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Ready to do sprites & graphics.


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Just give me a general idea (or detailed description) of what is needed, and at what resolution.

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Unfortunatly I don't own Doom, so the status page contains to little information for me (i.e. how much sprites, at what resolution...)

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Okay, um, weird. Well, what kind of sprites can you do? I could help out with the kind of info you need if you just say what you could do. For instance, we need some marble columns, various other decorations, and some monsters. Just tell me what you can do.

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Take a look at the Sprites status file. Each item in the game has a 4-character name (eg. VILE for the archvile). There are then different frames of animation for the item, which are given a letter of the alphabet. Each frame then has up to 8 rotations, each of which is assigned a number. So PLAYA1 is the player facing forwards in the first animation, PLAYB1 is the player facing forwards in the second animation. PLAYA5 is the player facing backwards in the first animation, etc.

Some items dont have rotations; they have a single sprite which appears for all sides. For these, they have a single sprite with '0' for the rotation number. The candle is CANDA0, for example.

Some rotations exist as mirror images of other rotations, for example the player facing left (PLAYA2) is the mirror image of the player facing right (PLAYA8), so these are merged into a single sprite named PLAYA2A8. Doom takes care of this and mirrors the sprite as appopriate.

It will probably be hard for you to do the more complicated animated items (monsters etc.) as you dont have a copy of doom but it shouldnt be too difficult to do some of the more simple ones - most of the simple powerups and decorations are just single frame, single rotation.

Hope this helps.

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The point of Freedoom is to create a brand new game which is completely indepedent of Doom - so it makes sense that people who don't actually own Doom might want to be involved.

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