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How do you all play wads?


I want to know how people play through wads  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you all play wads?

    • Casually going through the maps. Not particularly hunting for secrets or kills.
    • Completionist hunting for all kills and secrets.
    • Speedrunner aiming to be as fast as possible.
    • Other cause I can't think of other ways to play but what do I know.

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I'm curious how people play wads here. Like are you playing to finish casually whether or not you get all the secrets? Are you trying to 100% kills and secrets before moving on? Or are you a speed runner aiming for the par time or just for the sake or racing.

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Blindfolded with both hands tied behind my back.  The true doom god way.  But seriously, I play casually the first time I play a wad, then go for some challenge thing like pistol start, or under a certain time, or one of the usual challenges like UV-max, NM-speed etc.. 

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Either super casually with saves, sometimes trying a certain fight a few times to see if I can get it consistent, or super sweaty with no saves at all and recording demos to see how far I can get before I die. Occasionally I'll do the second thing for speed, but the demos are really just a way to enforce "no saves." I don't focus too hard on any one wad at a time, which is probably "bad" in the sense that it means I never reach the consistency I'd like, but it's fun and I like taking everything for a test drive even if I never end up leaving the lot with a car I love.

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I try to find most secrets and kills if I can. If I can't after a little bit of searching its not the end of the world though, but if say I get to the end of a map and there's 100 monsters left I haven't found I gotta know what that is.

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44 minutes ago, Guff dotD said:

I right click on the wad file, then click 'open'.

I tried this but it takes forever for Notepad to open it? And it just shows a bunch of letters and numbers and stuff? How do I play the game??? I thought you could play Doom using Notepad now???




Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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Played the same way for 31 years.

It's all about the killing and murdering of demons for me. Couldn't give two squirts of piss about secrets.
Anything that distracts me from killing more demons I consider completely unnecessary.

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I play "reasonably casually, with a hint of bloodthirst."

Which is to say, I don't necessarily give a complete toss about 100% Secrets/Items, and I just take my merry time.
But along the way, I will at least TRY to go for 100% kills, unless - in the almighty words of MtPain27 - "its just not worth it".
No way in bullfucking Hell am I going to scour some over-designed eyecandy map the size of Kentucky, just to find that one zombieman that got lucky.

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if i encounter some nice architecture or doomcute, i would complete the battle in that map section, then take my time (sometimes several minutes) taking multiple screenshots of the subject before continuing my way :P

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I play casually, killing the monsters and finding the secrets that I do naturally without worrying about 100%. I even go as far as to hide the stats, at least for first playthroughs.

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I aim for a completion run. I consult doom wiki sometimes to help out with that. I alternate between pistol staring or going continuous depending on what I feel like. 

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Playing the WAD is only half the experience, you gotta then take to the Internet; usually these very forums, but YouTube comment sections will suffice in a pinch; and complain about the secrets, or that UV was very hard and made you feel inadequate.

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depends on my mood and the reason I play the wad. Casually to just enjoy the maps I don't do 100% and may use saves, if I play the wad to challenge myself and git gud I do saveless 100% pistol starts

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You didn't include 100% kills but not looking for secrets because I'm bad at secrets. :P


I don't always tbh, as some maps I just want to get out of. But generally if I am having fun I will try to kill everything. I mostly Pistol-start for anything that isn't a playtest. I used to go for saveless, but it was making the game miserable so I use saves, I just try not to save scrub too much.

Edited by NecrumWarrior

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I guess it depends.  If I have a choice between running for the exit or almost certain death in the name of clearing out the horde of monsters around it I'll take the exit most times, under the rationale of "if the mapper really wanted me to kill them all the scenario would've been built that way" (see me waving to the MAP29 cyberdemon every single time).  I usually don't go hunting around for whatever last imp on a ledge or caco that floated off into the clouds, although interestingly in regards to @MEMEAIDS it got me thinking I'm actually more likely to do so if it's a really big nice looking map environment--love to have the opportunity to walk around in the quiet I've earned, look at all the pretty details I was too preoccupied to see before, probably forget what I was looking for until I hear a snort-snort or get hit with a fireball or something.  If I'm really invested in the map I'll be in no hurry to get out.


Secret hunting is fun but I'm not very good at it, so it's a rare day I have the patience to actually suss out 100% of them.

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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1 hour ago, Jayextee said:

Playing the WAD is only half the experience, you gotta then take to the Internet; usually these very forums, but YouTube comment sections will suffice in a pinch; and complain about the secrets, or that UV was very hard and made you feel inadequate.

Then you gotta contact the author via Direct Message, Discord, Phone Call or at their home address. Here you can ask ALL the questions you want, like "why is there no Brutal Doom support?" "When will you update?" and "why are you asking me to leave? I'm SUCH a big fan!!"


It's just classic Doom tradition, don't ask me about it.

Edited by Mr Masker

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Kind of in between casual and completionist style. I generally try to get all kills and secrets in my playthroughs, but if there's a secret that is too obtuse and I can't figure it out even after iddt and a couple of minutes of wandering, I just say screw it and exit the map.

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Same as @whybmonotacrab and @ReaperAA. I attempt to go for all kills and all secrets, but if I get stumped it's not a deal breaker, I'll just move on. Regarding not just Doom but video games in general, I really feel like looking outside info on a blind playthrough taints the experience. I'm loath enough do so on a completionist re-run to begin with...

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I usually play casually without worrying about secrets/kills. Then, if I really liked the WAD, I might want to do it again in more depth, and maybe (try to) speedrun it. Also, WADS like The Golden Souls make me want to find all the secrets (big coins in that case).

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I play it straight and narrow until I can't anymore and then do one of the following:


  • Look at the wiki for a hint / walkthrough
  • Open up doom builder to see if I can figure it out
  • Check YouTube for playthroughs to help me out
  • Resort to cheating to make progress (arguably point 1 - 3 could be considered that)

And roughly in that order as well. Obviously, by the way I reach point #4 any legitimacy is out the window and I'm just having fun. Hopefully on my 2nd playthrough, if that happens, I will be able to remember what to do and where to go. I mostly struggle with switches / locks / keys and general progression, because I'm daft as can be. Looking at doom builder to see what arcane incantation or machination opens some door / sector is usually what gets me on track again, and with hindsight the solution is usually painfully obvious. Usually.

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HMP Continous, casually (not going for all secrets/kills). I also save a lot, I have quicksave bound to capslock and quickload bound to v, which is the standard control scheme I use when playing a game that have qs/ql. 


Also if the wad doesn’t do it for me, I pistol start manually at the beginning of each episode. So for 32 map megawads that’s a pistol start at map12 and map21.

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I like hunting for secrets and optional areas. But if the mapset is known for completely unmarked secrets without hints or simple texture misalignments I may not care.

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On 3/19/2024 at 1:08 AM, ALilGrayBoi said:

Works just fine for me 


Absolutely baller.

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Casual style, sometimes i go for 100% kills and some secrets, but most of the time i get through the levels with 70-80% kills and 0% secrets.

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