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Custom icon of sin noise being canceled out


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Hey one last ditch effort here before putting my new megawad: crate expectations on /idgames 


I made custom icon of sin noise that sometimes is canceled out by other noises in dsda such as accessing menu or quicksave 


Sometimes it doesn't play out 


We used dehacked to make it top priority noise a lowered others. Still not foolproof 


It seems like nothing we can do guarantee success here but with this community sometimes secret genius appear 


Works fine in gz of course lol 


Anywho thanks for listening 

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To be clear, which "icon of sin noise" are you talking about? There are several sound effects associated with the IoS, including the sound it makes when it wakes up, the sound when it spits out a spawn cube, its pain sound, and its death sound.

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On 3/17/2024 at 7:03 AM, Clippy said:

I placed spawner that noise no targets


With all respect, this sentence doesn't make sense in english...

Edited by fekete

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7 minutes ago, fekete said:


With all respect, this sentence doesn't make sense in english...


I'm so sorry buddy 


I placed a spawner. Without targets 


You know the icon of sin alert noise? To win the game you must kill Me john Romero but backwards?


It's that noise I am trying to work with here 


If that still isn't clear I cab explain more later

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It's map 30 of this



I didn't originally post this cause I thought it would look like plugging 


Then I felt called out by @plums new thread


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