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Worst official level?

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To be honest, unpopular opinion (not really), I think out of doom, doom II, Plutonia and TNT, I would say I have my least favorite levels in each of them, doom is unholy cathedral, doom II is the factory, i was thinking of putting the chasm there but the factory is way way worse in my opinion, there is no bad maps in Plutonia in my opinion. and TNT is habitat for obvious reasons, but out of those 3 levels, habitat is the worse.

Doom - E3M5 - Unholy Cathedral
Doom II - Map 12 -The Factory ( i dont think downtown or industrial zone are that bad )
Plutonia  - None
TNT - Map 22 - Habitat

Edited by MisterLivers

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10 hours ago, entropy122 said:

Yo another possibly unpopular opinion, but MAP02

I get stuck on it every time (maybe I'm bad?)

Of what? Plutonia, TNT, II, what?

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E3M5, unholy cathedral. Just so many teleporters that lead in and out with barely and indicator as to which does which. the teleporter to the inside of the cathedral is flashing but i didn't notice that until much much later. Civvie said this part best: "Hey you see this crudely drawn sign that looks like a devil? It means there's demons in there!". The "Unholy" part is 100% Correct, this is unholy map design. its also symmetrical, which makes it really confusing even when you pull up the automap..


1/10. MAP21 did the "Teleporter centered map" thing better, even if it wasn't very good.


don't get me started on Gate to E3M7.

Edited by SwiftBlitz

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My submission would be map21 of TNT "Administration center" just because it is such a slog to play and a bit confusing at times, doesn't help it comes right after map20 "Central proccessing" which is also quite long.

I know map22 "Habitat" is technically worse but at least a lot of it can be skipped.

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Ultimate Doom = Slough of Despair

(I get it map hand is cool, the level is clostrophobic w/ barely enough ammo.  A miserable experience)


Doom II = The Innmost Dens

(I have to mentally prepare myself to tackle this one, Hit-Scanner Hell w/ platforming and backtracking)


Doom II Master Levels = The Catwalk

(NEVER....AGAIN......fine someday....)


Final Doom TNT =  The Mil

(10 hours later....)


Final Doom PlutoniaAbattoire

(Forget everything about this map, dang circle room seriously infuriating)

Edited by LegendaryEevee

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Gate to Limbo, I was super confused when I first played it and it suffers from a BS level design.


For Doom 2 probably Suburbs because it looks much worse than downtown and that final elevating blocks segment.


Final Doom TNT: Most of the maps except Wormhole because that one rocks

Plutonia: Didn't like Aztec too much

Edited by The Doommer

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Final Doom aside, the only two maps in DOOM 1 and 2 that I genuinely, actively dislike are:


E3M1 Hell Keep - This one really feels like the demons ran out of time/budget and put up a cardboard cutout of a castle with all sorts of assorted bullshit inside to keep Doomguy busy


MAP20 Gotcha! - In which John Romero tries to be Sandy Petersen and goes insane in the process. I've seen this map get a lot of praise and I just don't understand - the big infight thing is cool I guess, but after your first playthrough it essentially amounts to an unskippable cutscene, and beyond that I think the map has some of the worst aesthetics and combat in the IWADs.

Edited by Tiramisu

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doom 1: e2 refinery and Command centre plus the map in the shape of human hand 

doom 2: factory and Chasm 

Master level: Teeth( level with lifts)

Plutonia: map 1

tnt metal and map 21 


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11 hours ago, Tiramisu said:

E3M1 Hell Keep - This one really feels like the demons ran out of time/budget and put up a cardboard cutout of a castle with all sorts of assorted bullshit inside to keep Doomguy busy

ROTFLMAO! The best description of Hell Keep ever :) Somebody did remake it a few years ago, wasn't a bad job.

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All of Lost Mission fucking hell at least it's clean and readable in the editor but that's about it it's boring and I don't like it

Edited by BonciuADV

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14 hours ago, Zahid said:

Plutonia: map 1

At least it's realistic to the actual Congo, a shitshow


I don't really like any of the TNT maps after map 4

Edited by eanasir

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On 4/26/2024 at 4:02 PM, LegendaryEevee said:

Doom II Master Levels = The Catwalk

(NEVER....AGAIN......fine someday....)


I as personally found out the other day, most of Chris Klie's Master Levels work wasn't as bad as I once thought they were. But honestly, I just couldn't tolerate it without a different sky texture, custom music, and the knowledge that Klie did something pretty good for someone with such a limited machine, at the time (heck, he was one of the few folks ever to make money as a Doom mapper directly, back in the day). Ironically, the Catwalk was one of the few maps of his I didn't dislike _that_ much in my first playthrough of Christen's 12 Master maps, knowing ahead, that the titular structure was a one-time-walk-over, helped me quite a bit in that regard. Maybe I'm just not hardcore enough about Doom, or maybe my senses and taste are a little dulled, maybe my custom Master Levels WAD makes me see things a little different, who knows, I just know I can appreciate those maps more now, at least, for what they did.



I can also hook you with said custom WAD for playing the Master Levels correctly, if you are willing to try.


Wink wink



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i think that all doom levels are good. except the focus i HATED the focus, shotgunners and chaingunners in the dark? SURE. pretty good for deathmaches tho


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3 hours ago, elf-alchemist said:


I as personally found out the other day, most of Chris Klie's Master Levels work wasn't as bad as I once thought they were. But honestly, I just couldn't tolerate it without a different sky texture, custom music, and the knowledge that Klie did something pretty good for someone with such a limited machine, at the time (heck, he was one of the few folks ever to make money as a Doom mapper directly, back in the day). Ironically, the Catwalk was one of the few maps of his I didn't dislike _that_ much in my first playthrough of Christen's 12 Master maps, knowing ahead, that the titular structure was a one-time-walk-over, helped me quite a bit in that regard. Maybe I'm just not hardcore enough about Doom, or maybe my senses and taste are a little dulled, maybe my custom Master Levels WAD makes me see things a little different, who knows, I just know I can appreciate those maps more now, at least, for what they did.


  Reveal hidden contents

I can also hook you with said custom WAD for playing the Master Levels correctly, if you are willing to try.


Wink wink



This is one of my criticisms about the Master Levels, how most of the wads start in Map 01, meaning that you'll be getting used to seeing the same brown sky texture over and over again. Surprisingly, none of the wads have the maps set anywhere between Map 12 and 20, meaning that other than the Hell sky texture that you'll see in Soundblock's Black Tower, the city sky texture misses out. A real pity that Master Levels never compiled the wads together into a megawad, and while Jim Flynn and Dr. Sleep had custom sky textures for their own wads, the project itself could have benefitted from new skies. I have the same sympathy for Catwalk as I do enjoy the concept a fair bit, in fact, I'd take it over Doom 2's The Chasm any day, and heck, I'm glad to see it have some love among those in the Doom community as Valkiriforce did a really good homage to it in his Doom Core megawad with Map 09: The Foxtrot.

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7 hours ago, T-Rex said:

This is one of my criticisms about the Master Levels

I just tend to not think very much of the Master Level's originl 20 WAD release, but I wasn't gonna sit on my ass all day complaining, so I took JP LeBreton's "WadSmoosh" and "Works of the Masters" and converted them to non-ZDoom based ports thanks to UMAPINFO, on my post on the "consensus on the master levels" thread I deatailed the map and episode flow, plus my general feelings for these whole episodes. I just couldn't let a pity stay a pity like that, I just needed to do them justice. Dr. Sleep's Inferno has the tweaked SKY4 from UDTWiD, Flynn's Titan has the long sky featuring the ringed gas giant, Kvernmo's Cabal, of course, has the Doom 2 hell sky, Klie's has a simple starry night sky, but I left the default RSKY1 for the remainder Lost Levels by Mustaine, Chasar and Willits. And that's not to mention all the MIDIs added, having the Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 MIDI packs to save the day (also detailed in that thread).

Edited by elf-alchemist
added missing url

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On 4/27/2024 at 8:10 PM, elf-alchemist said:

Maybe I'm just not hardcore enough about Doom, or maybe my senses and taste are a little dulled, maybe my custom Master Levels WAD makes me see things a little different, who knows, I just know I can appreciate those maps more now, at least, for what they did.


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I can also hook you with said custom WAD for playing the Master Levels correctly, if you are willing to try.


Wink wink


100% agree my friend.  My frustrations with this map is due to my own software limitations.  I am doing the youtube to try and save money for a Desktop computer to make better content.  Stuck playing at work on break without audio right now unless I'm on unity.  My platforming skills with a PS4 controller on Unity Port were not having this level.  The amount of restarts because of the two inescapable death pits literally gave me a migraine LOL.  As a whole I LOVE the Master Levels though.  The flaws they have I think give them their own unique charm as a Time Capsule of DooM.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Doom I: Unholy Cathedral

Always get lost in this level until I remember that when I get teleported, to continue... I have to... get into the teleporter... I just came from... Cause... That's...

a... different one for some reason....... ugh. So many running around in circles.


Doom II: Industrial Zone

I never want to spend getting lost nearly forty-five minutes long with that MIDI in the background. Running from evil? More like running from LAME har har I won


TNT: Habitat

Obvious reasons, popular opinion etc.


Haven't completed Plutonia yet, and there's been no level I actively dislike. I'm in MAP11 currently. 


The Master Levels: Titan Manor

It looks nice, but give me Subterra any day over it. Just purely cryptic bazingas. Not for me. 



Edited by Stroopwafel

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I'll never understand people who dislike Slough of Despair. 


E3M7 on the other hand, yeah. I'd call that one just utter garbage. Uninspired level design filled with that unorthodox teleport puzzle. I still find it funny how Sandy blames Tom Hall for Unholy Cathedral's teleporters and here he is.

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On 4/23/2024 at 8:40 AM, Plerb said:

bad map.jpg


This map is the worst in the game , easily....... it's like if Sandy Petursen was "HIGH" as he was makign this Map! it's like he forgot that he was working at id stoftware, and instead was working as a DRUG dealer!!!!! he was snortieng PILES!!!!!!! as he made this map. It's like if he was SToned , and he did too much DRug's, and pased out onto the computer screen and shat out this map. All the other id member's are too blame for this aswell, as they did not ste p in for when sandy was makieng this Horredous pile of "GARBIDGE". Thsi is why you kill "John Romero" at the end of Doom 2.. as revenge for him that he didn't confiscate sandy's coumputer when he was makign this,, as well as his WEed. this map is a peace of Fucking cr*p. first of all the map is Piss, in terms of quality. i coudl make a betetr one in 5min. in this map it's like snady was consuming inhumane amount's, and we get to bear the brunt of it. Just how HIGH do you have to even be just do MAKE something like that.......... sandy know's the Answer. if there was a wolrd competiotn for how Stoned one man can get sandy petersen would win $10000000. this may have been his End goal, to quit id and live the HIGH life, literaly as he'd be smokign so much JOINT that he'd invent a new type of Consiousness. HOW did id softwaer didn't fire him right then and there for this blunder. he was also responsible for the new enemy type known as the "Evil Drugmaster" who is exactly what it sounds. doom 2 was much worse a game thanks to this new enemy. you cant' even DODGE his projectile's , not because of any "Skill Issue" of mine but because it's a bad enemy that shoot's too much. if i was sandt petersn i would cry Every night thinking about the negatively impact this map had on the "Doom Game", the gaming induestry in genereal, but most importantly, the Humble Gamer. The damage to the Humble Gamer is tremendous and can only be repaired if Sandy petersen pays me $10000 "Up Front" to remove this map from all copies of the doomgame, and gives me all those drug's so i can see what kind of "SMOKE" he's been using all this time, so i can attempt to make a map even worse . but what i was saying is the hubmle gamer's have been Negatively impacted by this map, many a gamer were broken not just there PC's , but their Saving's, in rage of this map, and have become complettely $0.000 broke. If sandy petersen gives me all those drug money i will GLADly pay back all those gamers lost in unfortanate situation`s, give them a new Car, and yes, an Ultimate Gamer Trophy rewarding those who fought back against the tyranical Sandy,


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On 4/21/2024 at 12:57 PM, JadedFanatic said:

For DOOM 1, honestly, I really dislike Mt. Erebus. The level looks poor, the rooms and monster encounters are all haphazardly thrown together and the level's just really, annoyingly convoluted.


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22 minutes ago, JadedFanatic said:

Did you mean to send a message there?

Heh. No, I was agreeing with you on Mt. Erebus in particular, because I hadn't seen anyone name it up to that point. It's possible I missed it though.

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