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EDZ-SNDS - A Monster Sound Replacement Mod!

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Hey there. :)


Here is EDZ-SNDS, a monster sound replacement mod that I cooked up for a YouTube video and then thought, "what the heck, let's stick a link to it here as well in case someone wants to check it out."


I've replaced all of the monster vocalisations, the claw scratch, the revenant swing and punch, but everything else is left untouched. It's deliberately silly (as I made it for a bit) but a lot of work and fun went into it.


Tested on: GzDoom 4.11.3, DSDA 0.27.5, and Crispy uhhhh I forget what version.

DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1v7o04qtndcpgxj6z3u1f/EDZ-snds.wad?rlkey=ojec8ta4jqh3y568lpxguo7bw&dl=1


Video of me making and testing the mod:






-Edz xoxo

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Gives off youtube channel with a level I've never seen before, with a version of brutal doom I've never seen before, played on an Iphone vibes

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