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doom weapon sounds


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yep, an idiot here. I came here to see if anyone can post a NEW video about changing the gun sounds. im so dumb I can't do crap. If anyone can explain it to me better OR make a NEW VIDEO about it, it'd be great. Thank youuu>:)

Edited by HaZe

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It's pretty simple.

  1. With only a few exceptions, sounds in Doom are 8-bit, mono, 11025 Hz. (Those exceptions: SSG loading (DSDBOPN, DSDBLOAD, DSDBCLS), and Item Respawn (DSITMBK). These exceptions are 22050 Hz instead.
  2. If you're attempting a vanilla-compatible WAD: Make sure you create a WAV with those specifications (use something like Audacity or whatever your favorite sound editing software is for this step), name it the exact same as the file you intend to replace (i.e; DSSLOP.wav), import them in your PWAD using something like SLADE (Entry > Import), then right click them once imported and convert them to Doom Sound Format (Audio > Convert WAV to Doom Sound). Save your PWAD and the sound will be replaced when you load the PWAD.
  3. If you're not attempting a vanilla-compatible WAD: Check to see what sorts of sound formats the source port you intend to use can handle. Many source ports will support Ogg Vorbis or MP3 for example, so if vanilla compatibility is not your goal, you can use those formats for much higher quality at much less space (generally 16-bit, mono, 44100 or 48000 Hz). The filename should still be identical to the original sound's name in the WAD.

There are more advanced ways to do this, but this should generally work. If you're trying to ADD sounds that weren't there before, that's when you'd have to get into more advanced stuff.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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