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very fun slaughter map

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Please put up some screenshots of what your map is like, and if I may humbly suggest this, I don't think you're going to gather much of an audience by telling a prospective playerbase to go fuck themselves. Sunlust's map29's author you are not.

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Why not take your own advice and get fucked instead of wasting your time with this shit? I know that a map like this probably took about two minutes to make, but that's more than enough time for a guy like you to have a meaningful sexual encounter with a drawing of a naked orc or whatever.

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Folks, please keep the dogpiling to a minimum, it's becoming a trend recently in threads and it's frankly unnecessary given the message was loud and clear from the start. I understand it's funny, but it stops being such when it happens on every other thread...

Anyways, not much point in keeping this open given I wouldn't be surprised if more time was spent making the OP than making the wad.

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