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I Have Beat Both Doom 1 And Doom 2 Now

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I have now beat Doom 1 and 2 and here is my opinion on them I think that Doom 1 has way better levels and is more fun to play compared to doom 2 but I think that Doom 2 has a way better final boss The Icon Of Sin compared to The Spider Mastermind in Doom 1. Also Doom 2 has more weapons... ok only one more weapon and Doom 2 also has more monster verity then Doom 1 but some of the new enemies can go jump off a cliff. So basically Doom 2 has more but Doom 1 is more fun to play so over all I think Doom 1 is a 9.7/10 and Doom 2 is a 8.9/10 in my opinion and now on to Doom 3.

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If you enjoyed Doom 1 & 2, I heavily recommend that you check out some community made map packs, such as Italo-Doom or Dimensions.

Edited by Li'l devil

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Or better yet, than Doom 3 that is, why dont you dive into the wondeful world of community wads. Once you do you will find that the deep end goes down forever and you may never come back up for air. Nostalgia and Nostalgia 2 are perfect places to get your feet wet after having just finished the iwads. 😀

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I agree that Doom's levels are better than those in Doom 2. Last time I played Doom 2 (after playing it dozens of times) I got to level 9 and just thought, most of these levels aren't that great after level 6. I think I'll stop now. Haven't played it since.

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If you get to Final Doom the original two become a bit boring in comparison

never bothered to play 3 so I dunno

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I like to say this;
Comparing E3M8 to MAP30 is like comparing human feces to moldy cheese. You really don't wanna put either of them in your system, but one is obviously a greater poison than the other.

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For a serious reccomendation I would say play Scythe.


It's split into 3 episodes, and they ascend in difficulty.


Episode 1 is on par with doom 1 in difficult,

Episode 2 is a bit beyond that and steadily gets harder throughout,

Episode 3 is, especially if you've only played Doom 1 and 2, a massive step up in difficulty and will challenge you, especially the last handful of levels.


If the difficulty starts to feel too much, play something else and come back, it can feel great to breeze past the stuff that once gave you trouble. Don't be afraid of saving as well, because you can challenge yourself to do something hard in X number of saves, and as you get better decrease that number.

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Nostalgia and it's sequel are fantastic starter PWADS. So is Ichinichi, if you want to try something a little more unique and sometimes silly. If you're past these and wanna try something spicy, maybe give Plutonia a try! It's tough but the wads I mentioned bridge the gap from Doom 2 to Plut pretty okay.

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