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Fuck you John Romero (RE: Sigil II) and thank you for the memories

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15 minutes ago, Brad_tilf said:

Ya, I get it. But UV today and UV in 1998 are NOT the same thing. I am getting through it and I'm enjoying the shit out of it but DAMN

"UV today and UV in 1998 are NOT the same thing".


Ok i am sorry but i may of not played doom back in 1998 but i have played Ultimate Doom wads from that era and there is no difference between late 90's and modern day maps with it comes to difficulty. I think (hence the word Think) that you're just saying you hate the difficulty because John Romero made it harder because we all know that we like a challenge.


If you wanna keep arguing about the whole "well it's bad because it's hard" bullshit then keep talking like that. I personally don't understand why you made this post to rant about Sigil 2 being hard. Yeah it's hard but it was meant to be hard and this is coming from someone that beat Plutonia on UV and making episode 4 hard as hell in my personal solo project. Again if you want to keep yelling and complain about how hard or bad it is, more power to you but man, just give it a rest.


Also notice i didn't go full blown cussing and saying fuck or fucking in that?

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12 minutes ago, BUYXRAYS said:

Bro thinks he is Civvie


Friends, he thinks we're his bro 🧢💀

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28 minutes ago, ⇛Marnetmar⇛ said:



My dear Brad_Tilf, 


I sense a discord within you. You seem to think that I designed these labyrinths to cause you anguish; as though I were trying, malignly, to break your spirit, sector-by-sector, line-by-line, vertex by vertex. Perhaps it would be wise for me to take some responsibility for this predicament, for regardless of my intentions, my devilish designs seem to have brought you to a point at which you would be justified in suspecting me of such heinous behavior.


The truth, Brad_Tilf, is quite the opposite. Hearing that sentence, you've probably filled in the blank for yourself, thinking it probable that, rather than being designed out of malice, they were designed to test you for some purpose unknown to you, and that your passing or failing of this test will be consequential in some way that has not been revealed to you.


However, that would not be accurate either: I have designed these maps, Brad_Tilf, these wickedly mischievous designs, of whom only the strongest can conquer, not to torment you, nor to test you. I designed them to help you, Brad_Tilf. You see, ever since you first began Dooming, I have been observing you, playing map after map, wad after wad, and though you quickly gained skill and the much-deserved confidence accompanying it, I sensed a certain tension within you: the more difficult the wads you completed, the less high you reached in your ambitions for the next one. Because, Brad_Tilf, you were afraid. You were afraid that you would not be able to conquer the next one. You were afraid that if you kept going, you would eventually reach a kind of challenge that you had no chance of overcoming. You didn't know what that challenge looked like, but you felt its presence. It haunted your thoughts by day and your dreams by night, lurking in dark shadows, never quite fully revealing itself, but briefly, in rare moments, revealing something amorphous and loathsome.


Such a monster never existed. Not until now. I designed the beast that stands before you, Brad_Tilf, for one reason and one reason only: that purpose is for it to be swiftly and decisively defeated by you. Because not only do I believe you can slay this beast -- I know you can. Of course, in your exhaustion and frustration, it is reasonable to ask: how can I trust Romero? Why should I believe he has my best interests at heart after the hell he's put me through?


It's not a matter of whether or not you believe me, Brad_tilf. It's a matter of whether or not you believe in yourself.


Now go boot up Doom. You've got demons to slay.


Your friend and humble guide,


John Romero

You are a genius

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7 hours ago, Brad_tilf said:

First off - KISS my fucking ass! Are you shitting me? Hard is ok. I get it. You're the master. You're the king of Doom/Doom2 but what the literal fuck? I had to play level 1 a 2nd time because I learned that you don't believe in ammo and it's easier to let the monsters do the work for you. I'm now on level 3. FUCK YOU again. Are you shitting me? God DAMMIT, I just want to enjoy the game (and I am) but did you REALLY have to make it this difficult to figure shit out? BTW, I just ordered your new release **Limited** 3.5” Edition of DOOM II One Humanity mod" so you can fucking kiss my ass again. You are SO fucking good but you are so god DAMN infuriating!



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1 hour ago, ⇛Marnetmar⇛ said:



My dear Brad_Tilf, 


I sense a discord within you. You seem to think that I designed these labyrinths to cause you anguish; as though I were trying, malignly, to break your spirit, sector-by-sector, line-by-line, vertex by vertex. Perhaps it would be wise for me to take some responsibility for this predicament, for regardless of my intentions, my devilish designs seem to have brought you to a point at which you would be justified in suspecting me of such heinous behavior.


The truth, Brad_Tilf, is quite the opposite. Hearing that sentence, you've probably filled in the blank for yourself, thinking it probable that, rather than being designed out of malice, they were designed to test you for some purpose unknown to you, and that your passing or failing of this test will be consequential in some way that has not been revealed to you.


However, that would not be accurate either: I have designed these maps, Brad_Tilf, these wickedly mischievous designs, of whom only the strongest can conquer, not to torment you, nor to test you. I designed them to help you, Brad_Tilf. You see, ever since you first began Dooming, I have been observing you, playing map after map, wad after wad, and though you quickly gained skill and the much-deserved confidence accompanying it, I sensed a certain tension within you: the more difficult the wads you completed, the less high you reached in your ambitions for the next one. Because, Brad_Tilf, you were afraid. You were afraid that you would not be able to conquer the next one. You were afraid that if you kept going, you would eventually reach a kind of challenge that you had no chance of overcoming. You didn't know what that challenge looked like, but you felt its presence. It haunted your thoughts by day and your dreams by night, lurking in dark shadows, never quite fully revealing itself, but briefly, in rare moments, revealing something amorphous and loathsome.


Such a monster never existed. Not until now. I designed the beast that stands before you, Brad_Tilf, for one reason and one reason only: that purpose is for it to be swiftly and decisively defeated by you. Because not only do I believe you can slay this beast -- I know you can. Of course, in your exhaustion and frustration, it is reasonable to ask: how can I trust Romero? Why should I believe he has my best interests at heart after the hell he's put me through?


It's not a matter of whether or not you believe me, Brad_tilf. It's a matter of whether or not you believe in yourself.


Now go boot up Doom. You've got demons to slay.


Your friend and humble guide,


John Romero

Why can i actually hear John Romero saying this


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7 hours ago, ⇛Marnetmar⇛ said:



My dear Brad_Tilf, 


I sense a discord within you. You seem to think that I designed these labyrinths to cause you anguish; as though I were trying, malignly, to break your spirit, sector-by-sector, line-by-line, vertex by vertex. Perhaps it would be wise for me to take some responsibility for this predicament, for regardless of my intentions, my devilish designs seem to have brought you to a point at which you would be justified in suspecting me of such heinous behavior.


The truth, Brad_Tilf, is quite the opposite. Hearing that sentence, you've probably filled in the blank for yourself, thinking it probable that, rather than being designed out of malice, they were designed to test you for some purpose unknown to you, and that your passing or failing of this test will be consequential in some way that has not been revealed to you.


However, that would not be accurate either: I have designed these maps, Brad_Tilf, these wickedly mischievous designs, of whom only the strongest can conquer, not to torment you, nor to test you. I designed them to help you, Brad_Tilf. You see, ever since you first began Dooming, I have been observing you, playing map after map, wad after wad, and though you quickly gained skill and the much-deserved confidence accompanying it, I sensed a certain tension within you: the more difficult the wads you completed, the less high you reached in your ambitions for the next one. Because, Brad_Tilf, you were afraid. You were afraid that you would not be able to conquer the next one. You were afraid that if you kept going, you would eventually reach a kind of challenge that you had no chance of overcoming. You didn't know what that challenge looked like, but you felt its presence. It haunted your thoughts by day and your dreams by night, lurking in dark shadows, never quite fully revealing itself, but briefly, in rare moments, revealing something amorphous and loathsome.


Such a monster never existed. Not until now. I designed the beast that stands before you, Brad_Tilf, for one reason and one reason only: that purpose is for it to be swiftly and decisively defeated by you. Because not only do I believe you can slay this beast -- I know you can. Of course, in your exhaustion and frustration, it is reasonable to ask: how can I trust Romero? Why should I believe he has my best interests at heart after the hell he's put me through?


It's not a matter of whether or not you believe me, Brad_tilf. It's a matter of whether or not you believe in yourself.


Now go boot up Doom. You've got demons to slay.


Your friend and humble guide,


John Romero

This is gold.

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5 hours ago, Doomgoonie said:

you will never be a civvie-eleven. sorry


But he might be able to be a CV-21

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12 hours ago, ⇛Marnetmar⇛ said:


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the WIP Doom: Evil Unleashed mod actually had Romero as part of behind the curtain development team.

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24 minutes ago, Lizardcommando said:

no shame in using IDDQD and IDKFA when things get too dicey for too long.

Last resort which I haven't resorted to as of yet and hopefully won't have to. I expect I will get through all of these levels but man....

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12 hours ago, ALilGrayBoi said:

It’s dead simple


Absolutely not. There is only one difficulty level - UV

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14 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

"UV today and UV in 1998 are NOT the same thing".


Ok i am sorry but i may of not played doom back in 1998 but i have played Ultimate Doom wads from that era and there is no difference between late 90's and modern day maps with it comes to difficulty. I think (hence the word Think) that you're just saying you hate the difficulty because John Romero made it harder because we all know that we like a challenge.


If you wanna keep arguing about the whole "well it's bad because it's hard" bullshit then keep talking like that. I personally don't understand why you made this post to rant about Sigil 2 being hard. Yeah it's hard but it was meant to be hard and this is coming from someone that beat Plutonia on UV and making episode 4 hard as hell in my personal solo project. Again if you want to keep yelling and complain about how hard or bad it is, more power to you but man, just give it a rest.


Also notice i didn't go full blown cussing and saying fuck or fucking in that?

I never said it's bad because it's hard and you obviously didn't understand the point of my rant. It is ultimate respect for what he has done

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