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Recommendation of ANIMDEFS language code that works with the animated water texture.



Hello everyone! I know I had already made another post talking about this subject, but recently I managed to download version 3.1.9 of SLADE, and I'm managing to use it quite normally, although still, when I spend some time in the application, it stops responding just like before. Other than that, the help I will need today is to give an example of ANIMDEFS language code that works with the animated water texture that I made and modified. I will give some specifications of the animated water texture.


Texture Specifications:


• It has 32 frames;


• Its sector tag in the level is number 1;


• I want the texture to have a minimum delay of 10 seconds.








Other than that, that's all, I thank anyone who can help me, remembering that I don't want you to create the texture from scratch for me, I just want you to give me some example of ANIMDEFS language code in SLADE that works with the texture and taking into account its specifications.

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6 answers to this question

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Try this in your ANIMDEF...

flat WATER00
pic WATER00 tics 3
pic WATER01 tics 3
pic WATER02 tics 3
pic WATER03 tics 3
pic WATER04 tics 3
pic WATER05 tics 3
pic WATER06 tics 3
pic WATER07 tics 3
pic WATER08 tics 3
pic WATER09 tics 3
pic WATER10 tics 3
pic WATER11 tics 3
pic WATER12 tics 3
pic WATER13 tics 3
pic WATER14 tics 3
pic WATER15 tics 3
pic WATER16 tics 3
pic WATER17 tics 3
pic WATER18 tics 3
pic WATER19 tics 3
pic WATER20 tics 3
pic WATER21 tics 3
pic WATER22 tics 3
pic WATER23 tics 3
pic WATER24 tics 3
pic WATER25 tics 3
pic WATER26 tics 3
pic WATER28 tics 3
pic WATER29 tics 3
pic WATER30 tics 3
pic WATER31 tics 3
pic WATER32 tics 3

Any instance where you place the WATER00 texture, it will animate this sequence starting from frame 00 through to frame 32 and restart. The amount of tics indicates how long to show each frame. Smaller the number - faster frames, bigger number - slower frame. 1 second in "Doom time" is 35 tics.

Sector tag isn't necessary as this will affect any instance of WATER00 anywhere you use it, tagged or untagged.

As for a "delay"... im not sure what you mean? Do you mean a minimum delay before it begins to animate or the whole animated sequence should take minimum 10 seconds? First option I have no idea, but second option can be controlled by the tic time in ANIMDEFS. 32 frames at 3 tic intervals equals 96 tics or 2.74 seconds of animation time. Adjust your tics accordingly to extend the animation time as you need it.

Edited by Doom-X-Machina

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Unrelated to your question, but I strongly recommend using UDB3 instead of GZDoom Builder. The latter was discontinued in 2017.



Development of GZDoom Builder was discontinued in 2017.





UDB3 is a fork of GZDB that is actively maintained and it includes numerous bug fixes and support for newer engine features such as MBF21.

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  On 3/12/2024 at 4:21 PM, Caffeine said:

I know that GZDoom Builder has been discontinued, I even tried using UDB3, but it didn't really grab my attention. It might be a silly reason, but I prefer using GZDB instead of UDB3 because I'm already more accustomed to it, and also, it's a matter of personal preference, despite UDB3 having some improvements.



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  On 3/12/2024 at 2:49 AM, Doom-X-Machina said:
  On 3/12/2024 at 2:49 AM, Doom-X-Machina said:

Yes, it's that kind of delay I'm talking about. I didn't mention it in the post, but I want the animated water texture to be like the one I made on the Ezgif website.




Other than that, I inserted the code you sent me, but it didn't work. I'm not sure if the code structure is correct or if I did something wrong, since I don't understand much about ANIMDEFS language yet. I'll send you a screenshot of how I did it.





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  On 3/12/2024 at 6:13 PM, Johnny_Vicc_007 said:

I know that GZDoom Builder has been discontinued, I even tried using UDB3, but it didn't really grab my attention. It might be a silly reason, but I prefer using GZDB instead of UDB3 because I'm already more accustomed to it, and also, it's a matter of personal preference, despite UDB3 having some improvements.



It is literally the same program but with seven years of bug fixes and improvements. I have read several threads in this forum where an OP had problems doing something, and using up-to-date UDB3 instead of GZDB stagnant for seven years fixed their problems.


But you do you.

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  On 3/12/2024 at 6:26 PM, Johnny_Vicc_007 said:




You're in WAD format...

Have you added the frames to the patch table and TEXTURE defs?
Are the frames correctly placed between PP_START and PP_END lumps?

I know for a fact, that ANIMDEF code I gave you works because it's coded the same as all my the custom animated textures in my own WADs. There is something else you're missing here.

  On 3/13/2024 at 12:03 AM, Caffeine said:


It is literally the same program but with seven years of bug fixes and improvements. I have read several threads in this forum where an OP had problems doing something, and using up-to-date UDB3 instead of GZDB stagnant for seven years fixed their problems.


But you do you.


I'd too would happily use UDB if the damn thing worked for more than 5 minutes without crashing.
I don't have near as many issues running with GZDB-Bugfix as UDB.

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