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Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]

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it was fun making a map for this and I am hoping to see some gameplay videos of the maps at some point. So many amazing maps in this.

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5 hours ago, KevvyLava said:

More revenant traps, boring.

Just for you, RC2 will have 200 extra revenants in MAP05. Enjoy! :)

Edited by Novaseer

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Hoooooooly shit, played the first 2 maps in a row and thought (well it's E1, I mean yeah they're city maps so they'll be longer than average, but nothing I can't plow through in 1 sitting) then I got to MAP03 and saw the monstercount.


Oh boy, I'm in for one hell of a time aren't I? 


I have LOVE LOVE LOVED what I've played so far, I didn't know this was that far along in development for RC1 state so this was a nice surprise to wake up to. Happy paddy's day to everyone on DW (just random) because I am going to drink like an Irishman tonight and then once the hangover subsides I'll get around to playing more of this. Sooo yeah I mean what else can I say? Absolutely amazing stuff. Y'all outdone yourselves, I KNEW a Myolden community project would be fire!

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I thought I recorded an FDA for Map01 but I completely forgot to add `-record $demo` to my script. I had a fun time, and it's a good introduction to the wad! I like the spectacle of Map02 a lot, even if, watching the demo, you can probably hear me asking where the fuck the ammo and armor are. I hit my unofficial half-hour time limit for FDAs, or else I definitely would have gotten the clear. The fight for the blue key reminds me a lot of Going Down Map01. Looking forward to Map03 and its monster count, judging by @bioshockfan90's post. Nice work, folks!


FDA for Map02, recorded in DSDA-Doom using an extended HUD: d2ico02fda-mralexander.zip

Edited by Mr. Alexander
Added the damn FDA

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2 hours ago, Novaseer said:

Just for you, RC2 will have 200 extra revenants in MAP05. Enjoy! :)


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Hideous, so good this looks.

Preposterous, so amazing its theme is.

Ridiculous, so many levels this wad has.


What a great release.

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I liked the first secret map. On first map of E2 now. Just some general thoughts


-lots of Doomcute, did Myolden sit y'all down in a call and mandate it? I'm not complaining, it's just so prevalent.

-Average map length is about 12-15 minutes so far, with secret map and episode closer being the exceptions. I hope this continues to be the case and by E4 I'm not playing Sunder-esque length epics. Anything over 15 minutes is like "okay, time to get serious" and sometimes monstercount can be deceiving (as was the case in 03 with it's imp populace) but I get it, city maps - like I said, as long as it doesn't start to really drag and the theme keeps getting refreshed.

-On MAP05, I couldn't figure out how to get out of the exit arena - I still had the RK to get and ended the map with 85K because I couldn't figure it out. I can teleport from the final room back to the exit arena, but the fence floors are raised up.


Yeah, I was definitely suffering from a bit of fatigue of the same colors and cramped Doomcute buildings by the end of E1 but that's why there's episodes and themes to this thing. On the whole I really like it, I can just tell it's something that needs its time taken with playing. 

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5 minutes ago, bioshockfan90 said:

-On MAP05, I couldn't figure out how to get out of the exit arena - I still had the RK to get and ended the map with 85K because I couldn't figure it out. I can teleport from the final room back to the exit arena, but the fence floors are raised up.

If you press the exit switch once to make the core red, a wall should become off-texture. Use it to access a secret teleporter that takes you outside.


However, in RC2, a switch will be added to the outside area once the Cyberdemon teleports in to lower the fence doors again. The teleporter'll just give you a secret invuln to dodge the death exit instead.

Edited by Novaseer

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Okay, one last status update, I'm about to leave for the night and won't have wifi. I got to MAP32 (E2 secret map) and I have some qualms about the process of getting the secret exit in MAP08. 



2 of the 3 required switches to get the BSK are easy enough to find, but I had to open up the editor until I saw the shootable switch by the BSK door WAYYYY off in the distance, and it doesn't help it wasn't a lit sector (maybe a bug?) so I doubt the casual player would see it unless they had gamma way up. I'm playing on latest DSDA-doom. Additionally, in the secret exit area, it is not very obvious that the circle of lights IS the secret exit trigger, maybe I'm just dumb for not walking around in that room enough or not picking up on some context clue, but it took me 30 minutes to beat the map, half of which was looking in the editor and using IDDT in the game. 


E2 has been good otherwise, the Cannonball map has probably been my favorite so far.

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I've played map 01 and I have some feedback, bugs, and general oddities.


the lift to the right of the start tends to get enemies caught, possibly try to fix with a block monster line



The manc before the red key fight is pointless and is more of an ammo sink. Maybe replace him with a revenant for some foreshadowing.




A lot of the enemies are hard to track down, for example the chaingun fight is something I only found with IDDT,




and these three random enemies that pop out of a wall when you walk through an ally





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12 hours ago, Jinxie said:

And you hope to achieve what exactly by going into the threads of people who worked hard just to insult their work like that simply because it doesn't conform to your view of what a Doom map should be? Do you hope to change the mapping tropes of a website's subset by always complaining about rev closets and TPing AVs in the threads of newly released projects? I dislike maps with a ton of secrets yet you don't see me running around to scream at every mapper who's more into the adventure mapping style that they should stop hiding so many items from the player.


Thread derailing aside, congrats everyone for the release. The bit that I've played of this wad was rather wonderful, I'll gladly recommend it to people.


Well that's just like, ya know, your opinion man.

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1 hour ago, bioshockfan90 said:

I have some qualms about the process of getting the secret exit in MAP08


Alright you win, I'll make that switch brighter :P

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2 hours ago, KevvyLava said:


Well that's just like, ya know, your opinion man.

grungo think your opinion is buttmud

Edited by Grungo

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1 hour ago, myolden said:

... We've got a hefty update here for RC2 based on all of your feedback (and then some): ...

Here's FDAs for Map01, Map02, Map03, and Map31 for RC1 in the meantime because RC2 is out: noisy_Doom 2 In City Only RC1.zip


On the side, I'm doing a half-pedantic/half-shitpost writeup on each map as I go through.  It's making me challenge my own definition of what I think a "city map" is (particularly "sandbox city maps"), and what qualities make up and make for different "types" of sandbox city maps.  And, what do I myself actually like in this regard to these.


Quick notes:

  • Map02 - Being punished by an MBF21 insta-kill death floor, for exploring late into a mostly unthreatening and mood-driven map, was not well received but maybe I deserved it. :)
  • Map03 - Bug: one door seemed to be blocked as if there's an impassible line or a hanging, blocking decoration there.
  • Map03 - Bug: HOM at vile/zerk secret (already mentioned)
  • Map31 - Sky Transfer Issue.

I'll keep chipping through these maps through the next couple weeks, Map31 is definitely my favorite so far.

Edited by SleepyVelvet

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Funny enough I've been tinkering a bit with Doom 2 and Brutality, kind of feeling the city maps there this replay. A whole megawad of some quality ones looks fantastic haha. I'll have to check this one out.


EDIT: wait, myolden!?! Frick, I just loved Nostalgia 1-2 and the small city maps in those. But I see tons of other great mappers/composers for this set too haha. Damn yeah I gotta play this soon!

Edited by Xeogred

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Sucks that Map 19 had to be canned, hope whoever is making this new map 19 best of luck.

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I had a great time working on this project and testing some of these incredible levels. Hopefully mine provides a nice, casual little breather in between some of these absolute titans. Amazing work everyone, I'm proud to have been a part of this!

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Hey, congratulations on the release!
Played through episode 1 on UV (on RC1) and have some criticisms. Some of this could be due to fatigue from playing it in one sitting, but I still think its worth it to air my concerns.
It seems most visual bugs I encountered have already been mentioned by others, so ill focus on things that frustrated me gameplay-wise (I don't have any complaints with the visuals anyway)

1-I consistently missed the SSG on every map I played. In every case, they weren't particularly hidden, but the mere fact they were missable and not extremely obvious gave me a lot of easily avoidable trouble. Map02 had the SSG visible and in a central location from the start, and i think the other maps should have done this as well. (For Map01, you could either just force me to lower the platform with the SSG on it or make the SSG visible before you lower it.) I think this would be extremely easy to fix, and would improve the map experience a lot

2-Every map was non-linear to a fault. I don't know if this was an intentional design goal, but regardless, I would have appreciated more variety in objectives. So far, every single map has had the exact same structure: Wander around for keys so you can unlock the exit door which requires all 3/6 keys. Map03 and Map05 change this slightly by allowing you to skip some keys, but not enough to feel unique. I think that adding more colored doors and signposting for what direction to go in would help alleviate the monotony and give a better sense of flow. This is definitely harder than my first critique, but I think it would go a long way.

3-Related to my previous two points, i often ended up with lots of ammo for weapons I didn't have yet. I think that addressing point 2 would go a long way to solve this issue, as I also found it common to miss weapons such as the plasma gun or rocket launcher, even when there were multiple in a level. This is more personal, but im still mentioning it.

4-This is a minor nitpick, but I found the turret enemies (mainly on map05) extremely obnoxious. The revs and chaingunners don't provide much threat, but they have insane coverage and sightlines that mean they can easily chip away at your health. It feels like a chore to clean them up. Also, the chaingunners here are particularly obnoxious. It is extremely hard to see them, and extremely easy for them to get cheap hits on you.



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Heh, the water dispenser gives out a bottle but does not want to give it directly into your hands - it gets stuck on the ceiling :D And the status bar looks somehow very uninformative because words are not displayed on it at all.

RC2, GZDoom 4.11.3.

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