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Frantik DM 3 - a NEW 32-Map Zandronum:UDMF Deathmatch MegaWAD

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Congratulations on the release, it was a lot of fun going through this amazing WAD and I'm honored to be credited in it!

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Congrats megawad buddy- looks like lots of fun colourful environments to kill each other in

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So this wad contains a lot of interesting layouts. It really has its own style, and I don't doubt if this was released 10+ years ago it would have some constant playtime and would likely be quite popular. As a mapper this set marks a substantial improvement over your previous work, with only a couple maps in the set I'd consider kind of dull. It's main weakness is otex becoming a little tiring, especially after 32 maps, causing things to start to blend together, but overall this is a very strong set that is highly polished. Great work!

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Congratulations on the release of the wad I thought you were going to take much longer to finish it. The maps look amazing and I hope the wad gets the recognition it deserves.
Visually they look amazing and in gameplay it should be great. 
And good luck with the release!

Edited by Downcologo one

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Screenshots look amazing especially considering that you only spent two months on it! Grats on the release!

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I see this was designed more for ffa, but I would love to play some duels in this at some point! Congrats on the release, crazy how much you got done in a couple months! ❤️

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2 minutes ago, Daytime Waitress said:

If "Arrowhead mappack" or the title screen hadn't already sold me on it, that list of locations definitely would've.

Thanks - I appreciate it!


I did my best to provide as much variety as I could! I focused a bit more on making 'real' type places - like a factory, a forge, the igloo, the prison, the waste refinery, the dam, etc. etc.


I enjoyed making the previous iteration in the series too, but those locations were a bit more vague in their appearance than the ones in this set.


I tried to 'ground' these levels the best I could! Being able to use 3D floors definitely helped w/ that, I think.





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Small edit 2: 'DEV INFO' - (2024-03-09):


I wanted to clear up a small error I had made about when I had started this WAD - please see earlier in the post for more detailed info on this WAD's development cycle! This WAD was not made in exactly 2 months, but more like 2 months, and 16 days - the majority of maps (26/32) were started on, or after the 28th of December, 2023.


Just wanted to clarify that! See the main post for more details!



Edited by Arrowhead

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7 hours ago, DevilMyEyes said:

Quite fun megawad, I've been playing it with Durango Team

You are quite deadly with that plasma gun!


I'm very happy to see you all having fun in my levels!


Thanks so much for uploading this! If you all ever need some help testing your future deathmatch WADs, I will be happy to help!



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  • 1 month later...

This pack is being hosted by Wednesday Night Deathmatch tomorrow!




See this post for more details:

Feel free to stop by for some casual fragging fun!


I'll try to be there for at least one cycle of all 32 maps!


Hope to see you there!!




Edited by Arrowhead

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They are some awesome maps! I Love the verticality and the flow. It seemed like the majority enjoyed them as well. Definitely a fun and refreshing wad! :)

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Okay, here's a very small update!




MAP22 - Excess plasma ammo and one chaingun ammo box removed. Other ammunition items moved / re-adjusted.

MAP23 - I fixed a particularly obnoxious rocket launcher spawn, that I only noticed after playing this for WNDM - also removed 2 obstructive pillars.

TXT     - Corrected the development time for this WAD from nearly exactly 2 months, to 2 months + 16 days.


This should be the final update for now!


Here's the new link - the beginning post will be changed to reflect this:




It was a blast making this project, and I've got plenty more multiplayer-related content on the way!




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