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Help finding a level on the tip of my tongue

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I was watching decino's playthrough of going down the other day and I noticed that the layout of the rooftop on the first map reminded me a lot of a level I remember playing a while ago. I'm trying to figure out what that level is, I could've sworn I watched decino play it as well but I can't find it in any of his playlists. Maybe it was a different youtuber? The layout is almost identical to going down's map 1 but all of the monsters are used. There's a ton of zombiemen, a few cyberdemons, and a lot of cacodemons flying around. At some point you can teleport to adjacent rooftops to shoot at the monsters and you need to teleport to a handful to beat the level if I remember correctly.


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Sounds like Going Down Map32, in which you go back to the rooftop to talk to your mother on your cell phone, but if that were the map you were thinking of, it would have appeared right in the middle of decino's playlist. Check again, just in case!

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39 minutes ago, Mr. Alexander said:

Sounds like Going Down Map32, in which you go back to the rooftop to talk to your mother on your cell phone, but if that were the map you were thinking of, it would have appeared right in the middle of decino's playlist. Check again, just in case!

Crap you're completely right. I didn't check the other going down levels because I could've sworn I played it and I haven't played going down. Super weird mandela effect

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