Arrowhead Posted March 10, 2024 (edited) DOWNLOAD LINK, (DOOMSHACK): UPDATED MAP01: ***NEW*** MAP01+MAP02: ***NEW*** MAP01+MAP02+MAP03: ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04 (UPDATED): ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05: ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05+MAP06: What is Apprehension? Apprehension is the fear or anxiety that something unpleasant is going to happen. This is how I feel whenever I think of making a single-player level - I decided, that was a lame way to go about 'creating things' - so I've decided to make a new single-player map set, and get over my apprehension of that kind of mapping. Unlike MP, I'm always worried that my SP stuff won't be received well - this has stopped me from making no more than 9 SP maps over the three years I've been mapping - compare this to the nearly 250 DM/CTF levels I've made and published, and that's quite a small number. This mapset is to get me back in the SP mindset, and throw those anxieties aside. I fully expect to make mistakes, and I expect there to be bugs - I'm nearly brand new to this, so please be sure to give me some feedback if you play this! I don't know how big this set will be - likely no more than 5-8 levels - that number could shrink or grow, depending on how this goes. This mapset will use RFHellTX + Doom 2's standard textures. This pack is Boom-compatible, and all of my testing has been done in DSDA Doom - if that's a mistake, please let me know. I think the texture packs blend together well. Spoiler MAP01: 'Apprehension' This first level is a somewhat dark, red base - it should take no longer than 4-7 minutes to complete. No other difficulties but UV are implemented yet. This level is not too difficult, and any seasoned UV players shouldn't have too much trouble w/ it. UVMAX is 100% possible - as I've had no issue doing that myself. There are some trickier areas - but I don't think anything particularly 'unfair'. This base is going to be the introductory level - the later levels will have major hell influence - this is more of a 'heckbase' than a 'techbase', though. SCREENSHOTS OF MAP01: Spoiler MAP02: 'Wracked Nerves:' Spoiler MAP03: Sweaty Palms: Spoiler MAP04: Absolutely Dastardly: Spoiler MAP05: DOWNTOWN DEMON DELUGE: Spoiler MAP06: GREAT SACRIFICE: DOWNLOAD LINK, (DOOMSHACK): UPDATED MAP01: ***NEW*** MAP01+MAP02: ***NEW*** MAP01-MAP03: ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04 (UPDATED): ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05: ***NEWEST*** - MAP01+MAP02+MAP03+MAP04+MAP05+MAP06: :D Edited March 24, 2024 by Arrowhead 38 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 10, 2024 I will continue to post levels and updates in this thread, so that I can get feedback as I go. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
AshtralFiend Posted March 10, 2024 Pretty good map! It's great to see you also doing SP stuff! Interesting fights and architecture. The difficulty and ammo seem well-balanced as I had no difficulty in UV maxing it (despite finding the secret by total coincidence) There was some mid-texture bleeding here and there, nothing that can't be fixed. Here is a recording of my FDA playing in DSDA Cheers 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 10, 2024 7 hours ago, AshtralFiend said: Thanks a lot for going through this for me! I'll check this video out in a hour or so, I'm in the middle of starting all of my seeds for for garden. I'll try to fix up that midtex issue you mention a bit later today - when I watch the video - I'm pretty sure I know what would have caused it. I'm gonna start work on another map too, after I'm done this 'chore' of mine! :D 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 10, 2024 @AshtralFiend Thanks so much for going through that for me! I only just got a chance to watch the full video. You play much more methodically than I do! I was glad to see that nothing seemed to be 'broken' - but those 2 midtex issues: the 'revenant room', and the exit's fence. I think the fence had the same light level on each side, I've heard that can cause midtex bleed sometimes! As for the revenant one, I'll have to take a look at that - I think it's because I had scrolled the midtex down a bit. Shouldn't be too hard of a fix. I'm going to start the second level today - I've got some ideas I want to look into. I'll put out an update to the first map a bit later today, when I have more time. Thanks again! :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
fefor Posted March 11, 2024 (edited) Just played it, good stuff I like the arena with the mancubi and the chaingunner lifts as its satisfying to blow them up with the RL while the other enemies are putting some pressure on you as well. I like the curvy geometry too. I managed to get myself softlocked on that same arena, turns out there's multiple "walkover once" linedefs for the bars that block the entry door and the switch to open them has a one time use. So I enter the room and the door gets locked, then you press the switch to open the bars but if you touch one of those linedefs again the bars come down and you can't open them. So yeah only one walk-over once linedef is needed to prevent that. The other thing I found was that I could exit the level before pressing the "exit" labeled switch that is in front of the mancubus on the final corridor. It's a fun level, I hope this project helps you get over the worries and anxiety you mentioned in the OP, keep making maps! if you are able to create something that is fun for you chances are there'll be someone else that finds it fun as well. Here's my uv-max demo for the map, plays back on dsda-doom/prboom. Edited March 11, 2024 by fefor 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 12, 2024 1 hour ago, fefor said: Just played it, good stuff I like the arena with the mancubi and the chaingunner lifts as its satisfying to blow them up with the RL while the other enemies are putting some pressure on you as well. I like the curvy geometry too. I managed to get myself softlocked on that same arena, turns out there's multiple "walkover once" linedefs for the bars that block the entry door and the switch to open them has a one time use. So I enter the room and the door gets locked, then you press the switch to open the bars but if you touch one of those linedefs again the bars come down and you can't open them. So yeah only one walk-over once linedef is needed to prevent that. The other thing I found was that I could exit the level before pressing the "exit" labeled switch that is in front of the mancubus on the final corridor. It's a fun level, I hope this project helps you get over the worries and anxiety you mentioned in the OP, keep making maps! if you are able to create something that is fun for you chances are there'll be someone else that finds it fun as well. Here's my uv-max demo for the map, plays back on dsda-doom/prboom. Appreciate, it fefor! Thanks for going through it - I'm nearly done the geometry / gameplay for the second level. I was not aware of those issues - they sound like an easy enough fix - I'll try to get that remedied tonight, and put out a new version soon. You explained this issue very well for me, so I should have no problem, hopefully. I hope to have something new for people to play, soon. I fully expected there to be an issue hiding somewhere in this map, lol. Thanks again! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
FEDEX Posted March 12, 2024 This is what I was waiting for! A singleplayer stuff by Arrow 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 12, 2024 @fefor I've fixed the issues you've mentioned - I made the bars only trigger once, by putting the line closer to the door, and getting rid of the other triggers. I thickened the exit wall, so that nobody can press the button 'through the wall' anymore. Here's an updated version that also fixes the midtexture bleed that AshtralFiend mentioned earlier: 1 hour ago, FEDEX said: A singleplayer stuff by Arrow It took me a while, but I thought it was about time I started something! :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
PasokonDeacon Posted March 12, 2024 Demo for the initial version: With your pedigree and this map's quality, I don't think there's too much to worry about. It's a fun, well-paced opener that makes the most of its curvaceous techbase setting. I like the balance between a symmetric inner arena and the outer wings which engage in different variations on cramped combat. Resource proportions feel just right, too, though I imagine they'll take a bit of work (alongside encounters) when balancing for skill levels. Lighting and geometry also work very well for this style of map. Though the demo makes it look like I'm playing some '90s labyrinth (been doing a lot of that lately!), I can't remember getting confused or worked up about any signposting problems. If anything, my thoroughness made it a cinch to find the plasma gun secret. That doesn't explain how I could miss the SSG room, however—weird behavior on my part. All I'd suggest for that is brightening up the door overhang sectors and giving them a flicker effect to highlight the path leading in there. RFHellTX is an inspired choice, mixing vanilla and classic PWAD texturing together without feeling too much like a throwback. This feels like it could have made waves back in the late-2000s, between the speedy pace of play and fancy but sensible level of detail not often seen in big projects at that time. The standout moment for me was the CG/HK ambush early on, raising my heartrate and keeping me away from door camping by supplying enough ammo for the weaker weapons without getting tedious. If it were me, I'd also add a couple spectres to the starting room (on UV) in case someone wants to try cheesing the fight, but it's unnecessary given the amount of health/armor slack in the big room. Lower wing with skellies and a chaingunner behind went the way that feels appropriate: quick, not too biting, and early enough that a death won't sting. The upper wing needs a bit of reworking IMO—moving one or two chain gunners to guard the switch exit, rather than get sniped in their cubby holes, could make that more interesting. But basically all the encounters are solid already. Technically speaking, all I noticed was this weirdness in the upper wing by the manc: Spoiler Not sure what happened here, but maybe it's already fixed in the update. Keep up the awesome work! I'm keen on playing the next map. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 12, 2024 11 minutes ago, PasokonDeacon said: Not sure what happened here, but maybe it's already fixed in the update. Keep up the awesome work! I'm keen on playing the next map. Thanks kindly for your detailed review. I was able to fix that little visual error you mentioned in the new version - I think it was some kind of node problem, I wiggled a few linedefs and it sorted itself out. The point you've made about the ending's chaingunners and the SSG wing make sense to me too - I'll see if I can draw better attention to the SSG area, because I think that's probably my favorite 'fight' in the map. I like the idea of the addition of spectres only in UV - I'll do that once I get difficulties set up correctly! I'll incorporate your suggestions in the next update - hopefully when I have the second map ready, if not earlier. Appreciate you taking the time! :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 13, 2024 (edited) APPREHENSION: MAP02: 'WRACKED NERVES': The second map is complete - or at least a proper test-build of it. Let me know what you think! This one has quite a bit of chaos - this is the last 'normal' base - the third level will start to show more hell corruption. Currently, there is only UV implemented, but don't worry - before I release this, all difficulties will be implemented. Please play MAP02 from pistol-start - the updated MAP01 is included in the below link too: :D EDIT: I've yet to add the gameplay changes mentioned in the last post for MAP01 - I will do that a bit later, once this map requires an update! Edited March 13, 2024 by Arrowhead 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 13, 2024 Forgot to fully texture 1 of the monster trap rooms - I've uploaded a new fix in the last post, and the main post! :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
fefor Posted March 13, 2024 Just tried out the second map, very fun layout and I like being able to use the RL a lot especially in the yellow key arena, didn't find any issues this time around, solid map. Here is my demo for it : ) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 13, 2024 Thanks for the kind words - yeah, RL play was important to me in this one. Was fun watching you handle that 'caco cloud'! I'm currently working on the third level - was glad to see nothing seemed to break this time around! I might have it done tonight, likely for tomorrow! :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
AshtralFiend Posted March 13, 2024 Another great map! Fun and not too difficult. No issues detected :D Here is the FDA 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 13, 2024 11 minutes ago, AshtralFiend said: No issues detected :D I noticed a couple errant packs of shells up near where the supercharge was - I'll get that cleaned up for the next update. I'm glad you saw the yellow key lowering from the blue key area - I thought that would be a good way to direct the player to the next fight. It looks like you used the slightly older build that had the last room (the mancubi exit room) not fully textured - that has since been fixed, as well as one of the doortraks using the 'placeholder' crate tex that I use. That's my fault, though, not yours! Thanks for continuing to go through these - next level is called 'Sweaty Palms' - I'm nearly done monster placement and geometry, so I should have that ready soon, too. :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 14, 2024 Just about finished the third map! Lots of unorthodox combat set-ups. Hopefully it will be interesting! I've just got to finish up the texturing, and this should be ready soon! :D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 14, 2024 (edited) MAP03: SWEATY PALMS: DOWNLOAD LINK: This is a bit of a devious map - I don't want to spoil anything, though! SCREENIES: Let me know what you think - I tried some interesting combat set-ups in this level. If you play, please try w/ pistol-start, that's how all these maps are balanced so far. UVMAX is of course possible, like the others. I haven't updated MAP01-MAP02 since the last post - but I will do that soon! Implementation of all difficulties is planned, but currently only UV is accounted for. :D Edited March 14, 2024 by Arrowhead 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 14, 2024 Small update: Fixed two arachnotrons that were 'stuck'. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Insaneprophet Posted March 14, 2024 (edited) Ive seen you post your deathmatch stuff often so I was kind of excited to see that youve made some single player maps. I just finished running through all three of them and had quite the good time doing so. All of them are very solid on the design and layout side but with as much as youve mapped I kind of expected that. The combat was fun as well, if a little bit on the easy side, but I could tell that thought was put into all of the placement. I particularly appreciated that almost everytime I ran away from a fight there was a chaingunner or someone put in place to punish me for it. The new traps springing when we had to reuse an area was also a nice detail. I do feel that you can relieve some of the apprehension youve felt towards SP mapping as youve got a real good start to a solo episode here and with a little forray into bigger levels and more difficult combat, you will have a high teir, well concieved, progression for a mapset. Thank you for making and sharing these. 😀 Edited March 14, 2024 by Insaneprophet 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 14, 2024 2 minutes ago, Insaneprophet said: Thank you for making and sharing these. 😀 Thank you for your nice comment! I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed what I've made so far. Yeah, perhaps a little bit easy in some parts - but I'm sure I'll improve w/ my 'challenge' as I progress a little bit further in the set. Rest assured, I'm having a great time mapping for singleplayer, and I'm taking a small step away from multiplayer until I feel more comfortable w/ this genre. The fourth map in the set, (I'm working on it as we speak) is quite a bit harder - it's got a couple quite cruel scenarios - nothing an experienced player shouldn't be able to handle, but it should at least be harder than the prior 3 maps! I'm feeling much better about this whole transition to singleplayer, now that I've got some opinions from others. This next map, (Absolutely Dastardly) has a unique set-up, that I'm sure will at least surprise some players! I always tend to overestimate my difficulty a little bit, as I'm not an amazing singleplayer player myself, but there's a couple things here that should be interesting. I should hopefully have a test build for the 4th level later on today, if not tomorrow. Appreciate it! :) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
fefor Posted March 14, 2024 (edited) Good stuff once again, combat is getting spicier and I'm looking forward to the surprises you mentioned for map04, here's my demo for map 03, FDA this time around since I thought the beginning was funny. Found some wooden supports which I stare at for a couple of seconds in the demo that seemed misaligned at least on the version two posts above, but other than that its good fun like the previous maps and found no gameplay issues. Really digging the blood aesthetics and the corridors where you can sink your feet in the blood. Edited March 14, 2024 by fefor 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 14, 2024 36 minutes ago, fefor said: I saw those wood supports you mentioned - yeah, they look a bit rough. I'll swap those for something else! Was interesting to see you interact w/ a few of those later traps. Were the hurtfloors in the vent confusing? Just curious. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying things so far. I appreciate your demos - makes things super easy for me to understand what needs to be altered / fixed. MAP04 is a bit of a different beast - it's a bit more non-linear, in the sense that you have 2 different options for your first key pickup. MAP04 is 'hard' but 'hard' by my definition - which might not be too hard for more experienced players. Still, like I said before, there are some cruel situations. Nothing I don't think you all can handle, though! I've just finished the gameplay and thing placement for level 4, I just need to texture now. Thanks as always! :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tangra Posted March 15, 2024 Just played the three maps and had a fun time. It wasn't too difficult, and that's how i like it, i rather take a gradual climb in difficulty as the maps progress, than to get my ass kicked in Map01. Still, there are some good surprising traps here, but they are not cruel and give you time to react and fight back. The visuals are really nice, and the architecture is quite unique with all the oval shapes, which is something i typically don't use in my maps, because i hate dealing in texture alignment on oval surfaces. One minor issue i noticed, i think you have a wrong doortrak texture on the blue door in Map03, it's one of the crate textures. Good stuff, looking forward to the rest of the set. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 15, 2024 27 minutes ago, Tangra said: Good stuff, looking forward to the rest of the set. Thanks Tangra, Yeah, good eye - I use crate textures as my placeholders, so there's probably a couple left laying around still! I'll clean that up once I finish MAP04 - thanks! :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
SleepyVelvet Posted March 15, 2024 Good levels. I see you like the curve tool. Aside from my trackball being a dick today, half my shots never really wanted to connect anyways (I'm just cursed today, I guess). Still had a good time. I also like that each level isn't too long. Keep it up. FDA: 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 15, 2024 (edited) 36 minutes ago, SleepyVelvet said: I see you like the curve tool. Haha, I have a recent obsession w/ it. Yeah, that's what I'm aiming for sub-10 minute playtime! Although, I think the upcoming 4th level may take slightly longer than that on the first run. I saw a couple more crate textures I left behind - I'll clean those up soon. It's fun seeing different people attempt the same fights differently - thanks for your three demos. :D EDIT: I'll be sure to credit you all as playtesters when I finish this set! Edited March 15, 2024 by Arrowhead 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 15, 2024 MAP04 is complete! I am going to test it a bit more, and update the other 3 maps first, but expect it to be published here sometime in the next 3-4 hours! :D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arrowhead Posted March 15, 2024 (edited) MAP04: ABSOLUTELY DASTARDLY: This map is quite a bit more difficult than the last three (in my opinion) - that's not to say it's a 'challenge' map or anything - it isn't - but it should keep you on your toes! The map takes about 12 minutes to beat, 12-15 minutes to UVMAX. Difficulty arises from aggressive ambushes, tight corridors, and unexpected surprises. Secrets are not mandatory, (of course) but they do help. There's a couple combat arrangements that are a bit odd at first - but once you learn them, I'm hoping you'll enjoy them! You may die, but this is nothing egregious - even a poor SP player like me was able to UVMAX this after a couple tries - I don't doubt some of you will beat it first go, without having any trouble. Like I said, quite a bit harder than the last three levels, but nothing too crazy for an experienced player. If you do play this, please play pistol-start, and aim for UVMAX if you would - as that is how the map is balanced at the moment. I also took the time to implement the feedback several users gave me over the last few comments. This helped 'clean up' the earlier levels a bit, so thank you for that. I'm off to bed - let me know what you all think - I've really enjoyed seeing all the different demos lately! This map is quite non-linear, w/ it giving the player a lot of movement freedom to pick and choose what they'd like to do - for example, you can pick the yellow key to go for the first time, and then choose on your next playthrough to choose the blue key for your first key - that's not to imply complete movement freedom, but I tried to make this less of a 'point A to point B' affair. Maybe w/ varying results - I'll have to see what you all think. Hopefully you'll find some enjoyment - rude traps aside... DOWNLOAD LINK: EDIT: I named it the way I did, because I felt extra 'scheme-y' while making this - it's not as cruel as the name lets off! :D Edited March 15, 2024 by Arrowhead 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
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