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What Is The Best Weapon In Doom In Your Opinion?

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The Shotgun.

  • Accurate at long range.
  • Plenty of ammo for it.
  • Decent damage output against mid tier monsters.

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4 hours ago, LoserXylophone said:

In my opinion it is the super shotgun.

I agree. IMO it's the most satisfying weapon to fire, in terms of sound, damage output, animation (I liked Doom 64 but the lack of reload animation on the ssg was painful to watch), stun chance per shot and the fact that it encourages close quarter combat. It was the perfect addition for Doom 2. I'm probably biased because I  played Doom 2 first.


The truth is that the weapons are very well balanced and fill different roles, so depending the map/fight/scenario they can be great or useless.


PD: Killing pinkies with the SSG is such an eargasm.

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Hard question to answer because Doom's weaponry is generally quite balanced with each filling their niche role(s).

I'd say in terms of pure versatility, it probably goes to the chaingun. 

Edited by Robo_Cola

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The chainsaw is seriously underrated. I make minced meat out of demons, imps, cacos and occasionally even hell knights. The first 3 can easily be stun locked and you get a free kill saving ammo, the hell knight is a bit tricky and requires quick reactions.


I don't know why people hate it so much, once I understood how to use it properly I make use of it whenever safely possible. Granted, not good for crowds usually, but one on one and it takes down a caco faster than berserk punching, and there is less of a chance for retaliation. Just be mindful of other monsters shooting at you while you're chopping, other than that it doesn't deserve the hate.



Favourite weapon is probably the chain gun. Incredibly versatile and effective at all ranges.

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Cyberdemon, the future of warfare:

✓ almost fully autonomous, very little input required

✓ flesh AND steel

✓ massive damage

✓ crowd-control

✓ stomping sound and loud warcry for easy location tracking

✓ unlimited ammo

✓ close, medium and long range capability

✓ gibs!



Disclaimer: we are not liable for any physical and psychological damage caused by infighting rockets, facerockets, face-checking around the corner, close-quarters proximity to a cyberdemon and other similar and non-similar sources of cyberdemon-related stress.

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BFG. Not only because it's the most powerful weapon in Doom, but also because of how it works. It's a high risk high reward weapon and requires more skill than other weapons to use well.

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Super shotgun is super fun to use, but I love the rocket launcher and BFG. All three of these weapons have varying degrees of risk/reward that make them all great to play with.

Edited by BGreener

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My Top 5 in terms of what's the most awesome and badass: 


1. BFG9000

2. Plasma Rifle
3. Chaingun

4. Super Shotgun
5. Rocket Launcher 


My Top 5 in terms of practicality and usage in combat:


1. Plasma Rifle

2. Super Shotgun (could swap places with Plasma Rifle if need be)

3. Chaingun

4. BFG-9000 (if only due to having the heaviest ammo consumption more than anything else)

5. Rocket Launcher 


Honorable mentions for both lists: Berserk Pack and Chainsaw

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If it's a blind run and you're unsure what's coming up then I'd say Plasma Gun. High DPS and high pain chance means it's a trusty all-rounder.


If it's a map you know, then overall the Super Shotgun is the go-to weapon for me.

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Chaingun/Plasma is usually the safest bet, though SSG is good when you're able to take it slower

Edited by yuakuru

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Depends what you're shooting...

If it's a Mastermind or a Cyberdemon, something like a pistol or shotgun isn't exactly your best weapon and a BFG against a single lone zombieman isn't your best weapon either. As far as "general all-purpose for most situations" weapons go, the super shotgun and chaingun are probably your best picks. SS packs a wicked punch up close against heavy enemies while the chaingun is good for mowing down large groups of lower enemies easily. It also has a decent enough fire-rate to keep some demons in a pain state long enough they aren't even a threat anymore.

The best weapon for the job is determined by what the job is.

12 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

BFG. Not only because it's the most powerful weapon in Doom, but also because of how it works. It's a high risk high reward weapon and requires more skill than other weapons to use well.

I disagree. I'd put the rocket launcher's risk/reward higher. Nothing riskier (or more annoying) than firing off a volley of rockets only to have a lost soul go kamikaze and charge from off screen, intercept a rocket at point blank and eliminate you both from hell's gene pool.

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I feel the safest all around with Plasma. Very good DPS, perfectly accurate (although with travel time) and the rate of fire allows painlocking all but the hardiest enemies.


The only major drawback is the projectile size, which can make shooting around corners finnicky. So to get the most out of it, you actually have to expose yourself to the enemies. No corner peeking/camping like with the SSG is pretty much the only drawback.


But for big crowds/hordes, BFG of course. Nothing comes even close in that scenario, but it just wastes ammo in most normal situations otherwise.

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There really isn't a best weapon. The combat in Doom is like a puzzle. Every weapon drains health of enemies and can be used depending on the combat scenario.

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