outstanding set of maps here.



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12 hours ago, TeK (⌐■_■) said:

Been playing through this shit, this is that good shit, the most exultant shit, the best shit. I was expecting all the maps to more or less revolve around the crate gimmick but that is not the case (and probably better for a megawad length set of maps), really outstanding set of maps here.




Thank you so much for your kind words it really cheered me up last night😄

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