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Pirate Doom II (finished!)

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27 minutes ago, plums said:

@Darch and @Sikreci, how do you feel about either of these? Helmet needs cleanup but that's not too hard. Left one has some green to keep the colour depth and make it look a bit more monstrous, right is all grey and cleaner.

edit: still too much brown, going to take some more time to work on it, if people think it's an improvement





Maybe something like this? 



Edited by Darch

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16 minutes ago, Darch said:

Maybe something like this? 

It's nice but it does seem to lose a bit of colour depth, at least on that frame. But if you're OK with that, I like it, and it definitely seems more monstrous.

(I edited my previous post for a cleaner gray variant btw.)


@Darch maybe a little nicer? (sorry for black background)

Edited by plums

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I still think going back to the original skin would look better, after all none of the other demon's "skin" color changed:


Unless it falls in the category of "realistic" skin color.

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I prefer the green version, but nice edit @Gothic!! 

29 minutes ago, plums said:

It's nice but it does seem to lose a bit of colour depth, at least on that frame. But if you're OK with that, I like it, and it definitely seems more monstrous.

(I edited my previous post for a cleaner gray variant btw.)


@Darch maybe a little nicer? (sorry for black background)

I like it! Even better if the horns could have its browns back, but I guess that would be a lot of work.

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2 minutes ago, Darch said:

I like it! Even better if the horns could have its browns back, but I guess that would be a lot of work. 

Oh I missed the horns haha. It would be more work than a straight colour remap but not an impossible amount. Would like to hear from @Sikreci but if they think it's an improvement, I'm happy to take this on. Do the cannibals go green as well?

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Just to be clear, I'm not trying to demand changes be made, I'm not trying to level accusations at anyone, or suggest anyone is a bad person, I'm not deeply personally offended by this. I just offered a criticism from my point of view. As the artist Darch can do whatever with that information. Ignore it, address it, take note for the future, whatever.


Darch, if you specifically want to know more about my thoughts on the subject, I'm happy to answer, but otherwise I'd just as soon let the matter rest. This is a pretty complex subject and this isn't the place for a deep discussion on how racism and cultural appropriation in media affect our society or whatever.

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They also spawn when I use the 'dogs' console command I'm literally shaking rn

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9 minutes ago, Sikreci said:

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to demand changes be made, I'm not trying to level accusations at anyone, or suggest anyone is a bad person, I'm not deeply personally offended by this. I just offered a criticism from my point of view. As the artist Darch can do whatever with that information. Ignore it, address it, take note for the future, whatever.


Darch, if you specifically want to know more about my thoughts on the subject, I'm happy to answer, but otherwise I'd just as soon let the matter rest. This is a pretty complex subject and this isn't the place for a deep discussion on how racism and cultural appropriation in media affect our society or whatever.

Agreed. Your point is valid, but there's no need to discuss it here. My opinion on the subject is the same as Plum's. Maybe he and I can discuss via PM what to do with these sprites.

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Thanks for the feedback! Well, yeah, the fire staying on the floor is a feature, but it was kind of hacky to do so with Dehacked, and there's this side effect of looping itself sometimes. I don't know if there's a way to fix it. I asked for help in this thread years ago:


..and @holaareola came up with the code. It's been a while since he doesn't visit Doomworld, but maybe he can help if he sees this (or somebody with enough dehacked knowledge) 

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18 minutes ago, Darch said:

Well, yeah, the fire staying on the floor is a feature, but it was kind of hacky to do so with Dehacked, and there's this side effect of looping itself sometimes.

From some (very brief) testing just now it seems like the fire looping oddly is much more prone to occur in GZDoom, after you kill the AV. If that's actually the case, it might be another thing where rewriting it in DECORATE for ZDoom ports is worthwhile.

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16 hours ago, Zaratul said:

Jesus Christ, ppl are offended by everything these days. These monsters are ofc caricatures because entire Pirate Doom is a caricature of pirates\carribean\tortuga stuff. 


My father grew up listening to Amos and Andy and watching their minstrel shows. At some point in the last 100 years Blackface became culturally unacceptable and is now seen as unequivocally racist. I seriously doubt anyone in 2024 would support casting a white guy to perform a parody of a Chinese detective like 'Charlie Chan.' Over the last 30 years the use of "gay" to describe literally everything you hate fell out of favor. Social norms change. It's normal.

Many of those early pirate tropes have become a little cringe... look back at some of those Nintendo ads of the 90s and you'd certainly raise an eyebrow today if anyone tried to sell a Mario game or gameboy color using African witch doctor/shaman imagery.

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34 minutes ago, Scuba Steve said:


My father grew up listening to Amos and Andy and watching their minstrel shows. At some point in the last 100 years Blackface became culturally unacceptable and is now seen as unequivocally racist. I seriously doubt anyone in 2024 would support casting a white guy to perform a parody of a Chinese detective like 'Charlie Chan.' Over the last 30 years the use of "gay" to describe literally everything you hate fell out of favor. Social norms change. It's normal.

Many of those early pirate tropes have become a little cringe... look back at some of those Nintendo ads of the 90s and you'd certainly raise an eyebrow today if anyone tried to sell a Mario game or gameboy color using African witch doctor/shaman imagery.

Indeed. The early 90s had wild art, and thus, also some wild colorizations that wouldn't tiptoe well with what the setting or standard of a game was.


As for the Dutch, Blackface is a very different thing compared to the Blackface that is unacceptable.. but lets not drivel off-subject.


17 hours ago, Zaratul said:

Jesus Christ, ppl are offended by everything these days. These monsters are ofc caricatures because entire Pirate Doom is a caricature of pirates\carribean\tortuga stuff. 

While yes, that's true, i viewed that post in good intention: It was a criticism set to current-day events, nothing else. Didn't think it was malicious, either.


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NGL pleased to see how maturely this has been handled.

As understandable as the criticism is, I was immediately bracing for more horrible discourse rather than it actually being addressed in good faith at all.

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I'm in map 18, and I just wanted to say this is a great megawad. In fact I think it's better than Pirate Doom 1, you can notice how the creator is now more veteran and experienced, and can do better things. 


The Doom + cartoon pirate style from MI works as great as always. The maps are short and sweet, and varied. The attention to detail, the visual gags, it's a great wad.

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Haven't seen it mentioned yet but I also like how the idle/sleep frames have been change to the monsters standing around drinking or, in the case of lost souls, smoking cigars.


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Hello Darch very impressed with the mod so far. I was a fan of the first one so I was excited when I heard about the sequel being released.


I got one issue though: the sounds that the arachnatrons make are obnoxiously loud. They are overbearing and drown out every other noise in the game when they're around. It's so distracting it takes me out of the game.


Could you maybe do something about them? Decrease the volume of their walking/idle noise or whatever it's not a pleasant experience.

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I kind of like the greenish vile variants because it gives them a fantasy orc monster kind of vibe that I like, some kind of undead could be another option for the archvile variants

Edited by CBM

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Nice to see people playing this, at a more refined state! 

I wonder if anyone else has found the Yellow Key Caco skip in Map 27. I found it back when this was a closed beta and I only informed Darch and Scuba Steve of this trick. I'm pretty sure that it's still in the wad, because it might be a great trick for speedrunners to use.

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On 4/21/2024 at 12:31 PM, hazzmati said:


I got one issue though: the sounds that the arachnatrons make are obnoxiously loud. They are overbearing and drown out every other noise in the game when they're around. It's so distracting it takes me out of the game.


Could you maybe do something about them? Decrease the volume of their walking/idle noise or whatever it's not a pleasant experience.

Yes, I've compared those sounds and some others with their default Doom counterparts, and they were indeed louder. I slightly compressed them so they'll sound a bit lower.

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I just started playing and am really impressed so far. I should probably play Pirate Doom I after :)

Will this get multiplayer compatibility?

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5 hours ago, Raith138 said:

I just started playing and am really impressed so far. I should probably play Pirate Doom I after :)

Will this get multiplayer compatibility?

Thanks! In theory, it is already multiplayer compatible (coop). However, since it uses a lot of music changers and online ports don't really implement that feature, there will be a version without music changers for Zandronum and Odamex.


5 hours ago, Broadsword Jim said:

I am still waiting for the final version.. May I ask when it will be?

I believe it will be ready next month!



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Really been enjoying this. Very fun maps, and the pirate voices crack me up. So many great ideas and funny touches. A worthy sequel


I'm up to map 23 and havent seen any errors, apart from one instance of a flaming torch where the flame was a transparent pirate for some reason. It corrected itself when I reloaded the map.

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Played the whole thing start to finish in one sitting last week and had a total blast.  My main thoughts are that the sound effects need audio balancing (some lifting sectors were way louder than others) and that it would be nice if secrets were all tagged.  Had a total blast otherwise, really great work, Darch!

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Was burnt out on Doom this month but decided to give this a whirl and was not disappointed! Fab stuff, I love the aesthetic and insane variety of level themes! A worthy successor to the almighty cacoward winner har!


Also, the arch-vile trigger sound always cracks me up - I wonder what the source is.

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3 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Also, the arch-vile trigger sound always cracks me up - I wonder what the source is.

That's actually me, haha

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